iPhone Firmware 3.1 und Tethering
I must get rid of just once: to
The ability to use tethering for me was a major factor in the decision for the iPhone and I have specially selected a tariff with a correspondingly high data volume. The contract seller in the shop assured me at the signing and that tethering will work with the new firmware 3.0.
And now? T-Mobile and Apple have agreed to configure tethering with the new firmware 3.1 so that t-mobile for this extra can collect fees. I'll be there to play on No way. It's just ridiculous when you confined to the technical capabilities of the iPhone and unlock only charges.
Yes, I know is somewhere in the small print that tethering is not part of the contract. But I wonder at all, including small print in contracts should be good. This is but one and pursue only the goal, the signatories to conceal anything.
course it is normal for someone who has gone through a lot of skill (or what have you) get a monopoly, this advantage also. Sometimes, however, since even on the feeling that this exploitation is almost immoral.
Ok, self-inflicted misery, one could say now. Why the decision for t-mobile? But if you want to have an iPhone now once and gives the false promises of service delivery as well as faith? What then? Inevitably, one t-mobile are considered.
Ultimately we think but at t-mobile is not up to the end here, because this approach does so only to the other mobile providers in the cards. The first can sit back and relax and watch the tethering theater from the stands. Meanwhile, drives them t-mobile, the angry customers into the arms. If it has been found that the t-mobile concept the extra fee for tethering rises, then the others can easily with the former t-mobile customers who are now so their customers, just moved so and charge a similar brushed. If not, it comes up, then they have, after all, nor the ex-t-mobile customers, is not it?
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