Sunday, June 7, 2009

What Does Eastside Marios Use For Cheese

crime perpetrators are compensated

rapists be compensated

the Swiss SVP Disskussionsforu Internet, which now censored heavily, after intervention by informers and dubious ads on the part of counsel, the various forum participants defamatory accused of "racial discrimination" because they are religious criticism of Islam practiced on which views terrorism to which not every prosecutor in the sense of informers received drove in 2007 sexist user who "Uslandschwizer" called on the loose and played to an expert in rape crimes. He claimed in an isolated law-making authority to a group rape in Switzerland as reported below have not given it, it was just a "chain of rape." MaW when the group of rapists Turn to crime march - which I suppose is all the gang rape case, which according to the ungracious unsavory sexist Uslandschwizer no gang rape. The quirky sexual fascist monster would be not worth mentioning, would not he secretly agreed to by the majority of the user, that the similarities of the Unappetizing against forbidding "emancipated" by no means angry type. In the sexist bottom of the right men right upgrade romp about these creatures, which are also a blogger from the Swiss province, at SVP and SD could not refrain themselves from a gang rape in which the woman was taken to the cleaners, in word and Image amused, so It was even too much of an SVP-national adversaries. This anticipated.
is a report on the case of Seebach.

Rape aftermath with

Switzerland: New energy around the mass abuse of a 13-year-olds.>

Only two of the thirteen parties were sentenced .

Zurich / Vienna. A 13-year-old girl more than a dozen youths raped and filmed with a mobile phone - the history, heaved the tabloid "Blick" in November 2006 on the title page, shook Switzerland as a youth hardly criminal case before. A group rape by almost underage offenders with immigrant backgrounds, had it not existed in the Confederation, who put the time in the middle of a heated debate on foreigners.
was a year ago but the case against seven of the 13 suspects set. Orders were issued against four education and two were from the Zurich District Court sentenced for rape. The reason: The 13-year-old from Seebach had participated voluntarily in the sex orgies in his parents' bedroom of her then 18-year-old friend.

What does it mean here "took part voluntarily" with a gang of 13 criminals mit Migrationshintergrund, gegen die das Verfahren eingestellt wurde. Der Migrationshintergrund scheint ja besonders strafmildernd zu wirken. Es folgt nun der „Beweis“ für die Freiwilligkeit:

Den Beweis dafür haben die aufgenommenen Handy-Videos geliefert, die zugleich aber auch eine erschreckend surreale Szene wiedergeben: Das Mädchen liegt im Bett und nacheinander kommen die Burschen zu ihr, stellen sich mit Namen vor und fragen, ob sie jetzt Sex mit der 13-Jährigen haben dürften. Diese antwortet auf alle Fragen mit einem emotionslosen "Ja", manchmal fügt sie auch ein "Wenn es sein muss" oder ein "Aber mach schnell" hinzu. Lediglich bei einer Szene ist offensichtlich Gewalt im Spiel: Der Freund des Mädchens und der ebenfalls wegen Vergewaltigung verurteilte Mittäter halten es fest und drohen ihm eine Ohrfeige an, falls es nicht stillhält .

Sehr interessant, dass das Mädchen vom Haupttäter und Inszenierer der Massenuntat und einem weitern Mittäter festgehalten werden muss, damit es „freiwillig“ mitmacht. Es scheint ja in allen Fällen gewusst zu haben, dass es aussichtslos war, nicht 2freiwillig“ mitzumachen. „Wenn es sein muss“ scheint ja ein klarer Beweis für freudiges feiwilliges Mitmachen zu sein. Auch „aber mach schnell“ zeigt offenbar für das Gericht die grosse Bereitschaft des Mädchens an.
Die Täterschutzjustiz von Zürich but seems not to have done so convincingly, so there was a sequel at all Swiss.

The aftermath of the incident, however, hold to this day. Thus, the former boyfriend of the girl, who was convicted in April 2008 on a three and a half years' imprisonment, to answer again from next Tuesday before the court. The prosecutor accepted the verdict of the lower court not because the district judge took into account their opinion unacceptable mitigation, reasons. He will therefore apply in the appeal process, a slightly higher penalty, prosecutor Daniel Kloiber told the Neue Zürcher Zeitung. As mitigation, the district court had reason especially the "initiated by the police prejudged by the media" above.

"prejudged by the media", even if the outrage is completely justified, for the perpetrators Tatentlastungsgrund a protector. An act, to report on the media even negative, because it is the first time in recent history may Swiss justice, according to the offender protectors not be that bad. The outrage over crime is already in mitigation ... Maybe soon the ad? The vileness of the video except themselves seem not to be so aggravating circumstances for the perpetrators protectors. Imagine the reaction of this type of men before, if you are circulating videos of them from Zurich Puff could be associated.

suspects compensated

The prejudice complained acquitted the youth today. was reported immediately after the case to the police, the boys were taken in handcuffs out of school and taken to a prison for adult felons been. During the one-month imprisonment up to the picture of the rapist and mass Sexmonster defiance of statements of all concerned with official seal of the police was distributed to criticize those affected. Even today they are, according to a report in the World Week "in the private and professional life as a" perpetrator by Seebach "recognized, labeled, bumped or insulted. The search for an apprenticeship was a long time have been futile. According to the" World Week "most of the young people but now a compensation sum in four receive up to five digits.

A nice recipe to get to five-figure compensation sums. man take a 13-year, return them to come to her 18 year old friend in the apartment where waiting 12 other accomplices out to be allowed to rape her with their "consent" is understood (one hold on her and threatened with violence) and then complain about bad press. received by the victim and compensation? Press reports are already suspects, if the perpetrators are immigrants.

seen as justified but not all of these payments. Prior to the appeal, there are increasing voices that see the incident but as mass rape. "Adult What, indeed, would be very adventurous' woman alone with five or six men also engage, therefore go into a situation where they totally lose control?" Martin Kilian, criminal law professor asks at the University of Zurich. In this specific case, a 13-year-old had faced alone in a strange apartment, "a horde of eroticized boys. Dass das Mädchen unter solchen extremen Umständen gültig einwilligt, könne man nicht im Ernst behaupten.
Printausgabe vom Freitag, 05. Juni 2

Kilias, der hier für alle human Empfindenden spricht und Ross und Reiter nennt, Täter nicht zu Opfern macht, ist innerhalb seiner Partei (SP) einer der Wenigen, der die linke Täterschutzpolitik überhaupt kritisiert. Er hat auch kritisch Stellung bezogen zu der in der Schweiz nach der jüngsten Strafrechtsreform verbreiteten Praxis, überführte Sexualdelinquenten frei zu lassen ohne jede weitere Kontrolle. Es war eine SVP-Frau, die die Registrierung der Sexualtäter in einem einheitlichen nationalen Register forderte. Schon deshalb wird die SP block the proposal and remains committed to the protection perpetrators, especially if it is immigrants who account for 85% of rapists in Switzerland to be concerned.

me recently by a Swiss assured the industry of the perpetrators left guild protection seriously in the face, that the risk of criminal violence "by right" is. The criminal violence riots of the left-autonomous block the Dämonisierungsparolen the SP were followed to the SVP and vandalize the Federal Court, she said frankly, it's a been so spotted "rights" in the SVP rally ... The "autonomous" do not left, but only spinner. Note: Left violence criminals are not leftists, but spinner. However, not violent SVP rallies are "pretty extreme."
For Frank A. Meyer were the excesses of violence organized by the left on 1 May in Berlin left no violence, but? Expression of the vitality of youth-oriented adventure on the search for an event? As it had formulated a German politician of the time chaos days in Hannover. Even the local police in Berlin stubbornly refused to admit that the violence came from the left scene, from which they had lined ideological. Left violence is "spinning", non-violent critics of the left are "extreme right".


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