i2s Studie: ERP goes China
A global standard ERP system the claim. But European companies in China make in one way or the other feature that must be observed. Otherwise threaten the users avoidable delays and escalating costs.
In many cases, the move abroad at the beginning of an adventure rather than a tightly-planned approach. Two-thirds of the Zurich analyst and consulting company i2s in the study "ERP goes China" surveyed 106 German-user companies with a commitment in China say they have opened because of the proximity to the consumer market an office in China. 62 percent have their own production base in China, one third would be closer to the supplier market of China. With
time cost and process efficiency play in the supposed low-wage countries, a significant role. Thus, the subject of ERP deployment is increasingly important, however, also leads to significant problems. The majority of the Swiss-present market ERP vendors, particularly in SME segment is still always oriented more nationally. They are not of an international multi-site operation equipped with integrated processes, nor are the localization requirements of many countries met. There is a lack of tested languages \u200b\u200band all too often to appropriate support services.
goal of an ERP deployment in China, it is first, the integration of the Chinese subsidiary to the parent company and its Prozesse zu gewährleisten, lautet eines der Ergebnisse der Studie. Ziel muss es sein, auch in China jene Zuverlässigkeit und Güte für die Geschäftsprozesse sicherzustellen, die man von einem Schweizer Unternehmen erwarten kann. An zweiter Stelle steht die Herausforderung, die chinesische Tochter in das eigene Controlling einzubinden. Dies ist umso wichtiger, da sich eine China-Expansion auch schnell zu einem finanziellen Risiko auswachsen kann. Zwar bestehen immer noch erhebliche Kostenvorteile, die Kostenzuwachsraten sind aber ebenso immens.
Für ERP-Projekte ist es erfolgsentscheidend, globale Strategien an China anzupassen. Dies schließt mit ein, standardisierte globale Prozesse check prior to their transfer to China for their portability, because it does not necessarily have the best processes for China. The enormous time and cost pressures in China makes a thorough and detailed project planning is required. Only as a cost-effective, rapid implementation of the project is possible. In selecting an appropriate system should be systems of local Chinese suppliers not taboo. Regardless of which system is used, should be considered in planning local resources that have experience with the implementation of specific local requirements.
The study will offer not only the empirical research user organizations as an aid when it the new locations will open up abroad. It serves China as an extreme example of spatial distance, language barriers and regulatory obstacles. The study is at a price of 200 € or 290 CHF will be ordered directly from the i2s.
A summary of the study can be downloaded from 222.erpgoeseast.info.
Author: Frank Naujoks
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