Bagatellstrafen for serious crimes
Killias Martin, Professor of Criminology and Criminal Law at the University of Zurich exercises, sharp criticism of the Zurich judicial authorities: they would punish "serious crime" for young people with Bagatellstrafen. (TA Zurich)
the occasion of the death cases and Lucie «Volketswil" Last week Professor Killias criticized in an article in today's "NZZ" the way the judiciary with youth violence as much large. Killias speaks in connection with three cases of "errors, the more attention" would deserve. Criminology and criminal justice professor wonders why the alleged offender in the case of Lucie for his attempted murder six years ago was not sentenced to a long prison term. more:
22-3-09 The Swiss judicial protection perpetrators is as well as a product of the 68 German and its glorification of male violence criminals as "victims" of society. This mentality, although not necessarily popular overgrown, but still in a now well-developed left offender care lobby, where it has created their fat benefices in costly treatment projects for non-treatable and more repetition notorious sexual violence offenders who buy an expensive machine to "re-integration measures" in keep operating. The beneficiaries of the service industry, together with the perpetrators of the actual criminal justice protection lobby. The more violence, more luxurious is the expanded support apparatus, the offender shall bodyguard as a lobby for their own care. For the purpose of shielding the perpetrators of violence against all claims after crackdown of the judiciary, fewer premature release, there is a corresponding vocabulary that obscures the violence and transform violent offenders in treatment patients in need of assistance, care beneficiaries. Carefully in the appropriate panel discussions after every violent crime that attracted media attention, the word crime is avoided. It regularly gather grotesque Säuselrunden with experts who prowl around the bush on velvet paws of bestiality certain incorrigible offenders, such as the forensic psychiatrist dt Urbaniok in Swiss arenas. People like Urbaniok know what they say, and they know how to carefully and trained to the phenomenon of untreatable Widerholungsdelinquenz of sex offenders around so persuaded that the public no longer comes along with the "expert". The criminal lawyer Killias speaks louder than the other hand, the offender protection lobby. 03/22/2009
The undisguised sympathy for the criminal charges of the Left, "which has tradition because of this ideological principle Gewaltverbrcher Infantilenschule a victim of the society is given, nor aggravated by the fact that the proportion of foreigners the Gewaltkriminaliät in Switzerland is disproportionately high. At the EVENT, they can täteridentifizierte, violent fascinated left to live out their Camorra ukrativen libido and animating offender care desires and regularly raised a great outcry if even a difficult criminal aliens should not be taken by a municipality or even expelled. In the field of offender care are grazed by the fascist left.
foreigner crime
from the press releases from the City Police of Zurich, the cantonal police forces Basel-Stadt, Lucerne, Schaffhausen, train, Zurich, the city police Winterthur, the Swiss border guard and the Internet portal is of 2008, the high proportion of foreigners violent crime in Switzerland clearly indicate the the Llink denies again and again how the DSD Switzerland reported again and again. See 30/04/2008
The origin of the perpetrators is being hushed up as possible in the politically correct, fact-veiled press releases, so the violence in train in April 2008, where again a man with his immigrant girlfriend the knife had been slaughtered and we heard no word about his background with the title
elucidated in train murder: Ex-boyfriend stabbed, etc.
The naturalization initiative of the SVP was nevertheless on 1 June 2008 rejected by voters. Plays guard mentality of the perpetrators of well-developed left criminals care lobby, of course refresh their livings from the social consequences of the crime and the media has on their side, a not insignificant role. There is a lack of professional nowhere offender understand and caregivers, in opinion presenters and sedatives specialists, who are admittedly rough on victims of violence against all and they are racists and the like. to criminalize defamation and seek, should the victims and all those affected by the violence does not show the necessary understanding for the perpetrators. As in a round of GAS 5 / 08 on violence:
perpetrators left guard in action
Because the left Kriminellenschützercamorra does not fit, that the hard facts about the Kriminaliät of foreigners in Switzerland to discuss are, they still shamelessly contradicts all the knowledge in the face of the victim denies - because the left-offender protection cartel melt away in front of solidarity with the perpetrators, the victims are still openly mocked, and the survivors and bereaved and their friends as "racists" or "xenophobic" and defamed drgl..
what happened in a broadcast on Swiss television SF DRS May 2008, in which a member of such violence victim was invited, namely, the brother of the historian Berner, ripped from a Balkan gang in broad daylight in Bern by bike and had been beaten invalid for life. The violence of beasts that fell upon him, had beaten the defenseless while and kicked until he fell into a coma from which he never recovered. In the broadcast was the brother of the man from one sample copy of the offender protection front, a sugar-sweet rustle Ante, who appeared arrogant in this round as the ideological views guard who reprimanded. The shamelessness of this bitch, tried to add the set the brother of the victim as violent racists and defame the arguments for the designation of criminal gangs from Switzerland as a "xenophobic" trying is unforgettable. They exist, these gewaltverkitschenden women, which apparently can not get enough of the offender types, which is all their care. The criminal clientele is not only a good source of income, Brutal Zombies excite obviously has strong sympathies for the protection perpetrators aunts, not as victims and their families, enter the protection perpetrators of these bands have subsequently verbally. Violence horny.
The spectacle that the perpetrators gangs offer protection even after the fact, is nothing but the continuation of the action with the media means the criminalization of the victims and their friends as "racists" if they call even the offender. IOpfer one that is kicked by a brutal gang violence invalid gets anschliessendi the fist of Criminal justice in the mouth when he should go and say what is going on.
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