Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Men Legs Together Heat
The Taliban laws Women reintroduced
prohibited leaving the house - rape in marriage allowed
At the Afghanistan Conference in The Hague presents itself appointed by George W. Bush President Hamid Karzai today once more as a moderate, open-minded statesman . At home, according to British media but he has signed a law that in some ways reminiscent of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan in which women were virtually without rights. called Senator Humaira Namati it to the "Guardian" even "worse than under the Taliban" as.
The law was adopted specifically for the minority of Shiites, the approximately ten percent of the population and in accordance with the constitutional right to have its own Family Code, based on their traditional jurisdiction. The bill had been rushed in February downright through Parliament, critics complain. "It is one of the worst laws, passed in this century," said the MP Shinkai Karokhail the "Independent". It was "totally against the rights of women" and make them more vulnerable.
The exact content of the law is not known, because of "technical problems" it had not been able to be made public, the Justice Ministry in accordance with "Guardian". It should be forbidden to women, however, ohne Erlaubnis des Ehemanns das Haus zu verlassen oder eine Arbeit anzunehmen. Auch soll es ihnen nicht erlaubt sein, sich den sexuellen Begierden ihrer Männer zu entziehen – faktisch ein Freipass für Vergewaltigung in der Ehe. Ein Bericht der UNO warnt zudem, das Gesetz spreche das Sorgerecht für Kinder ausschliesslich Vätern und Grossvätern zu.
Al Guardhyan dürfte die Entschuldigung einleuchten, die islamische Frau schuldet dem Mann Gehorsam. Aber auch so manchem deutschen Mann leuchtet das ein. Das östliche Rohpatriarchat und das westliche modernisierte trifft sich in der Globalisierung. With the globalization of trafficking is violence against women still more legal forms in the West. In Germany alone there are hundreds of thousands of women forced into prostitution. With an estimated one million customers a day, we may expect a large male population, which has naturally not opposed to sexual violence against women, not to mention the percentage of child porn consumer. Again this will always carefully concealed in the debates about the Islamic legalized violence against women. Their Akzeptenz in Europe goes far beyond mere dioe legitimate fear of Islam.
prostitution and trafficking in women:
male power and powerlessness of women
Figures on trafficking in women and forced prostitution
even admits the left-Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, the EU laws are the best protection for the traffickers . That they protect and promote the Islamic barbarity is always known. The latter could not gain a foothold in Europe when the floor of the Patriarchate was not prepared on the now rising even the seeds of Islam. Oh what the EU forced into prostitution by brothel visitors from around the world would they have against the Islamic Fraueneinsperrung in the house? Also, Brussels is full of brothels. If
comes from a case of a private brothel for the day when a "father". To sein kleines Sex-KZ- über Jahrzehnte daheim halten konnte (Amstetten, England, Italien), dann ist das angeblich Erschrecken gross, weil die Privatbordellbestie die eigenen Töchter gefangen hält – aber der Missbrauch unzähliger Frauen, die in den heimischen Bordellen gefangen gehalten werden und täglich den Besuch der Rudel über sich ergehen lassen müssen, ruft keine öffentliche Empörung hervor. Sowenig wie die moslemischen Privatbordellbesitzer, die ihr minderjährigen Töchter zwangsverheiraten dürfen. Das ist die „fremde Kultur“, die bei der einheimischen nicht sonderlich auffällt, die Bordellgesellschaft hat nicht vile einzuwenden gegen die Haremsgesellschaft.
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