Monday, February 7, 2011

Infection Premature Ejaculation

i2s Business Software Trends 2011

The year 2011 is in the midst of the technological, economic and organizational change. Because the technologies are on the part written for years to be manageable and accessible. Globalization is a fact no longer be of applicable and has reached the middle class. This not only benefits them in the form of labor economies, but must be such as to exchange rate fluctuations and deal a new international power structure. In addition, the organization and the organization of the company changes, in the form of a change in employee culture: IT employees are affine and demanding.

Six developments will shape the 2011 critical and have an impact on users and providers of ERP software:
 Global ERP is the standard
 Functional extension of ERP
 hybrid operating systems are gaining in importance
 Business Intelligence is increasing in the Companies from
  Innovation through vertical integration
Mobile applications characterize the

Global ERP is to Standar d
Two trends currently shaping the debate about the use of ERP software in global companies: Expansion and standardization. Because of the economic division of labor can also medium escape less and expand their production capacity and sales operations in more countries. Accordingly, the demands on the ERP systems. Not only have different languages, but more importantly, country-specific regulations and standards are represented in the system. At the same time, IT managers are challenged to unify their different ERP systems to reduce costs and speed up processes.

meaning users
our experience, always accept less user piecemeal: Das einheitliche ERP-System für die wichtigsten Länder wird zunehmend gefordert. Dahinter verbergen sich die Wünsche nach sinkenden IT-Kosten genauso wie nach beschleunigten Abläufen innerhalb des weltweit agierenden Unternehmens.

Insbesondere Konsumgüterproduzenten benötigen die Vorteile aus einer Single Instance-ERP-Installation: Den weltweit einheitlichen Überblick über das Zahlenwerk, die Nachfrage und die Produktionskapazitäten. Gleichzeitig besteht aber durch ein zu viel an Standardisierung die Gefahr funktionaler Kompromisse und unnötig komplexen Prozessen, um bestimmte lokale Regulierungsvorschriften erfüllen zu können. Zusätzlich geben die Landesgesellschaften ein Stück Autonomie und Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit on when the upgrades are done centrally and also lengthy.

users are challenged to balance the desire for standardization and flexibility. It may be helpful to engage in a hub-and-spoke strategy. Standardization takes place at the headquarters in the transactional area such as accounting, on-site will be equipped to national companies with a system that both the local requirements relevant legislation and production as well as the interface to the accounting and controlling modules of the ERP system at headquarters.

importance provider
providers, paving the way for a global, yet flexible system is not can call, will receive over the next five years much more difficult to win attractive new customers and retain their existing customers willing to expand. This offer is for providers to quite a number of options on how to respond to the needs of users. If it appears that a global expansion can not be achieved in satisfactory proportions, providers should specialize on being perceived as a flexible, highly specialized system that can connect well to transactional ERP systems like SAP.

Functional extension of ERP
ERP systems that were originally developed primarily for industrial companies are, are the foundation of application strategies for most companies, regardless of industry. ERP applications are often the transactional backbone of an organization, and include areas such as accounting, procurement, inventory management, order processing, and personnel. Over the last decade, these application suites in width and depth have developed to support more applications and industries. There were also applications such as Business Intelligence (BI) and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA-based middleware to support integration and expansion of the application landscape. Our current observation to draw more business process management systems with cross-company Workflows in die Unternehmen ein.

Durch eine zunehmende Konsolidierung durch die großen ERP-Anbieter wächst das Angebot der klassischen ERP-Anbieter. Technologische oder funktionale Lücken werden auf dem Wege der Akquisition gefüllt. Gleichzeitig wächst die Zahl der ERP-ergänzenden Software von unabhängigen, meistens kleineren Anbietern, die auf web-basierten Plattformen die Funktionalitäten des ERP-Systems ergänzen.

Bedeutung Anwender
ERP-Systeme sind historisch bedingt eher schwer zu verwenden gewesen und wurden normalerweise nur einer beschränkten Anzahl von Kernbenutzern zur Verfügung gestellt, die täglich Daten eingeben und verarbeiten. Alternative Benutzeroberflächen - Including web-based self-service applications, Adobe Forms, Microsoft Office integration and other technologies - are increasingly available to certain ERP functions to provide a broader range of staff available. Modernity, the role of the user tailored user interfaces and significantly improved business intelligence capabilities are standard.

result, new potential for the users to automate their business processes, as media accounts or system breakdowns. Conversely result for the new IT governance responsibilities, as new areas must be taken care of, the earlier focus was less on, such as sales or marketing.

importance provider
As a pure specialist provider of software solutions, it is increasingly difficult to find new customers. The charm of an integrated accounting, CRM or BI solution in the next three years, succumbing more and more users. A backlash against shows such as the company Fall in over ten years, developed as a pure CRM vendors, the company to the platform provider, where the financial accounting specialist Coda developed an on-demand accounting and marketing.

hybrid operating systems are gaining in importance
The interest in solutions that are predictable and stable cost of ownership has to offer, even against the backdrop of escalating upgrade projects increased among users. After the ERP to SaaS-based supplements - from HR to CRM almost to normal IT facilities include corporate, win SaaS ERP solution like SAP Business by Design (BYD) and Microsoft's ERP solutions offered by SaaS Plaza such as SaaS mode of travel.

It can be observed currently two trends: Complete Suites and small niche solutions appear on the demand for cloud-based software to benefit from. The availability of cloud-based development environments, providers can solve small problems and still reach a large audience.

Special advantages for users to offer so-called "hybrid concepts of operation. This feature both the installed version and the on-demand software used on a common architecture and data structure, so that switching between the operational concepts easily practicable for users without change the made adjustments or cumbersome data migration must be made.

meaning users
users can have their application landscape from a wide range of services and providers assemble freely. Offered by the usually testing capabilities of up to three months, companies have the option with functionality and operating concept of software-intensive to set apart and perform a detailed test.

Despite the euphoria, users should not lose to-use tenders the cost of too easily out of sight. A clear specification of the products used in the context of a single IT and application strategy appears necessary. Otherwise we will next Technologiezoo - and costs a dangerous trap.

importance provider
by SAP's market entry in 2007 is moving in the SaaS ERP market came. Only rather smiled, taking more and more SaaS provider offers in their portfolio. With the launch of SAP ByD in Austria and Switzerland this year is sharpened public awareness increasing. With the increasing number of references and further advancing the use of complementary capabilities in the SaaS mode will increase substantially over the next three years, the share of SaaS solutions in the ERP environment.

suppliers can not ignore this trend more and must be able to provide a quotation. Completely on SaaS ERP change are particularly manufacturing companies not, but for companies in the services sector and provide additional functional applications will increase the demand. In the CRM market, the share of SaaS solutions are approaching the 30 percent mark - And a similar long-term development is not in the ERP area excluded.

providers are challenged to harmonize their on-premise and on-demand offerings. This allows to reduce development costs and users have the freedom to choose between the deployment models and can decide depending on the situation. The provider must also have their revenue model and adapt to their funding, because instead of one large upfront payment and subsequent maintenance revenues will only accrue monthly rental income of which infrastructure development and support must be financed.

Business Intelligence is spreading in the company
The data collection has been refined over the years - from a variety of channels (website, accounting, marketing etc) the data coming into the company. The vendors in the BI environment may increasingly take measures which are mainly due to the communication of the diverse applications of BI solutions in line and looking to communicate with multiple departments such as purchasing and marketing, and not focus only on the Finance Department . This BI is increasingly critical need for tool of corporate governance and related processes within the company to be adjusted.

meaning users
The integration into business processes more end users with business intelligence capabilities to face. This results in an increasing demand for more reporting options, after the users have become familiar with the possibilities and request further information.

importance provider
Against the backdrop of an expanding number of users in the company will host providers the scalability of their solution even more on the increasing number of users and consider industry standards and requirements must be better. At the same time, the BI vendors with user-friendly interface, easy-to-use Applications and new visualizations employ in order to open up to other groups within the user company. For data visualization and user friendliness are the focus topics for users - where the providers have to follow.

innovation by industry focus of the software industry-specific functionality
be an increasingly important role in development have the ERP market. Because customers are demanding more industry-specific functionality from their ERP vendors. However, many providers are still trying to sell non-specific industry services such as accounting, human resources and procurement applications to businesses.

meaning users
users have the option of a majority of industry-specific development control by making together with the provider of the development sector releases. The advantage from a user's view is a tailored solution as the standard software and no longer runs as individual development. On the one hand, decrease the acquisition and development costs and other costs for maintenance and further development.

importance provider
vertical depth offers are critical to success for providers to be able to sell software in the future. Oracle and Lawson are examples of providers that verticals have made their primary growth strategy. Actually ERP vendors have all industrial playbooks, but not all vendors seem to be aware of the need to provide this industry-specific offerings to the forefront.
To distinguish still can, you can limit the development of their supplier not only to new functionality, but must also cover more extensive industry functions. Pure technology innovation is not enough, the process of innovation takes place at branch level.

The degree of specialization is growing from year to year: Both the software and the importing consultant. If a provider fails, the introduction of consultants - both their own team as well the partners - to develop industry specialists, he will acquire below average in the next five years new customers. The interesting and complex projects will only be awarded to industry solutions. Providers who are stuck in the specialization in the marketing stage, will run out of air.

Mobile applications characterize the
Declining communication costs, more notebooks in enterprises, home-office jobs, growing SaaS software offering: The four trends provide massive that the demand for mobile ERP is getting louder. Provider, change only the screen size without the functional and procedural characteristics of mobile use respond - fast information retrieval as opposed to complex data entry - they have a hard time finding acceptance for their solution. In the next three years, mobile-driven investment decisions have a significant portion of.

meaning users
For mobile applications enable new and changing business processes. This trend gaining momentum from an acceleration of work processes, reduced expenditures for certain tasks, and increased data accuracy. To increase data accuracy Auto-ID/Barcode/RFID-Technologien bear in addition to mobile applications by linking with their potential until vollends abrufen können. Nach teilweise mehrjährigen Testphasen übernehmen immer mehr Anwenderunternehmen ihre RFID-Projekte in den Echtbetrieb und profitieren von günstigeren Hardware-Kosten und Effizienzgewinnen.

Bedeutung Anbieter
Dabei sind die Anforderungen, die die Entwicklung mobiler Anwendungen gerade im Zusammenspiel mit RFID an Anbieter stellen, sind nicht zu unterschätzen. Denn mobile Anwendungen benötigen völlig neue Benutzeroberflächen und Bedienlogiken. Eine Übertragung des Bildschirmarbeitsplatzes auf ein mobiles Endgerät ist zu wenig und verschenkt Potenzial. Und die Datenmengen, die durch einen flächendeckenden Einsatz von RFID-Technologie anfallen, müssen in Echtzeit and are processed accurately, to raise its full potential.

Dr. Eric Scherer, Frank Naujoks, Jacques Roger, Chris White, Marcus Dresel


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