school alarm - cherchez la femme
or who is to blame for the violence?
Germany has problems with education. And finally an explanation for the poor performance and the social prominence of the male students: The teachers are to blame. The "dominate" the schools.
where women dominate, something is wrong with the world of men, which is crystal clear.
Oh where are for only the teachers gone? Is the 68 teachers, their pedagogical experimentation spoiled? Is something wrong with their schools?
Switzerland also has problems with the school. That is, with the male Students. And recognizes the cause again in femininity. It is not because the students that they are violent outgoing than eager to learn, especially those with Migru, it has to make contact with women.
school Alarm: boys suffer from women , subtitled the free sheet ch on March 24, 09th.. were
Just in time for the last bloody attack on a boys school, where girls and women teachers specifically executed literally. So it is appropriate but wonderful if the boys suffer so among women, that they must kill. The declarations can not wait. As with Amendt the debt follows the mothers from the violence of the sons conclude, the new Männerrechtler from the growing violence in schools on the $ debt of the teachers who do "suffer" the boys. The disease is principally to the existence of girls who usually have better teaching than the boys, more motivated and socially acceptable. This must not, on the failure of the boys, the girls must be to blame. Women are also known to blame all violence on the men.
If the women have granted generous of the bloggers, where the risk of feminization of Europe is coming up instead of the new unspeakable men law, that although they should not hold high positions, but still teachers be allowed (even lack of male interest an diesem aufreibenden Job, der zunehmend gegen renitente und gewaltträchtige Schüler auszuüben ist), sollen sie nun auch aus den Schulen verschwinden? Denn die sind auch zu „feminisiert“. Entsprechend der Justiz in Österreich, wo die Moslems sich über die „Frauenlastigkeit“ der demokratischen Gerichte beklagen und ihr eigenes Rechtssystem eingeführt haben. Ob die Männer, die so unter den Frauen zu leiden haben, auch das Schulwesen mit dem hohen Anteil an moslemischen Schülern nicht gleich ganz in die Hände von Moslems legen möchten, die die Mädchen dort mores lehren werden, damit die Buben nicht mehr so sehr unter guten Schulnoten der Mädchen zu leiden haben?
. CH:
" teach in our schools, almost exclusively women. Suffer, especially the boys, experts warn. They call penetrate more male teachers . "
But oha! Where should they come from. It is not even prohibited them to take to this profession. What might be such to the strong men so little concern that they would rather leave him to the unpopular so hated teachers? We would suggest that women avoid the profession in the future, because they are there but only molested by the boys with an immigrant background, so why be against it at all with them from? For the dirty work, to seek bepöbeln as a slut and cunt from the rabble from the breeding rooms of the Islamic Sexual fascism, contempt for women to the Koran and Sharia, then they seem to be right, or why men will not go away because exchange with them? At the same time they defamed the teachers that they are too many of the schools.
that there are too many women in the brothels, we have not heard from the circles of the new beorgten Männerrechtler suffering from the "feminization" of the Gesat Society. In the brothels, women are welcome, shrill, however, the sexists VIOM Service have no objection. Or someone from the seething anti-feminist bloggers something for the women to brothel? Because it meets the local clientele with the pimps aus dem Migrationshintergrund, aus dem auch die menschlicher Ware stammt, dass die Liebhaber der SEX-KZs nur so sabbern vor Fremdenliebe. Aber zurück zur Schule, wo die Bubenseelen von den Frauen verdorben werden:
Das Schweizer Gratisblatt .ch:
An den Primarschulen unterrichten fast nur noch 20% Lehrer. Der Rest sind Lehrerinnen.
Ach richtig, 80% sind ja der Rest von 20%. Wenn nur ein Mann an der Schule unterricht, besteht „der Rest“ aus Frauen.
„Auch an der Oberstufe verschwinden die Männer aus den Lehrerzimmern..“
Wenn das man mit rechten Dingen zugeht! Sie verschwinden einfach. Die Frauen sind nämlich blame for the loss of men. One can see why women are so all ready. They bring the men simply disappear. Soon SIOE again vergigten well.
"Now beat analysts and politicians alert."
It must be a national emergency. One would only remove the women from the staff rooms, right? Whether the teacher purely dare again?
"It is shocking to see the teaching profession has become unattractive to men," says Anton Strittmatter from the Teachers Association of Switzerland.
Tjaaa ....
Whether that is attractive if you have removed the teachers from the profession?
"boys, school-Verl Eider" we read.
Alas, even for the boys, the school is so unattractive, but also the needs of the teachers are, and the many girls. We could change it that?
In Lausanne, there were already a measure against the better grades of the girls: they were simply reduced in favor of boys.
The low male ratio has an impact on the child's soul, white. Ch.
Concern for the child's mind is we are less known in other contexts ... If it is necessary to prevent violence and killer games that can be felt by the concern for the soul of a child less But teachers seem harmful for children to his killer as role models.
boys are the victims .
is meant: men are the victims of the female world.
is now also an expert Guggenbühl not far away, the boys with the power train and how to punch properly so that the victim survived. For one the boy may indeed the fun of violence does not spoil, as we already know from Guggenbühl from elsewhere. O-Ton Guggenbühl ch.
"The school has become a female habitat," says Gguggenbühl, author of the book: "Little Machos in crisis."
Guggenbühl also knows how to have a great deal with the little macho macho men. Not sanction violence, but really practice! The little machos have to defend it if they beat up a pensioner! And because the little machos are in crisis because of the many teachers, they would have " therefore often lengthening the school Eider " as Guggenbühl says. Strange, however, that the "little machos" that come from those environments in which women dominate no guarantees, but only men who schulrenitentesten and asocial Frauenanpöbler and bats are ...
The solution:
Männer müssen her
Aber wie. Woher nehmen und überreden? Nichts da, Einsicht reicht nicht, es muss mehr getan werden für die Lehrer.
„Politiker machen jetzt Druck. Hans Widmer, Luzerner SP-Nationalrat und Philosophielehrer: „Auch die Buben brauchen Identifikationsfiguren. Ohne männliche Lehrer empfinden sie die Schule als etwas Fremdes. “
Ach wie kommt denn das? War die SP nicht die berühmte Lehrerpartei? Und zugleich die Fremdenförderungspartei? Verdanken wir den linken nicht so viele Fremde an den Schulen, dass nun die linken Lehrer die Schule als etwas Fremdes empfinden? Wir dürfen wir das verstehen, wo doch ihre Lieblinge die Schweizer Schulen in einem Ausmass bevölkern, dass die lieben linken Lehrer gar nicht mehr dort rein wollen? Warum redet der Mann so um den Brei herum, der den Lehrern zu heiss geworden ist?
Aber auch für FDP-Nationalrat und Mathematiklehrer Pankraz Freitag ist klar:
„Im Alltag der Kinder dominieren die Frauen.“
Buben sind weniger lernmotiviert und „sie sind beim Schulpsychologen übervertreten“ wie Guggenbühl es ausdrückt, m.a.W.. sie stellen den Hauptanteil der sozialen Problemfälle.
Auch in der Oberstufe, wo die Lehrerinnen noch nicht überall dominieren, sind die männlichen Lehrer disappearing understand that read more than 50 years, we will soon be retired, and the children are not as manly as man wishes. So that the men are motivated even more to the dominated leftist pedagogy field to again become active after it has been alienated from them that they feel there stranger, where they are but they should just feel at home, to the teaching profession to be upgraded ! For men, it is obviously not good enough after the left education there for years, of their crops has grown. Interestingly,
has learned the "children" psychologist Guggenbühl it but nothing and no way to set limits set for the violence-loving "children" who are over represented at him. Namely that one should not wean the banging, you just have to teach them the right way. May look like the training that is provided for the hoped-for role models? May they will put more limits than Guggenbühl?
What is now proposed, instead of more money, as in Germany, "a Master's degree. If men are to be motivated, the work be worth something! Women spoil the reputation! everything they touch is devalued. the whole world is destroyed by the women as we could learn from the men's Ertüchtigugnsblogs. Too many women are worth nothing. In any case, not so much as a man's already taught the Koran. In male-oriented training is understood now " More practice, less the humanities." Guggenbühl More! Here you can watch him
said as yet a Bavarian politician decades ago: Retail is the woman in the parliament as a flower, in the crowd she is like a weed. On the men
mass being will heal the world.
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