Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pancake Recipe To Cook Under 15 Mins

outrage and inaction of the police torture and rape of five-year-old

rape of a 15-year-olds:

Interior Ministry official response to the police operation

Open questions on Thursday about in Dusseldorf
Bonn. (Dab) How could it happen that a sex offender (25), a 15-year-old had 18 hours in his power, even though the police knew to whom it was with the man and knew his home address? Why send the control center no patrol car there? If the act can be prevented?
· process against rapists in June (23/04/2009)
· rape of a 15-year-old: police reportedly detained files (16/04/2009)
∙ Bonn prosecutor calls for preventive detention convicted sex offenders (08/04/2009)
· offenders sex offender raped 15-year-old (07/04/2009) http://www k = local & itemid = 10 490 = 577 960 & detailID
• After raping a 15-year-olds? http://www.general-anzeiger-bonn Now prosecutors determined yet (04/04/2009). de / index.php? k = local & itemid = 10 490 = 576 406 & detailID
• The victim's family is stunned (03.04.2009)
· rape of a 15-year-olds: No investigations against police officers (02/04/2009)
× 15-year-old in the hands of a rapist: police powers are liable to prosecution? (01/04/2009)
· sex offender posed as cop (28.03.2009) http://www.general k = local & itemid = 10 490 = 573 628 & detailID
× 15-year-old from Bonn kidnapped and raped (26/03/2009)

is open here if necessary, as the police gangs to speak out now, after the emergency call to the witness with full knowledge of the address of the seriously criminal convicts, that of the perpetrator and the crime scene, idly zuwarteten, close offices without having to stop violence estrus sex machine. Did they perhaps delektiert komplizenhaftem with pleasure at the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the offenders had probably with the girl he pulls into the car, was planning grunted and related slavering sexist sayings? There are yes no witness. But you can imagine. Also, we can very well imagine what was going on in the minds of the supervisors, who targeted not against the police officers determined idle, but his relentless half staggered. A touch of Dutroux process, where is all under one roof, which were only interested in finding out anything. What the government is now separate from dt knowledge about the police inaction protected, and improved crime, will make a further Kotzprobe mentality of accomplices in this farce is sexist.

Pomeranian In Heat Sick

Italy: child pornography with torture and rape of five-year-old discovered

Die italienische Polizei hat einen Kinderschänderring aufgedeckt, an dem 69 Personen beteiligt gewesen sein könnten. Vier Verdächtige, die untereinander Kinderpornos getauscht haben sollen, wurden bereits verhaftet.

Auf den beschlagnahmten pädophilen Videos ist zu sehen, wie gefesselte Kinder im Alter von fünf Jahren verprügelt und vergewaltigt werden. Es wird angenommen, dass die Videos nicht in Italien entstanden sind.

Der Hominide ist das einzige Lebewesen, das sich am Leiden von Kindern begeilt.

Auch aus den Vergewaltigunglagern im Jugoslawienkrieg kursierten Videos, die die Massenvergewaltigungen live presents. they were tearing paragraph at a very popular type of a population that is begeilte like Pavlov dogs on it.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Brazilian Wax Men Wiki

New Swiss Criminal Jus Pädokriminelle

Switzerland: New Code of Criminal Procedure protects pedophiles

The news comes just right as a contribution to the current discussion on the culprits Affairs Justice of Switzerland on the occasion of repeated serious sex crimes and murders released by ready files well-known offenders, of which hundreds of completely free with no control of the courts . roam The recent improvement in the protection perpetrators by discouraging police work, which is sharply criticized by the police itself, is another blow for the victims and all die vergeblich auf eine Änderung der seit Jahrzehnten von der linken Kriminellenlobby ausgebauten Täterrechte hoffen. Das Argument Datenschutz ist in diesem Falle windig. Denn es werden erwiesenermassen die Täter vor der effektiveren Fahndung bewahrt, die bisher noch dank der Internetkontrolle ermittelt werden können, wie die Polizei aus eigener Praxis bestens weiss und auch zur Kenntnis gibt. Keiner der "Experten" kann sagen, er habe von nichts gewusst. Aber wieviele mögen dabei sein, die selber als Täter in Frage kämen?

19.4.2009 Mit der neuen Strafprozessordnung, die 2011 in Force occurs, the methods of investigation to be heavily restricted. Preventive investigations against pedophiles are no longer with the new federal law possible.

Internet crimes: 6,500 new cases

hardcore pornography, including child pornography, 2008 were the most common cause of suspicious transactions to the Swiss Coordination Unit for Cybercrime (Kobik). Overall, the Kobik one last year more than 6,500 new messages, such as the Federal Office of Police (Fedpol) compared to the "Sonntag said.

hardcore pornography accounted for 16 percent of all references - more than 1000 messages. Until today against 13 Schweizer Bürger ein Strafverfahren eingeleitet.
«Neu darf ein Polizist nicht mehr unter einem falschen Namen im Netz patroullieren, um allfällige Pädokriminelle ausfindig zu machen», sagt Beat Hensler, Präsident der kantonalen Polizeikommandanten und damit oberster Polizist der Schweiz, gegenüber der Zeitung «Sonntag».

Die Polizei hat weniger Kompetenzen, um Straftaten zu verhindern», so Hensler weiter: «Es wird wohl so sein, dass man das eine oder andere Delikt nicht mehr wird verhindern können.»

Die Polizei ist empört. «Eine inakzeptable Behinderung der Polizeiarbeit», kritisiert Heinz Buttauer, Präsident des Verbands Schweizerischer Polizei-Beamter. An undercover investigation could only be performed if there is already a crime was committed - that is too late. "The preventive aspect is gone," says Butt Auer: "Every private eye has more powers than the police." (Bru)


A good overview of the efforts to legalize Pädokriminalität also be found at:

asserted as underlying asset For example, the Association of Human Sexuality Giessen (AHS), a front organization for pedophiles and Child molester, a "right to sexuality", the "children, the elderly, the sick, the handicapped, prisoners, and certain sexual minorities - such as the pedophile - discussed thoroughly" will.

stylize order for the pedophiles to the group of treated unfairly marginalized and discriminated against minority high - a tactic which are used by gay ideologues since the 70s. (...)

For the requirement of "consensual sexual contact with children" can be called the 'Association of Human Sexuality' deploy a number of high-level sex researchers:

Founder the so-called Berlin Child Protection Center Prof. Reinhart Wolff argues that had sexual "affection" between adults and children, only a small trauma to the minors to follow.

A Dr. Martin Dannecker, a lecturer in Frankfurt am Main and Dr. Theo Sandfort of Utrecht even proclaim that the most sexual contact between children and adults for minors a "positive experience" represented.

"Possible adverse effects are secondary, causes of which must be primarily sought in the attitude of the environment in terms of contacts."

In other words, the sly Professors give the reactions of their parents or law enforcement agencies to blame for possible damage in children.

The strategy by which to experience the gay movement as a champion of Kinderschänderei had issued the current spokesman of the Greens and the self-declared homosexuals, Volker Beck, in 1988:

"Early mobilization of the gay movement for the law - in Unlike paedosexuality - simple as plugging in equality of homo-and heterosexuality ... is to prevent the cementing of a sex-repressive climate - a requirement to one day fight for at least . Take partial decriminalization of paedosexuality to (


Even the Swiss Bulletin "citizen and a Christian" 4 / 04 informed years ago:

(to the Dutroux process) about pedophiles on the rise

lobby groups want sex with children is socially acceptable to make :

After many years in Belgium has begun the trial of alleged child molester Marc Dutroux. Never before a Belgian court has attracted so much international attention in 1300 and foreign journalists have signed up to about den Prozessverlauf zu berichten. Hier geht es um sexuellen Kindesmissbrauch und um Mord. Daneben spielt sich in unserer Gesellschaft eine Entwicklung ab, über die fast niemand berichtet: Lobbygruppen versuchen, Kindesmissbrauch abzugrenzen von angeblich unschädlichen sexuellen Handlungen zwischen erwachsene und Kindern. Außerdem soll Sadomasochismus normalisiert werden.

In der westlichen Welt gibt es eine wachsende Bewegung, die behauptet, sexuelle Kindesmissbrauch sei gar nicht in jedem Fall schädlich. Schädlich sei nur, wenn er mit Gewalt einhergehe. „Pädophilie“ (oder „Pädosexualität“) – so der medizinische Fachbegriff für sexuellen Kindesmissbrauch - könne eingeteilt be, it says, in "bad" and "good" pedophilia. to call "good" Paedophilia is the "erotic-sexual desire" children if, in the context of love and affection successes. "Evil" Paedophilia is the one that was taking place with force and violence. "Good" pedophile acts could of children - especially boys - can be experienced positively. You should therefore be decriminalized. Pedophile sexuality should not generally as a "sick" or "disturbed" sexuality are called, but you can print out an "alternative lifestyle" be.

first Jurisdiction

In December 2003, dismissed the Second Criminal Chamber of the Munich Higher Regional Court of a pedophile from custody on the grounds of sexual abuse at boys and girls aged between 6 and 13 years had "no identifiable harm" caused. In addition, the judges invoked the fact that the pedophile "not acted against the wishes of the children" have, but the children were in sexual activities "recognizable even interested ..." was.

second Science

On 19 March 2003 discussed the influential American Psychiatric Association (APA) to a symposium in San Francisco for the second time whether to remove pedophilia and sadomasochism from the official diagnostic list of sexual disorders. The same arguments here, in every detail to those who have led in 1973 to delete the diagnosis of homosexuality. One argument is about, is a pedophile's sexual orientation and could be a normal behavior. Pedophiles are not sick, but the social discrimination they could make you sick.

The deletion of the diagnosis of homosexuality was extremely far-reaching consequences. To this day, for important decisions regarding homosexuality is still pointed out that die Amerikanische Psychiatrische Gesellschaft Homosexualität 1973 „normalisiert“ habe. Als Folge wurde Homosexualität zum „alternativen Lebensstil“ erhoben und das Lebenspartnergesetz für homosexuell Lebende eingeführt. Ein vergleichbarer Beschluss dieser Psychiatrischen Gesellschaft würde langfristig ebenso zu einer Normalisierung der Pädophilie und zu Gesetzesänderungen führen.

3. Forschung

In den letzten Jahren sind Studien erschienen, wonach Sex zwischen Kindern und Erwachsenen angeblich nicht immer schädlich sei, sondern positiv erlebt werden könne. Besonders Jungen ab zehn Jahren hätten teilweise keine psychischen Schäden erlitten, sondern die sexuellen Experiences with adults experiencing positive, the alleged findings. The issue of consent of children in sexual acts, in the scientific work so dismissed: After ten years, children may already be an agreement. Moreover, there are many other areas of life, in which the parents would not only seek the consent of the children, but they would opt for what is "good".

4th Gay organizations

The Dutch gay group COC boasts on its website that it had a reduction of the legal age of consent for heterosexual and homosexual acts between children and adults to twelve years in children achieved.

The Dutch psychologist Theo Sandfort, who in the 80s, wrote about "pedophile relationships as an alternative lifestyle for children" and also to published studies, was until 2001 Head of the Department of gay and lesbian studies at the University of Utrecht.

Helmut Graupner, the most important representative of Austrian homosexual movement, has published on a website for "gay pedophile" means a letter in which he chose the "right of children .. to sexual autonomy "begins. Grr. Advertises the fact that even pedophiles can live out their passion when the sexual Acts "in the context of care" prefix. Gr. is also a member of the set of the e-Commission Expert Group on the European fight against discrimination based on sexual orientation.

abuse and slavery

has long been known that sexual abuse is a form of violence even if violence is lacking visible. And others have already shown a that "sexual activity between children and adults" serious negative implications for the personality development of the child and not least the ability to enter into a successful marriage. Moreover, it is with sexual abuse as with slavery: We condemn slavery, even although it may have been some slaves who lived their experience "positive". But that is already: the European "International Association of Lesbian and Gay" (ILGA) is committed to ensuring that sadomasochism is deleted from the list of valid diagnosis in Europe. Then would also - as today's homosexuality - are considered "normal" sexuality.

Falsified data

How is it that our sexual morality is always infinite?
Sure, there are many different answers to. One relates to social changes such as the sexual revolution since 1968, invalidated the marriage and family and sexuality without borderless proclaimed. The motto was then, what feels good must be good.
Another answer is to look at the American sex researcher Alfred Kinsey (1894-1956). Kinsey, more than any other has shaped the modern understanding of sexuality, was a strong supporter, the normalization of homosexuality, and sadomasochism by paedosexuality. His surveys on sexuality are still mostly based on sexual scientific treatises. And, although now it is known that a large part of his data is manipulated. Less known, perhaps, is that Kinsey for years and pedophiles guide them to abuse children in order to get to their data on supposedly normal "child sexuality." In the Kinsey report Sexual Behavior in the Human Male "are the" orgasms "of infants and children" scientific "noted.

Confused Culture

It is certainly true: the abandonment of a Judeo-Christian image of man, that sexuality has nothing fundamentally to do with the transmission of life and with the bridging of the gap between the sexes and therefore sexuality to their rightful place within marriage between man and woman finds * - this task has initiated a paradigm shift whose consequences are only a faint glimmer

.** Thus, the director of the Institute for Youth and Society, Chris Vonholdt.
(We can agree to have only ien few little comments:)
note by Erinys:

* in the old native tribes gesllschaften matricentric was the course does not yet seem's the father rightful place and there was no "illegitimate" children.

** but these are only the consequences of late, has launched the first paradigm shift from matriarchy to patriarchy, but from the former in the latter one may not know. Homo cult is the modernized old men right to have the fathers invisible again macht, aber das hat der Vatergott so an sich. Auch unter dessen Herrschaft wurde die Frau nicht gefragt, ob und wie viel Leben sie denn überhaupt weitergeben wollte, da wurde das Vaterrecht weitergegeben, und heute geht es weiter mit nacktem Männerrecht, das nicht mehr als Vaterrecht verkleidet ist, sondern nur noch homo pur, das tritt jetzt als droit de l´homme auf. Das neue Männer/Väterrecht gibt sich geschlechtslos, „schwul-lesbisch“, egal, Mütter zählen nicht mehr, Frauen sind nur noch das Feigenblatt für das erneuerte Männerrecht, das Vaterrecht am Kind für Homopaare fordert, die plötzlich als fortschrittlich gelten sollen gegenüber den reaktionären Ehefrauen, die man als Hausfrauen scorned and despised as mothers and soon ousted in patriarchy. The new gay marriage law is another step towards the elimination of maternal deprivation and that will be interchangeable, because a gay couple is smart against the stupid mothers! The destruction of the parent-child relationship and, flanking their denial is a prerequisite for the Brave New World of gender switching.

Both the Altpatriarchat like the new gay world are interested in the elimination of the mothers. Our Altpatriarchen that the women would like to have back under control, including domestic violence law and the total ban on abortion, have anything but the freedom of choice and decision-making power of mothers on the number of children in mind, and the new gay couples, holding the mother-child relationship is irrelevant, with mothers certainly have nothing to do. Not even as a protector of women and children. This is called the price of emancipation - and the old men in the house, which run away from the women demand, as the price of protection and services, rolling back into the function of man

All Men legal culture since the Stone Age is not as normal as they depicting himself, it is likely the most unnatural for the children. If Freud herumrätselt why small children often prefer the mom the dad, so he is not coming out that Papa would often provide for good reasons es muss nicht immer das "sexuelle Begehren" sein, dass die Knaben zur Mutter zieht und wünschen lässt, dass der Vater auszieht und die Familie in Ruhe lässt. Gemessen an der Vorgeschichte ist diese Vaterrechtsphase Phase der Menschheit relativ kurz, heute tobt sich das Männerrecht noch aus in den Barbareien des Amok laufenden Islam sowie bei uns in der westlichen Verherrlichung asozialer Männer, aber das kann nicht gut gehn - eine Gattung von Säugern, in der die Männchen bestimmen wollen, wo´s lang geht für Frauen und Kinder, anders gesagt, wo das Geschlecht, dass durch seine "Tötuntnsmacht" herrscht über das gebärende Geschlecht, ist zu einer Katastrophe nach der anderen bestimmt. Seine bilanz bis heute: Verelendung von Menschenmassen durch Bevölkerungsexplosion, das ist das Ergebnis der Vermehrung mit Gewalt von Männern gegen Frauen und Kinder. Kaum hat die westliche Zivilisation das nackte Gewaltrecht eingedämmt, kommt es uns wieder entgegen in der hässlichen Fratze des Monsteres der religiösen Barbarei.

Eine aufschlussreiche wissenschaftliche Studie zur Vorgeschichte des heutigen Verständnisses von Kindesmissbrauch:

Inzest – Freud und seine Lehrer

Sexual Exploitation of Children

Auszug: Ancient Greek civilization esteemed pedophilia, in particular, homosexual pedophilic activities between boys and men (Kahr, 1991; Rush, 1980). Some boys were raped and forced into sexual slavery, and many were castrated (Rush, 1980). According to Rush (1980, p. 17), the Bible and the Talmud encouraged sexual activity between men and very young girls. Ancient Roman literature provides numerous examples of sexual abuses of young girls and boys, including incest (Kahr, 1991). In 13th Century England, Church law was separated from civil law, wherein evolved the crime of statutory rape (Rush, 1980). Having intercourse with a female under the age of 12 was deemed a misdemeanor. During the 16th century, a girl could legally consent to sexual intercourse at age 10, and to marriage at age 12 (Rush, 1980).
During the witch hunt from the 15th to 18th centuries, children from at least the age of six (legal age for sexual consent in France) were held to be old enough to copulate with the devil, and thus old enough to stand trial and be persecuted as witches. Sexual offenders were passed off as evil spirits. In 1624, the chancellor to the Prince Bishop of Wurtzburg wrote "there have been 300 children of three and four who are said to have intercourse with the devil. I have seen children of seven put to death" (cited in Rush, 1980, p. 39). Rush reports that one child who was reportedly raped by an incubus was infected with virulent gonorrhea. Another attempted to divert attention from her pregnancy by claiming to be possessed by three devils (Rush, 1980, p. 40). Rush also notes that in France during the 17th century, alarming numbers of nuns and school girls reported being sexually tormented by demons, and they evidenced symptoms of dramatic convulsions, writhings, and vomiting.
Projection of adult pedophilic fantasies onto the children was evident. Kahr (1991, p. 202) notes:
...during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, numerous little girls were imprisoned, tortured, and burnt at the stake because their tormentors insisted that they had fornicated with the Devil and had attempted to seduce innocent and unsuspecting men. If a man of this era wished to rape a young girl, he could blame the assault on the Devil.

Die Freudschule is still virulent in the minimization of child sexual abuse. Freud is known to have revised his initial findings about the crime again and umerklärt the facts on childhood fantasy.
This tendency is also the tenor of all angry reactions to the first reports of feminist circles, which made the issue publicly again. The mechanisms of repression continue to play and the patriarchal reaction in addition to the collective reflection of the blame the victim strikes back at the victims. Since there but they are not and you can bring them all forever silenced, this unfortunate legal reform and improve the situation dangerous to the perpetrator hopefully not the last act of the chapter Strafrecht im Dienst der Kriminellen sein. Man schaue sich unter dem oben zitierten Artikel aus der Berner Zeitung die Lesereaktionen an mit vielen empörten Zuschriften. In der Schweiz gibt es noch die Möglichkeit der Volksabstimmung, während in Deutschland seelenruhig am Volk vorbei regiert werden kann, wenn die gerade ermächtigte politische Elite sich etabliert hat und durch kein Referendum mehr diszipliniert werden kann.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Carrot And Hot Sauce What Does It Do

protects corpus - Old and new men, for the renewal the old men of power on earth

Aids in Afrika und Aufklärung

Auf einem konservativen Blog zur Erneuerung alter Werte, die nicht unbedingt die aller in den Patriarchaten der Welt entwerteten Frauen sind, schaut mich das Gesicht eines glattwangigen jungen privilegierten Mannes an, der als der orthodoxe Bishop Hilarius Alfeyev is presented in Vienna, taking the Pope against the media scolding for his comments on the condom in Africa in protection. It is said there, the Pope was the only one among the leading forces of the West, which was not yet the political correctness expire. He does not, because he represents accordance with the Codex Juris Canonici an older correctness, which is no longer law for all women, since the women's movement in the last century
could banish the theology of the criminal law for women - but for how long?

For the Frauenbevormundung by the men morality is still intact in many minds and correct and may at any time law be. So the dialogue is maintained with Islam, not only in the left sympathizers, also enjoys the competition is the subjugation of women under the pater familias still not to bad reputation among the men of God. Yes for the New Right men, where women are in important political positions, a nuisance, the call for old order is getting louder. And among the Puffbrüdern, whose number is legion, the Harem and sexual violence law of the Muslims is always a bone of contention.

comes with the theocracy of Islam back in its worst forms, which were thought to overcome in Europe. In Latin America, still have millions of Catholic women in the total cross Abortion bans live and die. To abortion after rape is not the death penalty, as in Germany during the Third Reich, but the excommunication. This means that in the outlawing of the Catholic community. The rape was never threatened with excommunication from the church.

So now comes the Pope as a savior in Africa, as always, against contraception, which is not new, new thing is that it addresses the lack of rights of women in Africa. The statement was given only once in the DLF, it was radio silence, and all fell down on the condom issue. Since Germany Puffbrudergesellschaft feels well addressed in the innermost ...

The subject of AIDS in Africa and sex education, is powerless against the disease, both knowingly (intentionally - like the rows of infecting younger and younger girls by rape gangs in the Congo, Rwanda, Sudan and so on) is how well disseminated "unwittingly" to discuss not seriously if you hide the sexual violence that is the main driving force behind the spread of this plague in Africa.

The violence primates, which are already carrying the virus as a brothel-goers in the cities from which the virus bring in then mass in the villages, where no woman, even if they are warned and know what brings the man home to his escape can - there are villages that are home to only women who infected and say that it does not bother the men, whether they also contracted the disease - also with no condom Homo sapiens.

rape of children is also a major distribution types of the disease, the epidemic is the violence itself, however, helps no warning of the weaker "partner" to be faithful. The jungle does not care, or who believe, then, that a Sexualgewaltbrunstling, seeking the little girl to drive satisfaction, thinks the infection of the victim?. A dull seething violence remains a condom machine with power machine (primacy is perhaps too flattering).

that violent behavior tempered by contraceptives or "human" is, is a particularly perverse idea. But not an argument against contraception. It's all in the church ban on condoms for the prevention of contraception. In the TIME was once many years ago, an article titled "It was an evil cross," in which an old woman described her life as a Catholic wife at the side of a very socially acceptable violence primates without contraception and how it was asked by the confessors each to pray, and to endure the behavior of the violent primates, which would belong in a cage, instead of their one child after another aufzunötigen (so-called "vital of reproduction," according to the Neuvölkischen)

said the author of this article, if the Frau die Pille gehabt hätte, dann hätte das eine bessere Ehe geben können. Was für eine verkommene Vorstellung, dass eine Pille aus einem Gewaltprimaten ein humanes Wesen macht. Natürlich hatte die Pille sie vor den dauernden ungewollten Schwangerschaften geschützt, aber aus es hatte keine humane Beziehung aus dem Gewaltverhältnis gemacht. Da hätte nur Scheidung geholfen. Die ja auch verboten war in diesen Kreisen. Der Zirkel schliesst sich.

Auch bei linken Gutmenschen finde ich den Gewaltfaktor, wenn’s um den in Afrika aktivsten Virusverbreiter, den afrikanischen Mann geht, der sich wie Onkel Joe das Recht, nach dem Puff seine Frauen anzustecken, nicht nehmen lässt, meist schön sorgsam ausgeblendet, If it's the disease in a developing country is where they come from cared for migrants. The institutions and most ruthless disseminator of the virus are regrets, they want them but do not spoil their fun with the degradation of man in the brothel and polygamy, is also the sexual fun with the children, if any, mentioned only briefly glosses over and neutralized by no means criminalized. All Aidsverbeiter regarded as victims.

Although I know of no invitation to sexual violence by even the most starry-eyed intelligence tests, but no condemnation of the virus carriers and distributors. On the one hand, the Catholic Church men moral, but the proposed alarm against abortion, even after Vergewaltigung (sehr christlich), aber noch nie die eheliche Gewalt angeprangert hat, die dem katholischen Fruchtbarkeitskult als das kanonische Jus in corpus unantastbar war. Nur nach der Frauenbewegung hat man sich dort ein wenig Rhetorisches gegen Gewalt gegen Frauen abgerungen. Offiziell existierte die eheliche Gewalt gar nicht, die heute strafbar ist. (Seit wann und dank wem!)

Sogar der Papst hat übrigens die rechtlose Situation der Frauen in Afrika angesprochen, die diesen Gewaltverhältnissen ausgeliefert sind. Hier irrt Benedikt nicht. Er ist für uns zwar nicht gerade die glaubwürdigste Instanz in Sachen Frauenrechte, aber wie seine linken Kritiker die Seuche der Sexualgewalt mit dem Mäntelchen des Verständnisses verkleiden, is not only laugh, it is to vomit.

The old religious patriarch school (with its many secret pedophiles in the protection of the sacristy), which has already buried many women who exploded on the church law, the sexual violence against women and children left out coyly from their catalog of sins, and where it always was covered up (which girl or boy who had been abused each protected by the priest before his father or priest), but the new line macho culture of the brothel legalizing the other hand, glorifies sexual violence openly and shamelessly. Rambo in the literature it is ubiquitous in judicial protection perpetrators of violence is the sympathy the legal Norm, der Frauenverkauf ist globalisiert, auf der Mattscheibe ist das Puff voll salonfähig, und wer das nicht goutiert, ist "prüde". Auch die Legalisierung der Pädokriminalität als Teil der Gewalttoleranz ist noch in der EU spruchreif.

Wenn der Protest gegen die Kirchenmoral von der Seite der Globalisierer des totalen Bordells kommt, das von linken Ideologen propagiert, aber nicht nur von linken frequentiert wird, dann ist er nur die brutale offene Kehrseite der alten verschwiegenen Heuchelei. In einem Punkt bin ich mit Benedikt einig: dass die Homosexualität keine Eherechte beanspruchen muss. Denn die Sexualität muss nicht privilegiert werden, wieso sollen homosexuelle Beziehungen den Rechtsschutz der Ehe geniessen, not all the same-sex couple must have friends that does not have sexual relations, but living together. What does that because marriage law, which applies primarily to the protection of young players. Also, the protection of mothers. Were applied without the last in the left equality ideology, marital responsibility of fathers as reactionary, and now is what was reactionary to women, suddenly the highlight for progress for two men who should be better for a child than the mother. .. This is the modern father right in the guise of equality, which strikes against the mothers and deprived them of their children.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Crock Pot Brisket Dry

The Wonderful World of Donald Duck and Ronald Reagan

Conservative prodigy

A 13-year-old 'Inspires new hope for the Republicans a "we read in the NZZ am Sonntag, it is before 1 April.

A so-called miracle child named Jonathan Krohn, that's even before his voice broke, to the conservative get out of the deep. There's an encore? An American Heino? The
Präpubertand have with 13 "Jubilation storms" harvested on a Republican CPAC conference. He has already written a book and defines the conservative values \u200b\u200bof the adult world, which has also chosen Sarah Palin. He said the adult women that they may not get an abortion and that the fertilized egg has rights the person that they lack obvious.

The präbubertäre Prodigy is the conservative flip side of the 68 Pubertanden who also blew their parents' generation and the march in Germany generally treated as adults all Nazis.

In Afghanistan explain prepubertal children to their mothers what they can and can not. After the alleged victory over the Taliban went on the terrorism of the youthful owner of the men's rights in the house and on the road against women. Green fruits that are still wet behind the ears, make their mothers morality.

The American woman moral instructor Jonathan is well educated, however, the boy heard since he was eight years the radio broadcasts of William Bennett, former Education Minister unter Reagan, und moderiert seit 2006 ein eigenes Radioprogramm, eine Bibelsendung für Kinder, wie die NZZ mitteilt.

Das heisst, er kommt aus dem Milieu, das auch gerne Embryos als Personen auftreten und sprechen lässt. Erzogen in einem baptistischen Elternhaus und daselbst unterrichtet, lernt er nun auch Arabisch, erfahren wir noch von der NZZ am Sonntag, die das ohne jede Ironie mitteilt. Der Artikelschreiber scheint beeindruckt zu sein.

Das könnte sich ja noch als recht nützlich erweisen neben der fundamentalen Bibelmoral für die Frauen, vielleicht lernt er auch gleich etwas Scharia mit dazu, dann kann er seine Instruktionen für die Frauenwelt noch erweitern um die islamischen Perspektiven für das Women's lives in the United States.

"A Republican candidate for Governor in Georgia it would like to undertake as a consultant."

is progressing infantile nature of the world and Donald Ducks among us, and together with the hypocrites of Islam are preparing the ground for an even brave new world.

If a child prodigy is first and then governor after Obama replaces, can experience the women nasty surprise. But then they really are to blame.
13-Year-Old Author Defines Conservatism