Saturday, November 28, 2009

Glory Hole Grove City Ohio

Champions League in der Allianz Arena

I had already promised a while ago that I teach you, in whatever form t-mobile to compensate me for all the fuss around the iPhone.
have course they offered me a credit, with the amount I was not in agreement. I hit on the idea that telecom is indeed sponsor of FC Bayern (or was?). In any case, I once believed that having access to the boxes at the Allianz Arena. And so I then negotiated with my wife helpful, the really extremely nice and was friendly, made the proposal, in addition to the credit that I have two tickets for a game of FC Bayern - of course in the box - would like. That would be for me a great gift - and t-mobile does it cost a cent. Well, in reality, the cost for t-mobile, of course, in the flat-rate mentioned that the annual pay for the lodge. But once I adjust to the jargon of the mobile phone operators, and since it is then I suppose it cost a penny extra.
wife knew of course, be more helpful not to me but promised that they will take care of it. And indeed it has me in the episode at a distance of one to two Weeks called to inform me that they continue to stay on the ball but still can not say anything concrete. But she was - as I said - always extremely nice and friendly, so I actually had the impression that she cares.
One day - I was just in the U.S. - was it really that far. In the middle of the night I get a call in which my wife opened helpful proud that you have two cards in the T-Home Lodge for a Champions League match between FC Bayern for me. A little sleepy, I am grateful and can not believe it anyway.
Back at home I think actually after a few days the two tickets in his hands. Angela and I are going So on 25.11.2009 in the Allianz Arena for the game of FC Bayern Munich against Maccabi Haifa.
helpful Thank you very much, Madam. These are your hammer out really great.
Now I would like to personally thank me of course, useful for women. I got your contact information, because when she called me, always with suppression of their phone number transfer. So I then once wrote an email to the business customer service, in which I have asked that Ms. helpful but is calling me again so I can thank her. After the usual four days of processing time me working around the clock colleagues share the business with customer service then they I need further information would be, and I will not hesitate to even call the customer service business. So everything is in the area as usual. What is the need for your nice except my name and phone number for more information so I can call?
I think I'll send helpful woman a Christmas card and thank you thank you. Since I do not even know their address and their colleagues in the business customer service help me not, I will address this map then just the chairman.
was in the lodge itself, there then great. It was pretty full, so that I initially feared, the service could suffer. However, this was ganz und gar nicht so! Das Personal dort hatte die Sache super im Griff. Die waren wirklich durch die Bank weg total aufmerksam, freundlich und unaufdringlich. So etwas habe ich wirklich selten erlebt.
Es gab sogar ein kleines Rahmenprogramm, und Gerd Müller war auch da.
Wirklich rundum gelungen!
Ach ja, Fußball wurde ja auch noch gespielt. Das Spiel selber war allerdings nicht gerade eine Offenbarung. Ich fand es ziemlich langweilig, aber dafür kann man ja t-mobile nun wirklich nicht verantwortlich machen. Mit einigen Gläschen Champagner ließ es sich dann allerdings doch sehr gut ertragen.

Für alle, die es interessiert: Der FC Bayern hat 1:0 gewonnen.


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