Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Machine Embroider A # On A Ball Cap

In-house advertising

The ultimate recreational program for Sunday: season finale-neus

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fiorinal How Long System Drug Test

What is this?

Since even had someone fun paddling, although the thermometer indicated measly 6 ° C. But this candidate was as painless:) Although I'm not sure what kind of a beast. Any ideas?

I would tap a muskrat.

Bible Black Episodes Subbed

ERP-User-Satisfaction-Survey 2011

The ERP-User-Satisfaction-Survey, an initiative of i2s GmbH in Zurich/Switzerland, provides a renowned and non-partisan ERP-benchmarking in the regions of Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy (South Tirol). Conducted since 2003 with the opinion of over 16’000 users, it is now launched for the first time on a European-wide scale.

The online survey ends 30st April 2011. Results are published in Summer 2011 (European Country Portfolio).

Direct access to the questionnaire:


The ERP-User-Satisfaction-Survey stands for a large statistical data basis (>16’000 data since 2003) and an impartial view of the competitive field of well-known ERP systems. The ERP-User-Satisfaction barometer points to trends in user satisfaction with regard to ERP systems, promoting market transparency and a qualified dialogue between providers and customers. In addition to objective factors (functions and processes), crucial subjective aspects in ERP selection, implementation and operation are considered.

There are more than enough surveys around the ERP market. On the international market compete analysts, consultants, and various universities and colleges. At the same time, more and more vendors publish their own customer satisfaction surveys. Of course there remains the question of what makes the studies of the “ERP User Satisfaction Survey” – different from other studies. The most important quality criteria are identified:

Continuity - the study will be conducted regularly, allowing long-term analysis.
Thoroughness - the results of the study are analyzed, verified, and validated in several steps to prevent abuse and errors
Independence - the study is funded solely from the revenues of the report; a sponsoring from vendors is excluded.
Accessibility of the results - the study and results are supported by leading media and distributed.
Broad base - studies of the "ERP Users' Satisfaction Survey" in the various countries bring together abroad base of independent consultants, academics, and media partners.

Further insights into the ERP-Z initiative and publications, you will find on the ERP-User Satisfaction Survey website

Free Watch Mario Salieri

ERP-User-Satisfaction-Survey 2011

The ERP-User-Satisfaction-Survey, an initiative of i2s GmbH in Zurich/Switzerland, provides a renowned and non-partisan ERP-benchmarking in the regions of Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy (South Tirol). Conducted since 2003 with the opinion of over 16’000 users, it is now launched for the first time on a European-wide scale.

The online survey ends 30st April 2011. Results are published in Summer 2011 (European Country Portfolio).

Direct access to the questionnaire:


The ERP-User-Satisfaction-Survey stands for a large statistical data basis (>16’000 data since 2003) and an impartial view of the competitive field of well-known ERP systems. The ERP-User-Satisfaction barometer points to trends in user satisfaction with regard to ERP systems, promoting market transparency and a qualified dialogue between providers and customers. In addition to objective factors (functions and processes), crucial subjective aspects in ERP selection, implementation and operation are considered.

There are more than enough surveys around the ERP market. On the international market compete analysts, consultants, and various universities and colleges. At the same time, more and more vendors publish their own customer satisfaction surveys. Of course there remains the question of what makes the studies of the “ERP User Satisfaction Survey” – different from other studies. The most important quality criteria are identified:

Continuity - the study will be conducted regularly, allowing long-term analysis.
Thoroughness - the results of the study are analyzed, verified, and validated in several steps to prevent abuse and errors
Independence - the study is funded solely from the revenues of the report; a sponsoring from vendors is excluded.
Accessibility of the results - the study and results are supported by leading media and distributed.
Broad base - studies of the “ERP-User-Satisfaction-Survey” in the various countries bring together abroad base of independent consultants, academics, and media partners.

Further insights into the ERP-Z initiative and publications, you will find on the ERP-User-Satisfaction-Survey website

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Why Women Can Not Use Grecian Formula Hair

Niko conquered ... the first Frühlingsvorboten (75)

Dust the * * Phew, I could be diligent when it comes to blogging. However, is currently not very busy. Next week it will probably get better towards the end of the week in any case;) Meanwhile, Niko and I used the first warm sunshine of March for some nice photos in the mood for the approaching spring. See for yourself

Guys, when the time is not promising. The first crocuses have laid down not only their first green shoots from the soil, they bloom already in full bloom.

Where crocuses blooming Schneeglöcken are of course long been there. Niko flowers like both:)

fascination willow catkins, at least that was true for me and my brother in infancy. They were always sooooo nice fluffy!

blue skies, glorious continue so. Spring here we come!

Monday, February 28, 2011

How Do I Shrink Dickies

Niko conquered ... my birthday cake (74)

Finally, the bread, now the cake is constantly celebrated birthday, incredible:) Where something goes wrong apparently, I had my birthday cake that is baked themselves. You can generally leave Beback is not it? Did not work out somehow. But can complain and I do not want me, this morning waiting for me after getting up (and not by 6 after me unchristian earlier time an SMS one in the Cologne area stationed chestnut stallion - nasty Stephie - had raised ) in the kitchen following Vision:

Well, Niko was not because I have positioned there. The flower decoration, which also does not count. The contents of the packages was very satisfactory way;)

Then we went to the jaws. And while Niko have not baked any cake, but the very best cake there is, pear tart felt a very old family recipe. Viewed objectively true, neither the one nor the other, but that does not matter, as long as I can think of is the family favorite cake pear tart and must in no way a birthday is missing, otherwise numerous complaints. I got it exactly one time not given.

is That's the recipe. This list has now for many years under his belt, 20 at least ...
To Bake: That's easy:) Although I hinbekäme the pear tart without a prescription and now probably in his sleep.
comes in the way the pear cake no flour, but cornstarch.

The floor is finished, now only the pears and the quark mass. (Pst, Niko has been nibbled, the little one)
And ready. Okay, almost, there are now even added chocolate chips.
Because you a cake with less than 10 (estimated) can fill a sweet tooth, was the birthday girl but not a closing time but had to work on. In contrast to the tried and tested recipe, I then tried it on a "new" cake, an apple cake with apple sauce.

Erst der Boden: Niko wacht mit Argusaugen über jede Aktion. Weil es der erste Versuch mit dem Rezept war, habe ich das im Rezept empfohlene, von mir ungeliebte, Backpapier verwendet.
Schicht Nummer 2: Mit frisch zubereitetem Apfelmus muss der Kuchen ja schmecken.
Als dritte Schicht kommt Eischnee hinzu und so sieht es dann im endgültigen From state. Whether it tastes as good as it looks?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Creda Oven Wiring Schematic

Lohnt sich SaaS für Anbieter - als Beispiel just has the numbers for the last financial year published. At first glance, it looks good: 27% growth in sales to 1.66 billion dollars, 92 300 customers represent an increase of 19,300 companies or 27%.

closer inspection, the numbers are not so bright: The cost of Marketing und Vertrieb sind von 46% auf 48% des Umsatzes gestiegen, im letzten Quartal sogar auf 51%. Im Bereich Professional Services liegen die Kosten konstant über den Einnahmen. Addiert man das gesamte Zahlenwerk kommt ein operatives Ergebnis (Income from operations) von 6% heraus, ein Drittel weniger als im vorherigen Geschäftsjahr. Im letzten Quartal reicht es sogar nur für eine schwarze Null.

Es scheint zunehmend schwerer zu werden, die Kunden zu einer Unterschrift zu bewegen. Durch den grossflächigen Markteintritt von Microsoft mit der Dynamics CRM Online Version wird das Geschäft nicht einfacher. Geht Microsoft doch mit sehr aggressiven Preisen und Wechselprämien für Kunden in den Markt.

but also for other software providers, the figures revealing. In addition to SAP Business ByDesign to offer Semiramis and Nissen & Velten of software-as-a-service solutions. The business model does not seem to be as profitable strong as it strives for SAP, for example for the entire group. achieved with an operating margin of 6% of by far not the targets of 25% or higher, SAP has spent the entire group. A lack of size, it can not lie, after all has nearly 100,000 paying customers. Of scale do not seem to grab the costs of sales and marketing in the last quarter even increased.

Movement der Kunden in Richtung Software-as-a-Service scheint einerseits nicht mehr aufzuhalten zu sein. Von daher müssen Anbieter in diesem Segment präsent sein. Doch so einfach scheint der Verkauf doch nicht zu sein - und die Anbieter müssen sich mit geringeren Margen zufrieden geben.

Autor: Frank Naujoks

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Why Does Everything I Eat Make My Palate Swell

Niko conquered ... Holzspalterei (73)

Since leaving you Niko for a few hours the men of the house and it is driven only trick with the little ones. Tz tz. Before I let the pictures speak, I want to emphasize that Niko has survived the rough treatment but without prejudice.


Akiba Online Com Down

ERP muss sich wandeln

Die Individualitätsdenke der Anwender steht im Gegensatz zu langjährigen Grundlagen von ERP-Systemen, wie Standardisierung und Prozessorientierung im Sinne von ‚eingeschränkter Prozessführung‘. Das heutige User-Verhalten entspricht immer weniger dem Anwendermuster aus den „Gründerjahren“ der ERP-Systeme.

ERP-Systeme verfolgen im Kern noch heute Baupläne aus den Gründerjahren. Diese wurden zwar technologisch „aufgemotzt“ aber nicht durchdacht. Mit den immer zunehmenderen Ansprüchen sind hier Lösungen notwendig. Diese sind zwingend ‚hybrid‘ und müssen eine Beteiligung der User am IT-Customizing an sich zulassen.

Die IT-Kulturen und die IT-Governance in den Unternehmen sind nicht auf die „neuen User-Kulturen“ abgestimmt. Hier sind neue Ansätze notwendig, die sich von einer reinen „Technik-Denke“ verabschieden.

IT-Anwendungs-Landschaften im Unternehmen werden immer mehr zu basisdemokratischen Systemen. Das Wissensmonopol der IT-Abteilungen wird damit gebrochen. Um diese ‚komplexen Systeme‘ zu führen to make and you have to understand and internalize.

Customer behavior and communication tools change, providers need to adapt. This implies the following recommendations:
- Accept the loss of control over their product and the communication of
their product
- Integrate your customers and prospects and let them develop,
discuss advertise
- Create space for dialogue for customers and interested in - and learn
- Win reward fans and supporters by recognizing
- Experiment with new concepts and ideas and analyze the

The pressure on corporate IT are gaining comfort, availability and user friendliness - are already too dominant Apple and Co in the private-business use.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Why Do Gays Lose Their Bowels?

Winter is not over - race in Neuss

was after several visits to Dortmund for a change, today announced Neuss, so to speak, as a dress rehearsal for 13 March. Contrary to my first impressions of the course was very well attended, the states in the betting hall and grandstand building could be described almost as crowded. The longed-for spring, however lies not look at temperatures around 4 degrees and wind it was very fresh in the long run more than frosty.

The first race already promised voltage. So slowly but surely gets the Derby vintage, though not yet the potential Derby aspirants to the fore. Unfortunately, Red Cat, I would have liked to see non-runner, but so did Marion Weber Seduisant (we have been puzzled why the mare is a "man's name" carries) and Escapade two irons in the fire. However, the two ladies looked compared with the rest of fairly plush and could not hold it in appearance with a quite English Bay and Adita that looked much trained. Boliche fiel in erster Linie durch die fiel zu große „Mütze“ auf, die ihr Teufelohren verlieh, meiner Meinung nach der einzige Grund, den Sieg davonzutragen. Boliche war offensichtlich jedoch anderer Meinung als ich, oder verstand mich absichtlich falsch, vom ersten Platz von hinten war nicht die Rede. Dafür überraschte Seduisant als zweite hinter dem überlegenen English Bay, profitierte aber auch von einem guten Ritt.

English Bay
"devil ears" Boliche
Second Race: Warolino looked as good as ever, I just love. Pythonga I liked as well, while Matja Mou, Rocky Racoon Racing Times, and ranked at the lower end of the scale and some offered more of a pathetic impression. Apparently I've watched more than talked, for more of my memories indicate the race is not applicable;), but was not very spectacular, the winner For Pro, I was not on the bill that was for me to place 2 or 3 "provided ".

was the third race for me it only Wiltshire (Wiltschaiah) and Rendimiento. First looked great and I think the latter just great, even if definitely not a nice horse. Wed Corrazon looked quite cuddly, but it has not appeared with running Sun Anna I have not seen any, I am neither a positive nor a negative notice. Before the race starts, the audience had to be patient though, as Wiltshire got into the chute, it came to his head and lay there unconscious. Highly curious, and above all very "impractical" because it's not just a horse can carry the turf. The delay was inevitable, but by appearances, it seems Wiltshire zum Glück nicht allzu schlimm erwischt zu haben. Jedenfalls bot die zu überbrückende Zeit Gelegenheit zum Philosophieren über Gehirne und die Denkfähigkeit von Amöben :D

Das vierte Rennen war für mich recht einfach. Ich hatte mich schon im Vorfeld auf Valenzani festgelegt, der die heute in guter Form reitende Steffi Hofer im Sattel hatte. Der Eindruck im Führring konnte nur bestärken, denn Valenzani sah klasse aus, hellwach und sehr muskulös, da konnte der Rest nicht ganz mithalten. Gut, Imondo ist generell nicht sonderlich beeindruckend, läuft aber immer toll, daher musste das nicht unbedingt der ausschlaggebende Faktor sein, zumal Little Doc auf der anderen Seite einfach ein beautiful horse with an even more beautiful head. I'm always back to you. Irish Silk sees clearly better than he can run, so I have deleted the same, the rest I was not noteworthy.

5th Race: We were at the parade ring? Well, my memory has once again gaps. But, I remember Prince Dumont and our discussion of whether it would create Avis come today to the railway and the start box. The theory was, if so, he also won. I should have heard of myself. Whishing Wonders looked neat, but I had the last after the race not on the account, which of course was wrong again. My tip, Cape of Good Hope, of course, nothing could tear, but I shot a couple of useful photos.

Round 1
final battle, nor does the decision do not like ...
Avis with Nikol Oiler King
Last One must be, this time it hit Antonio Gold
The key finding of the 6th Race? Royal Salsa has the same grin as Filip Minarik! : D Nice and the sentence of Eugene Frank on the second-placed Damanda after the race: "Coach, little horse, big heart, madness," and he is especially popular with the owners of the mare for smiling faces, the phrase often not enough could repeat, very sweet. And I was really unhappy because my Owentuo winner of scheduled non-runner was. But I had to watch the parade ring and leisure time, such as Nadine Ermashev, apparently not entirely comfortable in their skin was, was photographed for jockeys in Germany. Meanwhile, Laura Gabriel-Jana was with so much momentum on Feelin Irie thrown that she almost sailed down on the other side.
I think we were watching the race up on the platform at least we now have admired times the pay phone live.

Nenzo wins and I apologize for the lousy photo;)
In the seventh race
we tried on a trifecta, so my attention was watching the horse tightly focused on a few horses. We chose Angel Danon, Mistic Fire and wrong, of course, that Barreq, but which also looked great, and not the significantly Erlian inconspicuous. That's all I remember.

Marion then ventured to the four-bet. Perhaps we should have been the race before a lesson, because it was ultimately how it had come, three out of four. Spoil should be this time Anapa Angel, which could not type for forms but also real. And in general there were not very many reasons for them. But to ehrlich zu sein, gab es kein optisch besonders hervorstechendes Pferd. Nach dem achten Rennen war uns dann so kalt, dass wir uns auf den Heimweg machten. Im Nachhinein doppelt ärgerlich, denn erstens hatte mein Zug so viel Verspätung, dass das Rennen noch locker in den Zeitplan gepasst hätte und zweitens haben wir so das spannendste Rennen des Tages verpasst. Pech gehabt, aber der nächste Renntag kommt bestimmt ;) 

...und daraus wurden 49 Minuten...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Diamonds Dubai Prices

Niko conquered ... Birthday Bread (72)

Ich gebe zu, dieser Blogeintrag ist eine Überbrückung before it is read Sunday night Sunday night back horse-like. Unfortunately, I have this morning, camera and Niko forgotten, otherwise it would now be more spectacular photos, including the martial-looking m n implement. The photo idea I already had, not only the appropriate Protagnisten Hmph. Therefore, there is "just" a photo from my yesterday's Niko Bread action and even this photo should have been nicer. Unfortunately, I then have the technology in the form of Photoshop shamefully left in the lurch. Photoshop has suspended the storage process and the image was gone. Therefore, only the narrow-gauge version. But Sunday jumps then hopefully one or the other beautiful photo out.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Shocked At The Size Of My Cock

Fresh fish with grammatical errors

yesterday I was only six hours of "normal" work, but what was really going on. I had just installed my drawer insert and the first customers, "cashed" when my view towards the entrance door closed and I made a discovery , which I was able to mock me all de rest of the afternoon. You could say it was a godsend And indeed go there, seemingly innocent, a large poster for the once a week held on the sale of fresh fish Parking lot of the supermarket advertised. Good, can do, but while reading the poster I saw them, the bad grammar sin! At once came over to photograph the natural urge to be ashamed of that value object
but unfortunately my camera was not within reach (ie at home). I'll tell always that I can go without a camera does not actually leave the house. So I have the crucial part of the poster reconstruct times indicated.

Did the layout imitated as closely as possible. About the hyphen in the first line I will not even complain once, even if I complain also leave out already, but this could APOSTROPHE, argh ... creepy. This is not just wrong, that is even doubly wrong. Not that the false "genitive-s" would be excusable, but that's actually not, there's not time yet to discover a genitive heul * * If one does not do everything yourself ... course I have all that would listen and even those who did not hear it, pointed. Too bad that my second boss is on vacation, who wants to anyway my linguistic advice Well, at least at the next meeting he will get it anyway reported piping hot;)

Otherwise, I have yesterday very much about Mültrennung (or not) learned in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Bremen and Hamburg, yesterday was very informative in my office. The Rostock at my office (no idea what brought him just in my cow town) that is expressed its astonishment that the yellow bags cost us nothing that is different in Meck-Pomm. Then ensued a lively exchange between him, the underlying native of Hamburg and Bremen coming live (or was it the other way?) Customers and me. Conclusion was that separate the Hamburger no garbage (can) and get the Bremer sent their yellow bags for and receive only against coupons. What a mess! If even Green dot, then I am definitely for a garbage can. The nonsense with the sacks I've never understood anyway.