Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Carrot And Hot Sauce What Does It Do

protects corpus - Old and new men, for the renewal the old men of power on earth

Aids in Afrika und Aufklärung

Auf einem konservativen Blog zur Erneuerung alter Werte, die nicht unbedingt die aller in den Patriarchaten der Welt entwerteten Frauen sind, schaut mich das Gesicht eines glattwangigen jungen privilegierten Mannes an, der als der orthodoxe Bishop Hilarius Alfeyev is presented in Vienna, taking the Pope against the media scolding for his comments on the condom in Africa in protection. It is said there, the Pope was the only one among the leading forces of the West, which was not yet the political correctness expire. He does not, because he represents accordance with the Codex Juris Canonici an older correctness, which is no longer law for all women, since the women's movement in the last century
could banish the theology of the criminal law for women - but for how long?

For the Frauenbevormundung by the men morality is still intact in many minds and correct and may at any time law be. So the dialogue is maintained with Islam, not only in the left sympathizers, also enjoys the competition is the subjugation of women under the pater familias still not to bad reputation among the men of God. Yes for the New Right men, where women are in important political positions, a nuisance, the call for old order is getting louder. And among the Puffbrüdern, whose number is legion, the Harem and sexual violence law of the Muslims is always a bone of contention.

comes with the theocracy of Islam back in its worst forms, which were thought to overcome in Europe. In Latin America, still have millions of Catholic women in the total cross Abortion bans live and die. To abortion after rape is not the death penalty, as in Germany during the Third Reich, but the excommunication. This means that in the outlawing of the Catholic community. The rape was never threatened with excommunication from the church.

So now comes the Pope as a savior in Africa, as always, against contraception, which is not new, new thing is that it addresses the lack of rights of women in Africa. The statement was given only once in the DLF, it was radio silence, and all fell down on the condom issue. Since Germany Puffbrudergesellschaft feels well addressed in the innermost ...

The subject of AIDS in Africa and sex education, is powerless against the disease, both knowingly (intentionally - like the rows of infecting younger and younger girls by rape gangs in the Congo, Rwanda, Sudan and so on) is how well disseminated "unwittingly" to discuss not seriously if you hide the sexual violence that is the main driving force behind the spread of this plague in Africa.

The violence primates, which are already carrying the virus as a brothel-goers in the cities from which the virus bring in then mass in the villages, where no woman, even if they are warned and know what brings the man home to his escape can - there are villages that are home to only women who infected and say that it does not bother the men, whether they also contracted the disease - also with no condom Homo sapiens.

rape of children is also a major distribution types of the disease, the epidemic is the violence itself, however, helps no warning of the weaker "partner" to be faithful. The jungle does not care, or who believe, then, that a Sexualgewaltbrunstling, seeking the little girl to drive satisfaction, thinks the infection of the victim?. A dull seething violence remains a condom machine with power machine (primacy is perhaps too flattering).

that violent behavior tempered by contraceptives or "human" is, is a particularly perverse idea. But not an argument against contraception. It's all in the church ban on condoms for the prevention of contraception. In the TIME was once many years ago, an article titled "It was an evil cross," in which an old woman described her life as a Catholic wife at the side of a very socially acceptable violence primates without contraception and how it was asked by the confessors each to pray, and to endure the behavior of the violent primates, which would belong in a cage, instead of their one child after another aufzunötigen (so-called "vital of reproduction," according to the Neuvölkischen)

said the author of this article, if the Frau die Pille gehabt hätte, dann hätte das eine bessere Ehe geben können. Was für eine verkommene Vorstellung, dass eine Pille aus einem Gewaltprimaten ein humanes Wesen macht. Natürlich hatte die Pille sie vor den dauernden ungewollten Schwangerschaften geschützt, aber aus es hatte keine humane Beziehung aus dem Gewaltverhältnis gemacht. Da hätte nur Scheidung geholfen. Die ja auch verboten war in diesen Kreisen. Der Zirkel schliesst sich.

Auch bei linken Gutmenschen finde ich den Gewaltfaktor, wenn’s um den in Afrika aktivsten Virusverbreiter, den afrikanischen Mann geht, der sich wie Onkel Joe das Recht, nach dem Puff seine Frauen anzustecken, nicht nehmen lässt, meist schön sorgsam ausgeblendet, If it's the disease in a developing country is where they come from cared for migrants. The institutions and most ruthless disseminator of the virus are regrets, they want them but do not spoil their fun with the degradation of man in the brothel and polygamy, is also the sexual fun with the children, if any, mentioned only briefly glosses over and neutralized by no means criminalized. All Aidsverbeiter regarded as victims.

Although I know of no invitation to sexual violence by even the most starry-eyed intelligence tests, but no condemnation of the virus carriers and distributors. On the one hand, the Catholic Church men moral, but the proposed alarm against abortion, even after Vergewaltigung (sehr christlich), aber noch nie die eheliche Gewalt angeprangert hat, die dem katholischen Fruchtbarkeitskult als das kanonische Jus in corpus unantastbar war. Nur nach der Frauenbewegung hat man sich dort ein wenig Rhetorisches gegen Gewalt gegen Frauen abgerungen. Offiziell existierte die eheliche Gewalt gar nicht, die heute strafbar ist. (Seit wann und dank wem!)

Sogar der Papst hat übrigens die rechtlose Situation der Frauen in Afrika angesprochen, die diesen Gewaltverhältnissen ausgeliefert sind. Hier irrt Benedikt nicht. Er ist für uns zwar nicht gerade die glaubwürdigste Instanz in Sachen Frauenrechte, aber wie seine linken Kritiker die Seuche der Sexualgewalt mit dem Mäntelchen des Verständnisses verkleiden, is not only laugh, it is to vomit.

The old religious patriarch school (with its many secret pedophiles in the protection of the sacristy), which has already buried many women who exploded on the church law, the sexual violence against women and children left out coyly from their catalog of sins, and where it always was covered up (which girl or boy who had been abused each protected by the priest before his father or priest), but the new line macho culture of the brothel legalizing the other hand, glorifies sexual violence openly and shamelessly. Rambo in the literature it is ubiquitous in judicial protection perpetrators of violence is the sympathy the legal Norm, der Frauenverkauf ist globalisiert, auf der Mattscheibe ist das Puff voll salonfähig, und wer das nicht goutiert, ist "prüde". Auch die Legalisierung der Pädokriminalität als Teil der Gewalttoleranz ist noch in der EU spruchreif.

Wenn der Protest gegen die Kirchenmoral von der Seite der Globalisierer des totalen Bordells kommt, das von linken Ideologen propagiert, aber nicht nur von linken frequentiert wird, dann ist er nur die brutale offene Kehrseite der alten verschwiegenen Heuchelei. In einem Punkt bin ich mit Benedikt einig: dass die Homosexualität keine Eherechte beanspruchen muss. Denn die Sexualität muss nicht privilegiert werden, wieso sollen homosexuelle Beziehungen den Rechtsschutz der Ehe geniessen, not all the same-sex couple must have friends that does not have sexual relations, but living together. What does that because marriage law, which applies primarily to the protection of young players. Also, the protection of mothers. Were applied without the last in the left equality ideology, marital responsibility of fathers as reactionary, and now is what was reactionary to women, suddenly the highlight for progress for two men who should be better for a child than the mother. .. This is the modern father right in the guise of equality, which strikes against the mothers and deprived them of their children.


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