Friday, December 31, 2010

See Mario Salieri Online

Year in Review 2010 - Experiences the Nuremberg photographers

New Year's Eve is within reach - time for our annual Year in Review. And now we dare to write to the already almost impossible ... one years better than the previous one - is it true But! 2010 was a sensational year for us. With much joy, positive changes, new customer orders, exciting and very few downsides - in this we will, however, received the sake of completeness, and later to leave a round image and report not only on the pink world.

Let's start with probably the most important achievement in 2010 ... the new website! 2 years, we were tinkering with the, sort images, customize layout and and and .... now is our new online Interneteite since November. A very hard piece of work that has paid off.
The response to the new site is 95% positive and the number of requests since the "go-live" has risen steadily. The only criticism ... the site was too sober, too unemotional. This point we will keep an eye on in the coming months and are still grateful for constructive feedback to GGFL. Make improvements. But we are excited about the new site and very proud of what we and a lot more Mel and Joachim have since created.

The order situation was overwhelming right from the beginning. We have never seen so many events, concerts and press conference to accompany as in 2010. And in the retail sector, we have increased significantly. The number of high-quality application images that we have made for customers flies, again, couple shoots were very popular and came just before Christmas noch viele Aktaufnahmen im Fotostudio hinzu.

In Summe hatten wir 2 Perioden, in denen wir im Prinzip unter Dauerstress fast schon "leiden" mussten: April bis August waren durchweg mit Hochzeitsreportagen, Konzerten und Festivals sowie Events belegt. Ab Mitte November kündigte sich dann langsam aber dafür um so intensiver das Weihnachtsgeschäft an. Familienportraits, Paarshootings, Akt und Portrait waren der Renner - wohlgemerkt parallel zu den "regulären" Aufträgen.

Einen zusätzlichen potentiell wichtigen Kunden konnten wir recht spät in 2010 akquirieren: Die Congress- und Tourismus-Zentrale Nürnberg hatte uns nach einigen Gespräch mit Werbeaufnahmen des Nürnberger Christkindlesmarkt beauftragt - So we were happily engaged in December neat (especially to organize, the right weather, which of course was part of the assignment, was difficult - we had to provide a lot of snow,-D).

While we're on the subject of customers, we would like to mention the team bank AG - since 2009 our biggest and most important client. And the jobs that we could do in 2010 for the Nuremberg Bank, will be hard to beat in the coming years is difficult. From Werbaufnahnahmen, event photography, Castings, aerial photography press events (eg the AGM) to many portraits and "special orders" was alles dabei, was uns nicht nur ungemein Spaß gemacht hat, sondern auch bei unserem Kunden sehr gut angekommen ist. Highlight war das Mitarbeiterfest im Juni, das Hanna und Steffen wohl nie vergessen werden.

Toll war ebenso zu sehen, wie das komplette Public Viewing des Kennametal Kick and Groove Park 2010 mit unseren Bildern beworben wurde, die 2008 zu dem gleichen Event bei der EM (hauptsächlich auf dem Kornmarkt in Nürnberg) entstanden sind und in der Stadt nicht zu übersehen waren.

Toll war auch, wie unsere Luftbilder eingeschlagen sind. Steffen hatte auf eigene Faust und ohne konkreten Auftrag im Juni Luftaufnahmen von Rock im Park angefertigt, und war zunächst sehr enttäuscht von der nicht vorhandenen Resonanz or the sale of the pictures, although all were great but no one bought. This entertaining disappointment vanished shortly dannach as several requests arriving at aerial photographs in the Nuremberg region, and even stock images brisk sales and buyers found - a new field of photography for us, that we will expand but steadily in 2011 and intensified since the success is given here. Less

great, and now we come to the above mentioned drawbacks, was the number of problems for copyright infringement and payment performance of individual industrial clients. Problems that have cost us a lot of nerves and sleepless nights and often anger also had the effect, especially Steffen. Meanwhile, wohl weithin bekannt, dass es illegal ist, Software zu kopieren, Musik (ohne Bezahlung) aus dem Internet zu laden oder DVD's zu kopieren - bei Bildern und Fotos steckt dieses Verständnis leider immer noch in den Kinderschuhen und so hatten wir in 2010 leider in diesem Bereich so viel (unnötigen) Ärger wie noch nie zuvor.

Einige Probleme konnten wir durch Kommunikation mit unseren "Kunden" direkt klären - 2011, soviel steht leider schon fest, wird aber wohl zum Rekordjahr werden, was gerichtliche Klagen anbelangt - Nachwirkungen aus unseren noch offenen Problemen in 2010. Eine sehr traurige Bilanz.

Wir werden auch das Gefühl nicht los, dass oft die Gegenseite, wenn bei der Urheberrechtsverletzung ertappt, First the guilty or "bad guys" in our searches, we now turn our view and according to German copyright law, a claim that should have been in the run must be clarified. Now every child knows that you can not rob a bank and, in case you get caught, the stolen money can bring back without any further consequences. Sorry, did not understand all the opposite sides agreed and so we often have no other choice than to tune our lawyers. But we return

back to the good things.

Hanna photographed in 2010 and landed their first show similar, in the booklet of the current CD of the Nuremberg Vander Band - a success which probably provide only a few photographers from the start. It is also very encouraging that more and more orders Hanna independently parallel to it and continue to be wonderfully image processing and many other things that need to be made in the background, take care.

Amo is parallel since 2010 as a press photographer for the Central Zeitung on duty to report depicted in Neumarkt site. His skills as a photographer are an asset to the publisher and we are all very pleased for him - although he now has, unfortunately, even less time.

Steffen, as mentioned above, very proud of the aerial photography and the generally excellent Development in 2010 and looks forward to what may happen in 2011. Some very attractive jobs, we already know - it is now just a matter of them winning.

Now it is time to leave, however, the retrospective and look ahead. But not without due thanks to some very important people who have accompanied us in 2010:
  • There's the Mel, who was responsible for the wonderful design of the new website and has implemented our complete Corporate Design ( www.melodram-fine design . co m)
  • The Joachim, to whom we are indebted for the extensive programming of the new page ( )
  • Doris Bordon ( ), which has supported us in the small and big tricks with Photoshop in particular always very
  • love the beret, not only for the grand design of the band VANDER always makes for miracles but also actively supported Steffen
  • Our CBF-Basti - we tireless Support owe, when it came to network and other PC problems.
  • and our make-up artist Dani, with which we could work together more frequently in 2010 and us (and of course the customer) again and again with your skills inspire
In particular, we thank but our customers who have made us in 2010 to the what we are today and have us there to where we are today. The trust that we will be met with again and again for us is always an incentive to our professional advancement. We look forward to new challenges and cooperation in the coming year!

The author (whoever that may well be, moreover, thanks ;-) at
  • Amo, for the support, cooperation, constructive criticism and the "being-there" whenever he was needed. It was a wonderful year.
  • Hanna, decision-rich, especially for a year! Without you nothing would be as it is now. Therefore, and for everything else, thank you!.
.... Off to new shores, it is exciting - everything is new!

If 2011 is as enjoyable only partially (we hide the negative things from sympathetic), then this year a good one for us. Until then we wish you all a happy and a healthy, prosperous and happy new year!

Thank remains weighed us and if we phrase our Facebook may also assume here .... " end of the announcement !

For the Three warmly greets with the cameras in your hand


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Always Have Pain After Acute Pancreatitis

Niko conquered ... a reunion (62)

lachende-smilies-0051.gif von JUCHU! Nachdem die Deutsche Bahn mal wieder äußerst nervtötend war, sind Niko und irgendwann doch noch in Essen angekommen - zum Wiedersehensfrühstück mit der Patentante Marion lachende-smilies-0026.gif von Und lecker war auch. Wer sagt denn, das ein Frühstück nicht bis 15 Uhr dauern kann? :-D

Für die Fotoqualität muss ich mich allerdings entschuldigen, es ist leider nur ein Handyfoto, aber besser als nichts. Abgesehen von der Weihnachtsgeschenkübergabe (daaaaaaaaaaaanke), haben wir schon wieder viele tolle Sachen geplant :-) 2011 kann kommen!
Das neue Memoryspiel wurde übrigens anschließend direkt eingeweiht: Ich habe meine Gegner abgezockt! :-D Nur habe ich nie die Pärchen bekommen, die ich wollte *schmoll*

Übrigens: Sonntag ist endlich wieder Rennbahn angesagt! huepfende-smilies-0042.gif von Guten Ruuuuhutsch!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How Are Ray Ban Wayfarers Fitted

Niko conquered ... the Münsterland snow (61)

Ein (vor)letzter Blogeintrag, zumindest für 2010. Ob es noch einen weiteren geben wird, hängt in erster Linie davon ab, ob sich mein Handy bzw. mein Laptop doch noch bequemen, eine Bluetooth-Verbindung einzugehen. Aus mir völlig unerfindlichen Gründen klappt das auf einmal no more.

After the avalanche of photos from the last time it snowed again properly, all the saints evening. Niko had to brake hard with enthusiasm and really wanted to dig a hole to find out how much snow. However, he did not mind that he must come out of his hole again ... Good thing I was not far, but I watch Niko not bedröppelt?

Christmas is already over, unfortunately, as always too short. But there was even more wonderful great :-) On Boxing Day we have the magnificent winter weather in a snow walk used almost three hours we were around Beelen way in the snowstorm. After I came back from Angers, I was able to celebrate at last reunited with my winter shoes. I appreciate their benefits to become again, although even this Münsterland in the snow (I have never seen so much snow at once, and even my grandma, who felt for ages, on: the weather can be such a thing not remember come) to its limits. Global warming sends his regards.

I'm using right now the last days of 2010 for "free-time stress." So I'm not to blog. Meeting people (again), shopping, etc. Next year I will probably have (one job) or not (the other job) once again earn some money.

I very much hope that tomorrow another Niko Update is, let's see whether the technology can be persuaded to cooperate. For now you have therefore with a few impressions from sledding to make do on Monday night. It was another terrific! We are after all, endured almost four hours in freezing temperatures outside - and that without freezing to some extent, im Gegenteil.

Bruchpiloten :-D
Und so wars eigentlich gedacht.
Und da ich schon wieder unter Entzugserscheinungen "leide", könnte es gut sein, dass ich mich am Sonntag gen Dortmund aufmachen - wenn der Frost bzw. die Sandbahn es denn zulassen. Daumen drücken ist angesagt!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Charges At The Corners Of A Cube

Niko conquered ... Snow chaos in the plains (60)

Das sogenannte Schnee"chaos" hat halb Europa im Griff. Seitdem ich wieder zu Hause bin, stört me the white stuff at all and no longer as Niko Nicholas, with his warm cloak anyway no problems with it. For many the situation might be quite different. are special lots of snow here on the boards, Münsterland country not normally, so the few inches longer sometimes carry quite strange flowers

In this sense. MERRY CHRISTMAS! schlitten-smilies-0003.gif von weihnachstbaum-smilies-0002.gif von

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Doctors To Remove Fibroids

Merry Christmas

How time flies .... and already Christmas is just around the corner. We say goodbye to the far north and are effective from 27 December before re-location.

We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and relaxing Tage, wunderbares Essen, viele Geschenke und tolle Stunden mit  Familie und Freunden.

Vor dem Jahresende melden wir uns aber noch mit dem Jahresrückblick.

PS: Wir sind per Email und telefonisch auch weiterhin erreichbar!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Does Seancody Do Mobile

SAP Business byDesign wird zur Plattform ausgebaut

SAP wird zukünftig voll auf Business byDesign setzen, wenn es um die Entwicklung von on-Demand-Lösungen goes. The first additional on-demand solution that is built on a platform ByD "Sales on-demand". Actually advised for late November, it could be February 2011, until SAP goes with this product in the market.

The decision was made in December 2009 and has led to very heated discussions held within the SAP, the platform except the right one. The main reason was the point of "leverage" that John Wookey, executive vice president at SAP, quotes. In addition, even the user interface, but also issues such as single sign on have played a role.

With the SDK, available in January for the whole ByD will gain momentum. Developed is based on Microsoft's Visual Studio and then compiled into ABAP. With the announced for summer 2011 version 3.0, a second version of the SDK will be available.

Starting in January, ByD be used increasingly in offices of SAP ERP customers. Serve with the partnership with Accenture, a ByD want to set up Center of Excellence to service their global SAP customers.

In the partner recruitment is also seen since the summer of motion. Currently around 50 partners are in use worldwide. That number will double next year but definitely still. It is conceivable, according to SAP means the separation into pure sales partners and pure implementation partners - that will happen probably in 2012 the case. Bernd-Uwe Pagel, Senior Vice President SAP, schliesst sogar einen Betrieb der Lösung durch Partner nicht aus, allerdings wird dies nicht vor dem Jahr 2012/13 realistisch sein.

How Much Does Straightning Costin India

Sportfreunde Stiller Nuremberg

Ole Ole - war das ein Fest. Die Sportfreunde Stiller waren zu Gast in der Arena Nürnberg. Klar, dass die Hütte ausverkauft war.

Steffen ist definitiv kein Sporti Fan, aber nachdem noch einige Kumpels von Radio Energy mit am Start waren und auch Freunde von Hanna, blieben wir nach dem Konzert noch für ein paar Lieder - und die Show ging definitiv unter die Haut.

Die Jungs auf der Bühne waren nicht zu dritt... sie hatten eine komplette Big Band am Start und da kommen dann Lieder wie "Ein Kompliment" richtig gut - ein Unterschied zu der MTV unplugged Version war zumindest für unsere Ohren nicht zu vernehmen.

Aus fotografischer Sicht war das Konzert recht schwierig zu fotografieren - obwohl die Bühne groß und toll beleuchtet was. Unfortunately, this time a bit too big and - if you're in the photo pit - too high.

Hopefully you've still enjoy the pictures. More pictures can be online tomorrow morning in the post-coverage in Radio Energy .

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Elbow Swelling For No Reason

Die neue SAP: 9 Monate unter neuer Führung

Auf dem SAP Influencer Summit hat sich Vorstandschef Jim Hageman Snabe einige interessante Zwischentöne erlaubt. Die neue SAP stelle den Kunden wieder in den Fokus, es werde stärker mit den Kunden zusammen entwickelt und gearbeitet und die Betriebskosten seien durchaus im Fokus.

Daraus kann man folgern, dass sich unter seinem Vorgänger SAP zu sehr von den Kunden entfernt hat und die Entwicklung am Kunden vorbei erfolgt ist. Wenn man sich an die Aufregung und die Vorgehensweise bei der Wartungspreiserhöhung erinnert, eine treffende Diagnose.

The strategic direction is for some time: on-demand, Mobility, BI, Netweaver as a technology platform. In particular, the on-demand is not only through SAP Business ByDesign (ByD SAP) accelerated, but also extended through the On-Demand for SAP ERP additions in 2011. Certainly the most interesting sales will be on demand. Actually advised for late November, it could be February 2011, until SAP goes into this market. Interestingly also the testimony of Jim Hageman Snabe: "Quality over speed, even with on-demand products."

This corresponds with the statement made by Vishal Sikka, the Board member responsible for the development: "We only talk about things that we can supply it." Fast schon eine Revolution, denkt man doch an das weit verbreitende Powerpoint-Engineering, dass sich die Branche durchaus zu eigen macht.

Eine klare Absage an den Kauf von weiteren ERP-Anbietern hat Jim Hageman Snabe auch noch geäussert. "Innovation statt Konsolidierung" laute das Motto der SAP. Dennoch ist davon auszugehen, dass diesem Motto nicht alle in der Industrie folgen werden.