Thursday, November 25, 2010

What Color Minnetonka's Should I Get

Social Media - na und?

Der Hype um den geschäftlichen Nutzen von Social Media scheint noch nicht durchgängig bei den Unternehmen angekommen zu sein: Nur 7 Prozent der von i2s im Rahmen der i2s CRM Studie 2010/11 befragten 245 Unternehmen planen im Jahr 2011 Investitionen im Bereich Social Media. Zum Vergleich: 19% der Befragten wollen im Bereich Order Management to invest. Of 15 possible investment areas social media land on the last.

A sobering result - it does however conflict with the efforts of providers, social media in CRM as "the next big thing" to position. The success stories such as Dell's sales success to be repeated like a mantra to show the necessity of social media and business value. But there is probably exactly the problem here: There are too few examples and the benefits of a community or a fan site is not easy to quantify.

purpose of social media initiative
Without a clearly defined purpose, the success of social media Initiative are difficult to measure. Needs to be clarified, for example, plans to offer the kinds of conversations, the company, which is the goal of such customer interactions and how to arrange their own goals with the desires of the target group. Thus, the targets may be, for example, reduce customer service costs, improve customer satisfaction and repeat purchase probability.
These goals require it, to be coordinated across departments and should be adequately anchored in the company. For the chance to change customer relationships through social media initiatives are high.

caution traps
important for a functioning Social Media Initiative ist eine sauber ausgearbeitete Strategie im Hintergrund, um nicht Fehler im Umgang mit Kunden zu begehen, die sich im Netz extrem schnell verbreiten.
Die Mitarbeiter mit Kundenkontakt müssen verstehen, wie Social Media funktioniert und welche Rolle und Verantwortung sie dabei haben. Oftmals herrscht gerade auf Geschäftsführungsebene noch Verunsicherung und Angst, dass Mitarbeiter sich in den Kundeninteraktionen falsch verhalten. Als Lösung bietet sich ein abteilungsübergreifender Prozess an, um eine einheitliche Tonalität und Botschaft gegenüber Kunden zu entwickeln.

Die Einführung von Social Media Initiativen sind gleichbedeutend mit Veränderungen im Unternehmen. Ohne Unterstützung Such initiatives will have no success because the top management must assure not only the necessary resources, but in our experience, for example, bring in online conversations with customers themselves.

It is not necessary to start with a major software purchase social media initiative. First, it makes sense gazing after me, what is in blogs, Twitter, Amazon and other social networks on their own products or companies in circulation. On this basis can be as Twitter into its own software portfolio to integrate, without spending any license costs.

Smaller companies with social media have to deal with - their customers use the options probably. Through a well-considered social media initiative, companies can receive important impulses for product development. And, as the example of Dell shows, create new variants and dramatically reduce costs.

more information on i2 CRM Study:

Author: Frank Naujoks


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