Solothurn prison scandal
"I can not get out of here"
03/23/2009 Come to me, said the Grandmother, as she calls Nina. But Nina is in jail. Was her call a hidden Cry for help?
Nina * (14), the girl from jail: two nights they spent in the prison scandal at Bleichenberg Zuchwil SO. In Knacki C. Franco (37), their biological father. With two other prisoners (32, 26) is said to have had sex and drugs taken (in view).
the unbelievable situation in a Swiss prison - now reveal Nina's mother and her adoptive father, new details of the scandal. They want to remain anonymous - because they are afraid of Franco C.. Fear of his revenge when he is free again.
"I have taken anything"
The mother said that Nina at that 28th February, when they smuggled into the prison Bleichenberg was her Grandmother had heard: "I can not tell you where I am, Omi." The Grosi offers the granddaughter who has run away again from the home to, to come to her. "It does not work," says Nina, "I can not get out. . I have taken something "
What the child is" has, will become clear later in a urine test - drugs! In jail Heroinbriefchen be found! The processes in the prison, the fear for Nina make the mother sick. She has broken up with Nina's "producer" before birth. He did not want the baby, never paid maintenance, never got in touch. But
Nina grew up in an intact family. 11 years ago married the mother, her husband adopted Nina 2004th For Nina, he is the father, and when he speaks of Nina, he smiles. She loved our convertible. Even with four she wanted to ride ever said to me: do \u0026lt;Daddy, s'Dach abe!> and stuck his head into the wind, "the mother said." Nina was a normal girl. A happy child. She was our princess. "
until February 2008. Then it was as if a switch in it would have been folded over, "said her adoptive father. Your girl is suddenly a different person. "We still do not know what happened to her." Nina wants to say anything more have rebelled, the scratches the skin, threatens suicide. In their need to give the parents of Nina adolescent psychiatric in an institution. "A mistake," she said today .(...)
Nina's parents are afraid. Fear of Franco C., who now has trouble in jail. The state, have learned their parents, they can not even protect Nina. * Name
be changed by the editor
conditions in the prison scandal investigated
: The exterior of the station Solothurn prison Schöngrün is now illuminated.
Last week, has become known that in the Aussenstation der solothurnischen Strafanstalt Schöngrün einige Häftlinge ein und aus gehen konnten, mutmasslich Drogen konsumierten und dass ein Insasse seine 14-jährige leibliche Tochter in der Aussenstation versteckt hielt. Nun fordert die Solothurner SVP per sofort den Rücktritt des sozialdemokratischen Gefängnisdirektors Peter Fäh und wirft dem politisch verantwortlichen Regierungsrat Peter Gomm, ebenfalls Sozialdemokrat, «Kuschelmentalität» vor.
Akt. 25.03.09; 07:25 Pub. 24.03.09
Missbrauch im Knast
Gefängnis-Direktor: «Vorwürfe sind Quatsch»
The director of the prison Schöngrün stands at the pillory: An administrative investigation is underway. Politicians call for his head and employees do have long pointed out the shortcomings. He is convinced: "We've done everything right."
drugs, cell phones, prostitution - even four days after becoming aware let the events in the external unit Bleichenberg the Solothurn prison go up Schöngrün the waves: The Solothurn politicians are shocked by the conditions in the prison and (reported 20 minutes Online) request the head of the director.
The sexual abuse of a minor girl who is made compliant with drugs, as it looks to the recent reports is for many a Swiss Internet User and child porn consumers but no abuse. There is a debate over whether "sex with a 16 year old" was an offense at all.
The girl is 14th Even the thought that she was lured by the criminal father to visit in prison and was delivered to a Serb and a Turk from a man who always has the mother of the girl's fear is so disgusting - even if they 16 would have been. Here is revealed a widespread herd mentality of a gewaltbrodelnden porn company, in view of its fruit is then astonished question dwells, where the come because all the perpetrators (who must imitate only what they have at any time be converted into killers and violent porn videos and what s mass is consumed). But the questions about the age of evidence in this case by a disgusting cynical brutality. Although a portion of the population being dehumanized and dehumanizing conditions still feels as a scandal, but delights in no small part because quite unabashedly. Just as the many child porn consumers, like all the Puffkunden which depend on the misery and the Ekel der verkauften menschlichen Kreatur begeilen. Das ist die Realität, die bei den recht scheinheiligen Talk-Runden über Gewalttäter („Was können wir dagegen tun?“) sorgfältig ausgeblendet wird – die Lust an der Gewalt und das Vergnügen am Missbrauch von Kindern kaum beim Namen genannt wird. Sie gilt als abartig, ist aber so weit vertreitet wie die Nachfrage nach den perversesten Gewaltdarstellungen zur Normalität geworden ist. Alle Forderungen nach gesetzlicher Einschränkung ernten regelmässig Hohn und Spott. Denn es sind Männerbedürfnisse, die hier befriedigt werden, und die sind unantastbar.
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