Thursday, December 17, 2009

How To Adjust The Suspension On Polaris Xtra 10

Child prostitution: German sex tourists in the Czech Republic

"We say no to child prostitution in the Czech Republic!"

General numbers: Worldwide - as UNICEF - about two million children are exploited sexually.

measures sind dringend notwendig, denn die Anzahl der Betroffenen nimmt zu. Ausgebeutet werden vor allem Mädchen im Alter zwischen 14 und 18 Jahren. Die Altersgrenze verschiebt sich immer mehr, die Nachfrage nach jüngeren Prostituierten steigt. Einer der Gründe: Die Angst der Freier vor Aids. Der Welttourismusverbund hat sich verpflichtet, der Kinderprostitution und dem Sextourismus in Reiseländern künftig entgegenzutreten. In Stockholm treffen sich Ende August internationale Experten zum ersten Weltkongress gegen die kommerzielle sexuelle Ausbeutung von Kindern und Jugendlichen.

Kommerzielle sexuelle Ausbeutung von Kindern und Jugendlichen (Kinder-Prostitution) in Tschechien

Offiziell heißt die Schnellstraße von Dresden nach Prag "E55", doch kennt der tschechische Volksmund treffendere Namen: "Straße der Schande" oder "Längster Strich der Welt". An den Serpentinen nach der Grenze boomt seit 1989 das Geschäft mit Sex.
Immer öfter knüpfen Freier aus Sachsen und Bayern hier Kontakt mit minderjährigen Prostituierten. Nach Beginn einer Flugblatt- aktion in Deutschland will Tschechien dem Geschäft jetzt mit einem "Nationalen Plan" stärker als bisher einen Riegel vorschieben.
Kinderprostitution und Mißbrauch durch deutsche Täter seien in den Grenzgebieten seit 1996 stark gestiegen, bilanzierte das Bundesinnenministerium. Genaue Statistiken liegen nicht vor, da die Dunkelziffer hoch ist und es selten zur Anzeige kommt.
To create as zumndest partially remedy, there are eight German-Czech transitions an awareness campaign for travelers: The border police distributed leaflets with the call "suspicious" to report promptly. An example is Cheb, to say the German city of Eger, only 10 minutes behind the Bavarian Czech border. The proximity to Germany and the wealth gap has made the city a center of prostitution. Every night the same picture of Free German looking for a fast cheap sex. At every street corner prostitutes, many look very young. In the Czech Republic 's only offense to sex with minors under 15 years.

fact is a frightening Zahl von minderjährigen Kindern zwischen 8-17 Jahren, die Altersgrenze geht hierbei deutlich nach unten ! So ist werden einem TV Bericht des Polit -Magazins Report zufolge schon Kleinkinder auf dem Straßenstrich angeboten: „Gespräch zwischen Reporter und kleinem Jungen auf der Straße:

Junge: "Sex? Ja meine Schwester, ja?"

Reporter: "Aber wie alt ist deine Schwester?"

Junge: "Fünf."

Reporter: "Fünf? Klein, ganz klein?"

Junge: "Komm, komm!"

Dass hier auch Kleinkinder an deutsche Freier vermittelt werden, leugneten Politik und Polizei bis Medienberichte das Gegenteil zeigten. Der Druck der Öffentlichkeit Effective, met for the first time now mayors from 30 border communities in order to discuss measures against the curb.
And the reality? The Czech authorities are obviously neither able nor willing to get child prostitution at the border under control. Unscrupulous German Free can feel safe here. The children to the bsp. Cheb them are defenseless!

also Prague has joined a desperate call for tougher laws.

Why that is particularly at the central station significantly. Particularly pronounced here, the boy bar. At the Station Cafe in the Art Nouveau dome they sit from noon. The children go to buy the station, wait hidden on their clientele, mostly German. The social worker Lazlo Sümegh works for two years at the station. His project called "Chance" will help the boy get out of the vicious cycle of prostitution, drug use and acquisitive crime. He knows them all at the station. The statistics of the past year is alarming. In the 7 and 8 year old go two girls and three guys at the bar. The 9 and 10 years of four girls and five boys, on 11 and 12 year old three girls and eight boys. In aged between 13 and 14, it had 30 girls and 40 boys and off at the 15 and 18 year old girls and 111 boys in 1994. "

reports examples of report and Windrose

Petr, hustler
"There are 14 year old guys who do it for 5 or 10 marks. Take the Free German often over the limit, for younger and cheaper it's not getting elsewhere. For us Earlier that is a problem because the kids to ruin the prices. "

Michal, hustler
"I spent six months working as an escort. We go with the little ones who take the German free over the border. With the Germans it is often difficult. Many do not pay, others suggest the little ones brutal after sex together and throw them simply the street. why go with older like me, for protection. "

Petr, hustler
"The police does actually never happened. The walking around, check us older people, whether we have papers and stuff. But the kids run it, because they deal with which do not. The look away really what that matter, the police are an absolute zero. "

This is what the experience of the street workers of Karo, a relief project in Eger. "No one wants to know" - that is the conclusion of their work. However, women have documented numerous cases. The names of the suitors, whose sexual orientation and many other details. The dismal track record of the police investigation against it: in five years, have been identified in Eger only 9 cases of child prostitution. Ludmilla Irmscher, street worker "Karo" "We contact the children daily. Let's say so 10 to 20 new contacts. The children, age of the children is really of very young children. We have already one and a half years, two years met with Mother." More local space for tougher laws, increased penalties for prostitutes - the demands of the mayor will not solve the problem, as are all organizations agree. Their suggestions: a vigorous police action against the suitors, investigators who remain adamant on the heels of the child molesters and convicted a justice that convicted criminals hard.
lack of this concept but - Not least because of the tight budget - the political will.

Governments are required!

like a mirror after interview 4 / 2000 Schily improve cooperation with the Czech authorities, unfortunately, show the latest reports on child prostitution which is not too much!

was in the old Federal Republic? Thailand? synonymous with sex tourism and almost? good citizens? Sex with children. Today, such a paradise of the most murderous lust is only half an hour's drive, the
Horroregion Egrensis
So far, I assumed that my experience, human Suffer martyrdom of children's souls, ill treatment of mind and body less people on, could not be greater.

I thought I could attribute my 28 years of detective service - until the night of 17 to 18 March sadly informed me of another. We
, MP Cornelia Ernst and I, we had determined the street workers of the project "Karo" one night in the region of € Egrensis - accompany - mainly in the border area between Adorf and Cheb (Eger) in the Czech Republic.

Catherine and Ludmilla dealing here with target group-oriented cross-border social work in HIV / AIDS prevention with a focus on child prostitution and Child pornography in this same region €. Even without a deeper idea about the true depths of sexual perversion and aggression of the almost exclusively German free on the children line revulsion and disgust before that child molesters for us almost a physical experience, even though we have the graphs of Ludmilla hardly wanted to believe.

The reality exceeded then simply, the now almost seemingly harmless agreement before crossing the Saxon EU's external border.

The 98 brothels in the area of Cheb (Eger) in a population of barely 36,000 inhabitants appear in this use is acceptable, provided that trafficking in women, violence and crime do not matter. Although this is of course an illusion. The bus, crammed with horny Saxony, Bavaria or even from far away dominate the street scene in this pleasure caves. Drunken, loud German words buzz through the air. Cheap refuel, buy cheap, cheap ... fi, but it is nice for the honorable Germans are not at all.

Here one can not think of Goethe, Heine and Bismarck. Freud only penetrates the perception.

worse in the sense of intolerable then it is repugnant to the roads leading to Eger and the core of the old city itself No road to Eger, no street, no street in the city and on the edge without smaller groups of underage girls, aged 12 years, some pregnant populate the sidewalks and roadsides. They are not beautiful haggard under the ordinary, they are marked by drugs and disease. Usually clad in anoraks or tracksuits they wait for the predominantly old men who want to buy their young bodies.

Together with Ludmilla and Cathy saw Connie and I live, what we printed were "black on white," never believed it.

We spoke with 12 - and 14 year old pregnant children, most of them were already suffering from AIDS. Several of these little girls to the hardly curable hepatitis C.

...deutsche Autos der oberen Mittelklasse mit Herren jenseits der 50...

Wir sprachen mit einer 15-jährigen Mutter, die drei Tage zuvor entbunden hatte, vom Zuhälter jedoch aus dem Krankenhaus geholt und auf die Straße geschickt wurde.

Wir erlebten, wie debile kindliche Mädchen an deutsche Freier verhökert wurden.

Wir sprachen mit Mädchen, die von deutschen Freiern misshandelt und aus dem Auto geworfen worden sind.

Es gab nichts, was wir nicht bereits aus Thailand gehört hatten: nur schlimmer und brutaler.

Die Mädchen zeigten sich erstaunt darüber, dass einige deutsche Freier schwangere Kinder als Sexobjekt bevorzugen.

Wir also heard the satisfaction of having seen it myself, witnesses without their parents here to Infants German men movies, family portrait session, as well as to physical abuse leave. We were on the ground, where fathers and mothers hold their babies to the car window to solicit customers for the unspeakable crime.

between all these children, I can not say the number exactly, but there were more than 15 or 20 small groups of 2.3 or 4 girls (some worked with security at the same time), curved upper middle class German cars set with each individual older gentlemen, apparently 50 years and older.

We experienced the Business development, the boarding of children listless Czech police patrol vehicles, and we experienced our own powerlessness.

took place here a little, what it does not actually exist. For this purpose, committed neither Germany nor the Czech Republic. It does not take place, although we ourselves have seen and talked with the children.

gave ... children clean syringes and condoms ...

We experienced the work of street workers, which was gratefully accepted. They knew each other from a variety of previous meetings that could bring those wretches a little relief.

We distributed new drug syringes, condoms, lube, tampons and pregnancy test strips.

All the children we gave, in my previous experience and setting a monstrosity.

In this situation, however, the drop in the bucket. In this hell there is already the trampled human dignity inherent to give away a new drug injection, so do not take three children suffering from AIDS and a healthy baby girl the same syringe.

Also, drug use, first by the pimp is enforced, then a survival strategy, at least for some few years. Alt these sick children are never too young they will not do.

...... acts for which they beat Germany in the pimp was hospitalized ...

your own self-protection test is simply to gather information about the vehicles with the very evil, perverted suitors who beat, abuse and deep humility. Not to get to these suitors in the vehicle, which already had the worst experiences of others.

force with a matter of course here the suitors children to acts for which they would beat the pimp in Germany hospital.

Here in the Czech Republic can, here is one of the owners of the money, here operates to promote the prosperity of the border by the D-Mark brings into the country, for which service whatsoever.

As we then return to Germany were made to the silence on the affected nameless rage about this form of human existence and his own helplessness on the ground to the Lord of our thoughts.

We are challenged to quickly and outside parliament to be effective to generate concern, forcing the leaders of the euro region in Germany, the Czech Republic to the European Parliament to act. What is possible in Saxony, Saxony have to do what it can not itself, it must cause.

Hans-Juergen Hans-Jürgen Mertha
born 1948,
parliamentary adviser to the PDS
mail to:

MdL Dr. Cornelia Ernst,


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