Sunday, March 22, 2009

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More human rights instead of social work

taboo sex and violence taboo

" do not need more young male, but more human models " A. Black »more
http://www WORLD 16-3-2009

Black is once again a little weak in thinking, as always, if not somewhere else depreciates and nachschreibt. The Plagiatorin of service to the ideology of equality has indeed left things quite right that the violence, especially violence against women worldwide is male, the violence of the gunman is exclusive männlich (wie auch die der Lustmörder , aber sie ist nicht in der Lage, daraus Schlüsse zu ziehen, sondern schliesst aus der Häufigkeit der männlichen Gewalt auf die besondere Eignung von Männern für die „Partnerschaft“ in der Kleinkinderbetreuung nach dem Motto: Mütter sind erstens austauschbare Bezugspersonen und zweitens sind Männer die besseren Mütter. Dies vorweg zur Erinnerung an den Hintergrund ihrer neusten Erkenntnisse zum jüngsten Amoklauf in Winnenden.

Sie irrt durchaus nicht, wenn sie das Motiv in der Frauenfeindlichkeit der sexistischen Gewaltpropaganda durch Porno und Killerspiele etc. erblickt, dass hier eindeutig in der gezielten „Hinrichtung“ der Mädchen and teachers came to the outbreak. The brutalization of the media and the digital world by force Sex and the glorification of extremely misogynistic fantasies that can enrich all students live on the Internet, can be argued away, even though play down the tests, the glorification of violence and effect on violent video games and killer movies, so widespread is how these products.
could read as you years ago in the "observer" that a criminal, a woman's breasts had been cut off, after which the saw in a porn video that remain Abwiegler is not reassuring readers that the audition and the copy was not another to do. The pure assertion replaced the argument. Selbst ein Geständnis des Täters, der abgab, was er nachmachte, half nichts, das Interesse an der Verharmlosung der Gewaltanimation ist stärker, denn sie scheint weitverbreitete Bedürfnisse zu bedienen. Die Reizschwelle ist ständig gestiegen, geben selbst die Filmemacher zu.

Im Radio DRS gab es vor Jahren eine Diskussion über den Film Natural Born Killers“ und die Frage, ob man dergleichen überhaupt zeigen solle und ob er nicht „Jugendliche“ zur Nachahmung animiere und abstumpfe. Anwesend in der Runde war ein Wolfram Knorr, den der Gedanke an ein Verbot aus der Fassung brachte, er stammelte ganz stammelte: „Das goht doch nit, das goht doch nit.“ Es goht nit, dass irgendetwas glorification of violence is prohibited. Reports of violence are anything other than the glorification of violence, the latter is defended like arguing that it is the reality yet. But there are some differences between a sadist and a deterrent intent of the display of violence, which is debatable. For so-called "Libertarian" means restricting violent animation is much more intolerable than all the acts which incite the latter.

Each investigator for child pornography on the Internet knows how unbearable the material is not for a perverse people. Who knows the extent of this crime and is professionally involved so that, also white, which has criminal consequences of it. What is not in child pornography officially denied, but we argue in terms from the "normal" hard pornography. It is regarded as tolerable, who has something the other hand, is "prudish". It was here that Black's campaign against pornography their merits, even if they copied the issue with Andrew Dworkin. This was not her idea, because in the beginning of her career, she had nothing against porn.

Whenever Pornokraten be affected hurry, hastily hold of a female from the Lord's service and defended their masters, so Cora Stephan at the time immediately took to the party per porn feminists. Maybe you would like to once starred in Deep Throat, who knows.
Now for the male role models. Schwarzer's statements to the media, which conceal the clear aggression against women this offender and cover up are certainly true, but their conclusion is to say the least ill-conceived and are also in stark contradiction to its other partnership and equality ideology. Because she does not want to know more men work exactly in education? Can not they deal with children as well as the women and better than the mothers? Who do they think as if they are "more psychologists and social workers' calls. More men? More men in kindergarten? Mothers know why they are suspicious.

The great fallacy or The false premise is the idea that the sexes are inherently the same, only by "the company" brought up in different "roles" and one must re-educate them just so they can be the same again. This is nonsense, of all Black's ideological patterns of thought is based, taken as a set piece from a set of Beauvoir, which has this myself meant not even in this German reflection-free version, but in an interview before her death revoked because she saw how without reflection, he was understood. Black is not capable of such reflection. (A critique of the concept Beauvoirian transcendence - beyond the horizon of black - lieferte schon Cathrin Keller in ihrem Buch „From a Broken Web.)

Aber auch aus der Ungleichheit der Geschlechter folgt nicht, dass es kein Männlichkeitsvorbild gäbe, dass nicht kriminell gewalttätig ist und auf Sozialarbeit zu reduzieren wäre. „Mehr Menschlichkeit“ wird nicht durch mehr Sozialarbeiter in den Schulen herbeigezaubert, sondern nur mehr Kontrolle und mehr Grenzen für die Herrenfreiheiten schon im Schüler-Alter kann allenfalls etwas ausrichten. Aber diese Kontrolle ist nicht von Sozialarbeitern zu leisten, die als Täterversteher und -pfleger bekannt sind, berufsbedingt, sondern die Kontrolle hätte schon dort zu beginnen, wo die häusliche Herrenfreiheit etwa im patriarchalen Milieu tolerated total is: most perpetrators of violence against women come from the Muslim milieu, sex offenders are notorious as a porn consumer, and the tolerance of the master race mentality in the Muslim milieu is also related to the Western Sexistenmentalitiät who appreciated the sale of imported women in the brothel as well and tolerated as the Frauenversklavung in the Muslim culture import. Even violence against women by local non-immigrant backgrounds have a similar background as the violence against women in the archaic male culture, where such authority is not legitimate religious.

help social workers as not to obscure the violence seems rather more. It took Männer, die kriminellen Geschlechtsgenossen Grenzen setzen, nicht noch mehr Verständnis entgegenbringen. Unter den Sozialarbeitern finden sich eher die Täter-Sympathisanten, die sich mit ihrer Klientel identifizieren. Bei Gewalt in den Schulen mehr Polizei statt Täterschützer vom Dienst würden wir sagen. Gegen das linke Geschrei von „Law and Order.“ Nicht die Sozialarbeiter sind die primär männlichen Vorbilder, sondern Männer, die in der Lage sind, die Opfer der Gewalttäter auch zu schützen, d.h. die nötigen Grenzen zu setzen.

Für mehr „Menschlichkeit“ sorgen hiesse hier zunächst die elementare Durchsetzung der Menschenrechte – und das hiesse Opferschutz instead of protection perpetrators. Would mean more legal force than social work. Anyone who threatens others heard from the school and take care fondled by a violent crime to another. Control would have to apply to all, in the case of "Migrantionshintergrund" would regulate the designation, but "play" the control of violence and sex instructions for women and sold child abuse in general. This requires male role models who are willing and able to do with the left-circuit protection perpetrators. Politicians, policemen and teachers who do not identify with the perpetrators but the victims understand.

lawyers, humanity exercised towards the victims can outlaw and the inhumanity of the perpetrators. Fewer social workers and more men who are able to protect the victims. But from such models, the left equality ideology nothing. As role models and counter-images to the criminal black man covered only the social workers. Other men as perpetrators and perpetrators Do they seem not to know. But hand in hand. If the country needs new men, but then that would be no softies ... and no plaintive misogynistic old Neosexisten, but human rights hard-liners.

more victims, fewer offenders law. More human rights, less social work. Less
offenders understand more humane hardliners.


Zu den Mutmassungen über die Ursachen siehe:

Früherkennung von potenziellen Amokläufern?

Aufgrund einer Studie über deutsche Amokläufer sind Psychologen der Meinung, mögliche Täter als bestimmten Risikomerkmalen erkennen zu können Psychologen wollen herausgefunden haben, dass Jugendliche, die Amokläufe oder schwere Gewalttaten an Schulen begehen, vor der Tat anhand von "Risikomerkmalen im Verhalten und in der Kommunikation" erkannt werden könnten. Der Amoklauf sei nur der "letzte Ausweg" aus einer länger smoldering crisis that recognize themselves in character and thus permitting the avoidance of preventive.


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