Thursday, January 20, 2011

How Do I Play Poptropica On My Xbox 360

Kuschelmonster, Hoppe Reiter and mane from

Man sollte mit so überflüssigen Dingen wie aufhören gar nicht erst anfangen  augen-rollende-smilies-0001.gif von
Reitpausen sind kacke... vor allem hinterher. Ich wusste gar nicht mehr, welche Muskeln man so alle zum reiten braucht, voll bescheuert. Ich krieg bestimmt Muskelkater und dabei saß ich nur eine winzige Stunde auf Monster heulende-smilies-0029.gif von Merke: 4 Monate Reitpause sind fürn Allerwertesten und zwar im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. I did my sit bones felt afterwards, is actually not. Previously have not let me feel their presence even after several hours. So really, what's this? Or am I getting old? lachende-smilies-0036.gif von
Well anyway, I really do nothing game made. First we went too, but after half an hour I've somehow with Monster embedded in power struggles ... Well, anyway, I must still be a few more times again on it before you can call it again dressage riding lachende-smilies-0090.gif von
Well, when I was down again, I once brought the monster mane on its feet. The begged for my mane comb. Any bets that the no one has moved while I was away, was cut, only the. Accordingly, also saw the poor animal, mane for two horses was there turn ohnmacht-smilies-0001.gif von If one does not do everything yourself. Monster was the beautification campaign plöd pretty, but that is no, because he had carried. Otherwise, I imagine that he missed me, so affectionate and cuddly in need as of today on it was knuddeln-smilies-0016.gif von

I would like two (mobile) Add images today but my phone refuses currently steadfast one respond Blootooth connection with my laptop. If it can persuade even be it later.

But gibts then stop to watch my Photoshop tinkering.

Edit felt hours later at 22.36 clock: Under threat of massive consequences ... no, my phone has somehow a bang, here we go once again to ...

There they are, the pitiful remnants:) Palidon somehow just did not hold still.


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