The children from the brothels of Saxony a monster swamp
Skandalöse Defizite in den Ermittlungen zum Leipziger Kinderbordell
5.5. 09
1993 wurde ein Leipziger Kinderbordell geräumt. Bei den Ermittlungen zu diesem Fall gab es, wie ein Polizist jetzt aussagte, „Mängel“ in Aufarbeitung... Der Beamte, sich 1999 und 2000 dienstlich mit dem Fall befasste, hat dabei „erheblich Defizite“ festgestellt, wie er jetzt, 2009, als Zeuge vor dem Untersuchungsausschuss zur sog. Sachensumpf-Affäre aussagte. So habe er sich darüber gewundert, warum niemand von den Ermittlern I asked some of the underage girls from the brothel to their customers.
wonder the us not, but we wonder that, in this swamp area of \u200b\u200bthe pack crime, the man knew well after the Fall as the epitome of Western freedom (following 1989 a porn boom erupted in the former GDR) ever identified. The fact that prosecutors and judges to the customers of the sold n children had heard was, for him, "incomprehensible," said the detective.
For now adults, who as minors in the brothel, which is quite understandable. This is what they said they were also referred to these men from these Groups of people have been among the customers. This became known two years ago, as a dossier of intelligence Saxon became acquainted with data showing that lawyers were involved in the affair. The allegations ranged from abuse of child prostitution and gang violence. The investigation of the lawyers were by the prosecution, however, Dresden set a year ago.
This all reeks of the Belgian Dutroux process where further investigations were not also have been set, investigators and witnesses died suddenly. The funniest part of the swamp thing from Saxony is that the pimp was only four years for his crimes. The judge had a deal with his lawyer (!) Made and assured him that he had no information on the customer must make. A Schweinehnhandel we call it this would not be the first to occur in the German justice perpetrators and judges in a person. as only remember the clean court of honor men of Memmingen. As for the lawyer who was said to be involved in the deal to fall Kinderverschacherung us only: the judiciary is a whore and their willing assistants are also in the brothel.