product shots for Opinion
Just arrived in the new year, we met a very demanding job of our customers Opinion GmbH . For this company we were allowed to operate in 2010 and photographed for the first time das Nürnberger Marktforschungsunternehmen Portraits der Mitarbeiter, erstellten Impressionen für die Internetseite und übernahmen parallel auch die Bildrecherche für Stockfotos.
Es war daher sehr erfreulich, als uns der offensichtlich zufriedene Kunde erneut kontaktierte - nur dieses Mal mit einem ganz anderen Anliegen.
Für einen Kunden der Opinion GmbH sollte eine gezielte Marktumfrage gestartet werden, da neue Produktverpackungen auf den Markt gebracht werden sollen - hier gilt es für die Opinion GmbH nun entsprechende Konzepte und online Befragungen zu erstellen. Und um die im Moment verwendeten, "echten" Verpackungen mit den neuen zu vergleichen, wurden wir beauftragt, Produktfotos to create the packaging. These are then compared in the interviews with virtually designed packaging.
A great challenge! For it must not only color fastness and product reproduction can be observed, the product photos should use the virtual representations designed largely similar. Another difficulty was to represent the different sizes of the various packages to the original.
devoured But the light in the photo studio setting, therefore, a preparation period of about an hour - and there is no single picture in the can. As the optimal lighting and camera angle was found, it was then with the help of Hanna, as Photo assistant, acted relatively quickly. Nearly 120 product photos were taken in 3 hours. keep
And the cost for our customers as low as possible, we commissioned a graphics company in India with the processing of the images to get this service for about a third of the usual conditions in Germany.
The result could be seen. In less than 5 days we have done the job on time and in a direct comparison between our product shots and virtually created images have to look very closely to "real" differ from "constructed" images to.
We look forward to another satisfied customer hope to further orders in this area and thank you very much for the Opinion GmbH for the trust and the great collaboration.
Please understand that we can do because of confidentiality, no pictures or details of the packaging.
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