Tuesday, March 24, 2009

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Vaterrechtler against mothers

Das moderne Vaterrecht und seine Ideologen

Sie kommen aus aus allen Löchern, die alten neuen Antifeministen. Das Bündnis gegen Frauen hat ein grosses Spektrum - unter den Islamkritiikern sind es die konservativen altpatriarchalen Männermoral-Aufrüster, die den Frauen pauschal als "Feministinnen" (womit sie die linken Verräterinnen der Frauenrechte meinen, die sich den islamischen Frauenfeinden andienen) die Schuld geben an der Islamisierung, die sich der moslemischen Gewaltvermehrung verdankt, und unter den Linken sind es Alt-68er Makker und Machos, die sich als frauenbewegunggeschädigte Erniedrigte und Beleidigte fühlen und ihr frustriertes Gemütchen nun an den Frauen kühlen, die ohne Männer leben, ob freiwillig oder nicht, ersteres ist ihnen besonders suspekt, wenn es sich um Mütter handelt, die ihre Kinder nicht den Vätern geben wollen. An ihnen entzündet sich der ganz Frauenhass wieder von rechts und links.

Unter den neuen Vaterrechtlern finden sich auch viele linke Alt-Antifeministen. Einer von ihnen ist Amendt, der schon vor Jahrzehnten als Fachmann für Sexualkunde den Mädchen die richtige Version von Rote-Grütze-Aufklärung beizubringen versuchte und sich als Experte für Feminismus in den Medien zu profilieren versuchte, wie auch Kollege Hollstein, dem der Feminismus arg ins Auge stach, und der die neue männliche Weinerlichkeit begründete mit Erklärungen wie „Meine Frau hat mich verlassen.“ Das haben umgekehrt aber schon viele Frauen experienced, we would say.
It's the old anti-feminists of the left and right who are now pushed together to make a patriarchal alliance against women and newly under the flag of father-right form of women, to single mothers, against students and teachers, against the so-called "feminization" of the school, the professional world, politics, and indeed the world that listens to talk to the new Männerrechtler so seems to be dominated by women. The men wars and the ever manmade Genocide, were now women's historical achievements. The EU seems to be a women's work, read the young macho with Altneupatriarchen-views in mind, it must be cleaned be. Women must not only get out of the schools where they only cause trouble for the significantly poorer students whose obstinacy and anti-social Lernunwilligkeit the girls are not accused, but where are only the many male teachers who are clearly not to tear the job? When women live as single mothers and has sought the width of the partners, they are naturally fault that the children grow up without a father.
to the mothers without a man can steal the new Vaterrechtler as Amendt in particular. Verjääste the type that looks like a 68s scrapped asked not afterwards, why the woman lives alone with a child and make the best of the situation must not know what preceded it, and whether they viellleicht good green to educate without father. The blame for all failures of education to women without any view of the circumstances of separation or absence of the "partner" works amazing like a medieval witch detection. No matter what goes wrong as the woman's fault. Male violence is alien to the Männerrechtler. Never heard of. Comes as a ground for divorce does not even considered. All gegeht violence by women - from the domestic to the National Socialist, who had to do for Amendt to do with the men's societies and the cult of masculinity of the Nazis. The new fascism is a cult of men in the name of Father strikes law against women - that is the revenge for the women's movement. The motives are transparent, lousy the arguments that human intention is mr. The restoration of the Patriarchate, which was scratched just short of the last women's movement. it beats back in full.
And that has, as always no shortage of female assistants. Vilar to Rutschky from Paglia Palin bi ...

After the "Mercury" had let down in January 2008 by his high-level Ross presented in the netherworld of women's issues and with a title like "stupid nature" a Paris Rainer, who dismissed everything as feminism, was sich an Unzulänglichem mit dem Namen Frauenpolitik in Verbindung bringen liess. Das Facit musste demnach heissen: Was Frauen auch anfassen in der Politik, es ist bescheuert.

Die Ergebnisse der Männerpolitik werden versteht sich keiner solchen Generalprobe und Pauschal-Prüfung auf Bescheuertheit unterzogen, von Hitler bis Stalin, von Mao bis Pol Pot, von Idi Amin bis Mugabe erfreuen sie sich ernsthafter Systemanalysen und verständnisvoller Erklärungen für alle ihre Verbrechen. Aber die Frauen sind daran, wie Amendt & c feststellen, ebenso beteiligt wie die männlichen Gewaltakteure der Welt. Der Begriff Gewalt gegen Frauen ist wieder unbekannt und irrelevant. Ebenso wie der Begriff Herrschaft und der Begriff dominierender Groups. There is no difference if the debt is the most monstrous crimes of violence in the world and always nice to redistribute evenly - on perpetrators and victims. Only when the Jews dare sexual fascists are still not open, but that is surely to come.


Gerhard Amendt Mercury in March 2009 No. 3

fatherless society as a nonviolent world

Since the sixties, have called the new social movements in Germany for the parental role to children and the structure of families not only changes but himself practiced and ultimately their social generalization contributed significantly.

was the most explicitly in the women's movement, and there again in certain feminist variants. At the same time swayed the importance of the father was assigned between insignificance and Verbesserungswürdigkeit. The resonating animosity towards the male was unmistakable. Thus, the new socialization debate has not only changed the practice of child rearing, it also defines the role of new parents do. Nestled was, if not from the beginning, more or less severe modifications of the gender arrangements.

What began as a hopeful change was stranded in the eighties: The typical modern gender arrangements, namely, the dynamic of traditions, ended in the unique conditions apparently unprofitable polarity of good women and bad men who are trapped in a friend-enemy relationship. But the polarization of gender arrangements must be understood not only as an internal generation scramble for power and moral superiority, but rather cross as a generation test, one of the memorable images of the good wife and mother, especially with regard to the time of National Socialism to preserve. Feminism has represented this ideology, the men agreed to by the silence.

This is already absurd, the German left feminists distanced themselves from the good image of the mother and wanted nothing to do with have, motherhood was the same Nazi ideology and biologism. What tells the man do? Evidence please.

Both have to some extent by design. The exemplary clarifying this relationship in the last thirty-five years of German history will make a further development beyond polarization live practically and scientifically possible again.

Which way the sons of the early unity with the mother also turn into life with the father, was not only in the Achtundsechzigerbewegung a politically explosive issue, but also in the points arising from her feminist variants. While there are plenty of ideologies von hilflosen Frauen als »universellen Opfern patriarchaler Allmacht«, 1 aber gleichzeitig auch das unhintergehbare Alltagswissen, nach dem Mütter geschichtsmächtig sind und wesentlich dazu beitragen, die zukünftigen Beziehungen ihrer Söhne zu Frauen und zur Gesellschaft zu gestalten.

Ach so. An den Gewaltbeziehungen sind die Mütter schuld. Sie sind schuld an an den taten von Vergewaltigern und Kindesschändern. Der Amendt trieb sich doch schon schnüffelnd auf Frauenkongressen zum Thema Gewalt herum und spielte sich in den 70ern auch als Sex-Lehrmeister ("der verdiente Sexualaufklärer der 68-er Generation", Dirk Schümer, http://www.perlentaucher.de/buch/15005.html)vor einer Klasse von Swiss students on who was trying to teach in the presence of the teacher, a proper understanding of sexuality, it was kind of disgusting, the students felt repelled heard, talked more about her feelings instead of the chalk-jargon of the German sex-education-master adapt which was granted as a prude. If women are not following the German sex-education-whip worked but still showed feelings of shame, that was reactionary. Meanwhile, see the sex disciplinarian scruffy and plenty of Limitation of Action, and now he appears as Vaterrechtler in otherwise dignified German journals, which are not to be called next. But when it lost buddies of feminism injured men is against women, then the scientific level is to perish by the shallowness of a German beer puddle just right and not an argument from the shallow patriarchal mothballs, as it would not be fished out of mothballs and served as the latest knowledge of the fathers research. The fathers feel completely innocent of everything that the feminist research them so nachsagt. Violence? No issue. War?

are not widespread rape frightening? For the 68-children-blower against the stupid mothers in any way. The whole fury of the male Wehleidsfront is now back to the mothers who destroy the world, die heile Familie der friedlichen Männerwelt. Sind die Vergewaltiger etwa bezwingbar? Seit wann denn? Hat die Gewalt abgenommen? Hier soll der Protest gegen Männergewalt gegen Frauen lächerlich gemacht werden als völlig aus den Fingern gesogen. Oder was will der Mann eigentlich gesogen? Kann er die Fakten widerlegen? Oder kann er nur generalisierend diffamieren?

Amendt: Ironischerweise übernahm diese Sicht die Entwertung der weiblichen Erfahrungen und akzeptierte ihre patriarchale Sichtweise, die sie ja angeblich kritisierte.

Die Ironie liegt ganz woanders – in der Unmöglichkeit, innerhalb eines Frauen seit jeher verhöhnenden Patriarchats überhaupt ein Modell von Weiblichkeit to imagine that do not reap scorn and ridicule - as a difference or equality model. Feminists for equality is set, they held their masculinization and the violation of their own femininity, put them to be different, they are derided as reactionary, anything goes. Because it is about to ward off any protest against female usurped power and destructive men. The latter sits well known, have the controls. This lever operated Amendt and his ilk.

The passion for universal victimhood have entertained many varieties of feminism. 2
silent given that most men persevere, to this day, and treated them like eine eigenbrötlerische Selbstagitation von Frauen, 3 was wiederum dazu beitrug, daß der opferverzückte Traum von der weiblichen Ohnmacht sich als selbstverschuldeter Alptraum entfalten konnte. Das war den meisten Männern nur recht, weil Hoffnungen von ewiger beruflicher Identitätsstiftung trotz des immer häufiger ins Psychische abgesunkenen ökonomischen »Providersyndroms« nicht in Frage gestellt wurden.
So schien es denn in den vergangenen zwanzig Jahren eine unbewußte Übereinkunft zwischen den Geschlechtern zu geben, die sie zu beiderseitigem Nutzen beschwiegen. Denn die Liebe zu bedauernswerten Opfern scheint vielen Männern nicht weniger reizvoll, als ein gefürchteter Täter zu sein.

So is the culprit yet attractive means or how the man who makes the thousands of documents for male violence against women, without any reverse counterpart a passion for the victim status. Blame the victim is still the rule. Victims to be despised, and alas, they see themselves as victims.

reason for this development since the Achtundsechzigerbewegung the fundamental debate that has sex in any form of "world-shaking" historically significant.
to find the roots of the "evil men, predestined for the perpetrators of violence and was, at first the proximity to the mother definitely still perceived as soft REPRESENTATIONS.

The usual accusation mothers who must vote for Amendt from the start. Mothers are to blame for all men horrors of the world, wherever men are active in exclusive circles as women without men brutal torturers and commit Genocide, the mothers are to blame, what else? It goes on. What follows is the psychologizing of violence debate - as you can get lost in all depths of declarations and forget about the fact that disappear so not just because it has not clearly explained the findings. Also indicated

but was early on that the replacement succeeds to be provided by her as an important step Masculinity just was not necessary. The detachment was seen the other way around as the root of all evil men.

From whom? There are a lot of other insights about male violence, lust and rape pleasure, including child rape, has more to do with biology than with psychology, but that is for the old-soixante already too much of a mental taboo, as he came on it, what women already were observed before each developmental discourse: that the boys even with the same treatment are significantly more aggressive than the average girl. Even with the new teachers who wanted to abolish the gender roles (See Carol Hagemann-White, in which the their early studies found indeed (see her book "Women's Movement and Psychoanalysis"), but after teaching in Germany apparently switched to the required equality ideology. Wes I eat bread I have the song.

A. was growing up without separation from the mother even thought of feminists as a perspective for a better world would be just one that by "patriarchal men no longer dominates.

addition to the Utopian character of the idea - the question of what would be on a non-violent male-dominated world is so terrible, is not prudently be Amendt. Where he worked in Germany, the mother-friendly Feministinnen getroffen haben will, verrät er leider nicht, wir hätten die gerne kennengelernt.

A.: Die Debatte über die »disidentification from mother« war demnach nicht nur eine Besichtigung familiärer Erziehungsprozesse in Verbindung mit der idealisierten Mutter und dem zum Bösewicht degradierten Vater, sondern zugleich Politik für eine Gesellschaft jenseits »männlicher Gewalt«.
Was spricht eigentlich für das diesseits der männlichen Gewalt, dem Amendt nachzutrauern scheint, wo immer es einer Frau gelingt sich aus einer Gewalt-Beziehung zu befreien? Das Jenseits der männlichen Gewalt besteht vorwiegend aus Frauenhäusern. Ist das Jenseits gemeingefährlicher, Frauen und Kinder bedrohender der Männergewalt eigentlich ein so schlimmes Ziel? Selbst wenn es nicht erreicht wird – was ist daran so falsch? doch wohl kaum für die Frau. Auch nicht für die von Vätern geprügelten oder missbrauchten Kinder. Aber von denen ist wohlweislich keine Rede bei Amendt. Es stimmt dass die Ablösung von der Mutter oft Feindseligkeit gegen die Mutter bedeutet. Schon der männliche Fötus entwickelt Gegenkräfte...

Unterstellt wurde dabei immer, ohne die Opferselbstverliebtheit der Frauen in Frage zu stellen, daß diejenigen, die die Söhne wesentlich formen, den Schlüssel für eine bessere Welt in Händen halten. Als Geschichtsmächtigkeit von Müttern wurde das allerdings nur selten benannt – nämlich als Frage, wie Mütterlichkeit schon immer dazu beigetragen hat, »männliche Täter heranzuziehen«.4

Wenn man aus real existierenden weiblichen Gewaltopfern schlicht Opferverliebtheit macht, geht die Rechnung der Vaterrechtler ja auf. Es folgt haarscharf aus der Prämisse, was mit derselben beabsichtigt war. Logisch!
Von jüdischer Opferverliebtheit würde er nicht wagen zu sprechen, obwohl es mehr weibliche Mordopfer gibt als von jeder anderen Gruppe der Menschheit, aber auch Massen von weiblichen Mordopfern interessieren den Herrn nicht.
Hauptsache, die Mütter sind an der Männergewalt und den Männerverbrechen schuld! Hitler's mother's fault! There is no authentic male power lust, it is instilled, there are no child molesters instincts, everything is instilled by the mothers.

So it was in many variants of feminism is not about to become emotionally with the "righteousness victimhood Which belongs to" settle for 5, but it was about this particular history of blindness as a denied out of fear and shame to use female history thickness.

The female historically significant is a new wonder weapon of Herrenrechtler. After the female love for victim status - a form of hysteria? - It is now the female M eight who missed feminism has emanated mistakenly think that women challenged the men of power would provide. In reality, the evil mother rules the good man's world, the real victims. Feminists make the evil mother, the good mother, who is said to have more power over the education of an idea that the special Vaterrechtler angry. Mothers and power? But which one? Should mother's "power" that is given with the helplessness of the little children from the outset, be the same every homicidal male power that rages in all mass murders of history? Then, too, Jewish women had had more power than the history of German masters. The bewusst unreflektiert verschleiernde Gebrauch des Begriffs Macht ist beabsichtigt. Der Herrenmnsch weiss ganz genau, von wessen Macht er spricht und wer die Kriege macht und wer sie nie verhindern konnte. Aber nun geht’s zur –Sache: zu den Nazis.

Es ging darum, daß die Achtundsechzigerbewegung die beharrlich schweigenden Eltern über deren Mitwirkung am Nationalsozialismus zur Rede stellen wollte.
Früh, nämlich Ende der sechziger Jahre, deutete sich in der Desidentifikationsdebatte an, was in der Folgezeit zu einem mächtigen Strom komplexer Verleugnungen anschwoll, wonach die provokante Neugier nur dem Vater galt, aber die Befragung der Mütter zur Teilhabe am Nationalsozialismus und an der Judenvernichtung ausschloß.
Diese hochnotpeinliche Zumutung sollte ihnen erspart bleiben. So wurde zwar über Nationalsozialismus und elterliche Schuld gesprochen, aber erst in den neunziger Jahren stellte sich heraus, daß Mütter unter dem zweifachen Schutz ihrer beredten Töchter und schweigsamen Söhne als »implizit Schuldlose» in diesem Diskurs mitgelaufen waren.

Ach so ist da, der Nazifrauenstaat hat die Judenvernichtung vollbracht. Man lernt nie aus. Die Absicht dieses Artikels ist die Schuldzuweisung am Nazitum an die Mütter. Alles klar nach, nach allen Männergreueln der Geschichte sind immer die Frauen schuld gewesen. Haben sie die Judenvernichtung geplant und die KZs gebaut, haben Frauen den Genocid propagiert and carried out? It is yet to find out that the Golden Horde was female, because the riders had mothers. Nothing here as the myth of female original sin of all world evils is refreshed.

Their desire and innocent "to be in," continues to dare the children - the loud daughters, the sons of silence - not to disappoint. The debris woman syndrome presented itself as a contemporary barrier behind which the mothers were able to hide and were kept hidden at the same time.

The debris so women have the debris of the destroyed cities of women cleared away, so you could not see what the women have done everything nicht wahr. Auch die Massenvergewaltigungen aller Kriege sind von den Frauen selber inszeniert worden, indem sie ihre Söhne zum Vergewaltigen erzogen haben, sie sind die eigentliche Ursache aller Männergreuel und Verbrechen und Massenmorde dieser Welt. Es ist so schamlos, dass es über 60 Jahre nach Ende des letzten Weltkriegs in einer deutschen Intellektuellenztschrift ohne Widerspruch serviert werden kann. Eugen Kogon, der Verfasser von „Der SS-Staat“, wusste noch, auf welche Horden Hitler seine Macht stützte, er wäre nicht auf die perverse Idee gekommen, ausgerechnet die Nazi-Männergewalt und Machtergreifung den Frauen in die Schuhe zuschieben, nicht mal den Mitläuferinnen in allen Männerdiensten, die an der Organisation this power, to her production and promotion but also not involved, were not even there, where they cheered.
It cheered by the way not as many as will have us believe Amendt, the newsreel images as the Nazis themselves, but this time used as an anti-feminist propaganda. The fact is that only every tenth woman chosen by the Nazi Party has - and no women to concentration camps designed, built and bereiben. The proportion of male voters was like all right Partein much higher, the Nazis were inspired by male-and organized. The left-fascist knows nothing of it specifically. peaceful

The feminist promise of a better world " Women, "6 seems only to fit, put under, that the replacement of the children from their mothers and the move to the Father and sons always redound to the detriment of society.

nonsense, the unrest of the men's world is a fact with or without separation from their mothers, the separation is not the cause of testosterone and greater male aggressiveness

This would be said to be that sons as a violent woman-hater from the psychological detachment emerge from the mother because the disidentification of her sons a sense of the enemy - the father - delivers. All this was in the late seventies, from a feminist perspective to the conceptual unity of the "patriarchy" merged.

The concept of patriarchy was not founded psychoanalysis, he is a political notion of power relations. Of course, the hostile dismissal of the male by the despised female as well as a psychological identification Foundation demonstrable fact.

Without doubt, the unconscious hatred of women is a consequence of childhood fate of sons. He is also part of sublimated and therefore a prerequisite for male affection females. So the question is not whether men hate women unconsciously, and whether the resulting reactive Devaluation of the feminine is formed, but whether it exists at all this hatred: There is.

We must be thankful that granted by the Lord, what can wegbeweisen not, but from the legitimate protest, he wants to know anything or he does not accept him! The women have to accept the male violence, and not to betrechten than their victims, even though they are massively! So the question meaning.

Much less, however the conscious hatred that would be experienced by both sexes as disturbing. Paradoxically unbewußste hatred has brought to women in his individual and cultural processing prized male virtues, about the sacrifice, kindness and courtesy ...

This is not necessary but the result of hatred, not hatred of processed, but these are human qualities. Why should not give too? But the Lord has a strange male image. If respect men, women, sublimate their Frauenhas only, then there is nothing but loud Amendt male violence types, which adjust at best, and courtesy mime, is there no male humanity. Interesting self-assessment for a Männerrechtler ...

towards women and especially the obsessive concern of men for the welfare of women continues unabated, the basal condition of traditional alimony! Gender arrangements is, even if the economic less and less supply,

they give only too happy to ... how many men pay more for child support even after a divorce caused by themselves, if they have the next woman?

but more and more in the psychological sphere is going to concede such as in the inexhaustible willingness to women passivity and exemption from responsibility by allowing them, for example, the status is given to victims as a matter of course.

As a matter of course here the altbackenste ventilated anti-feminism ...

The unconscious hatred for the loss of paradise close to the mother, but also the subtle disappointment and grief over their time limit gives birth so to speak, respect for women.
What is described as a protective instinct is merely a biologizing view it. On the other hand, the unconscious misogyny such unpleasant side as the devaluation of the feminine and the protective gesture as patronizing a result. And for men out the obsessive concern for women in the loss of freedom, to surrender their own desires and a certain life constriction. Sigmund Freud was an early example of the fatherless Leonardo da Vinci show how the unconscious Hatred and love for the women and the other, the researchers urge sublimating as the psychosexual conflicts with his newly unresolved mother fixation are not linked.
The followers of ideological feminism, however, are convinced that the misogyny is not only possible, but the only conceivable result of disidentification from the mother. This dispute appears to have already the feminist desire to rule over the children in the form of the single parent to subliminally as Remedur.

The children will therefore also have not, after being reduced to motherhood, then now is nothing but the rule. Sounds like "the Jewish domination of the money.

This was the transformation of parent envisaged, and consequently was asked if there would be good reasons that mothers allow their sons continue the path to the Father, they turn to it in living memory.

Well, after the paper has run away or what? How is it about this situation? Male marriage flight is a common phenomenon, there are cases only when go to women and tired of so much father responsibility, often only occurs after the divorce, when it comes to taking away the woman's child, so they are already before the divorce can blackmail. The courts tend today to den Vätern auch die Kinder zuzusprechen, wenn sie sich vor der Scheidung kaum um sie gekümmert haben. Das Vaterrecht schlägt zurück gegen Frauen, die sich der väterlichen Gewalt entziehen. Aber Gewalt gibt es für die Männerrechtler nur von weiblicher Seite. Auch Flucht vor dem Mann wird bei diesem Backlashideologen zur Gewalt!!!

Ist der Weg zu ihm erforderlich, um zum Mann zu werden, um sich später selber Kinder zu wünschen und väterlich sein zu können? Gibt es eine gesicherte sexuelle Identität für den Sohn nur, wenn er sich auch mit dem Vater identifizieren kann?
Der ideologische Feminismus hat diese Fragen zumeist verneint.

Hier spricht der masculinism ideological father of the law expert, provides the ammunition for the backlash, the UN has already gone on longer than the entire women's movement .. Since women are

as the "incarnation of a better humanity biological perspective" (Margarete Mitscherlich) experienced and seen as an ideal model for the children, they saw it as a feminist obligation whose devotion to the fathers to prevent. Because the fathers were to them the "incarnation" of such evil as rational reason, anti-Semitism, the extermination of the Jews and Gypsies, violence against women and children, and feeling Einfühllosigkeit Defense, projection tendency to destruction of nature, Gefühlsinfantilität, Stalking, destruction of religion, authoritarianism, capitalism, sexual abuse ... .. 7

Does everything happen - what about it?

The Vienna-born and living in the U.S. psychoanalyst Ralph Greenson, had in 1968 with his text Dis-Identifying from Mother the impetus for this debate geschaffen.8
However, viewed only companions among the sixty-eighters it that the son from should desidentifizieren the mother to be a man can.
And because it's not from the perspective of the children, but more out of their own saw, which was traditionally considered reconciled with that of the son, they thought a recent devaluation misogynistic at work.

The companions had probably nothing to most of the children of the Children's Shop generation. The father had yet to make their revolution. Or what the Enlightenment really deserved 68s then so did everything except educate women?

Now, Greenson diminish the importance of motherhood for the sexual identity of the children at all, but rather to stress do. He pointed out, however, that pathologies of male gender identity go together with solidified mother identifications (as already noted Alexander Mitscherlich in 1963 in Towards the fatherless society had).

Sind die Frauen auch alle schuld, wenn die Väter abhauen und die Kinder vaterlos aufwachsen? Reissen die Männer sich so um die Kinder??

Letztlich hat Greenson benannt, wie Vaterlosigkeit und männliche Identitätsdiffusion entstehen können, wenn der Sohn sich nicht von der Mutter ablösen kann.
Mutterfixierungen, die der selbständigen Lebensführung und der Hinwendung zu anderen Frauen den Weg verstellen, sind dessen alltägliche Erscheinungen: Muttersöhnchen. Anhand seiner klinischen Forschungen wies Greenson nach, wie wichtig es ist, daß die frühe symbiotische Verschmelzung mit der Mutter ihre ursprüngliche Bedeutung verliert, ohne aber deshalb bedeutungslos zu werden.
Claude Lévi-Strauss' anthropological studies have shown that no culture without Rites of passage into the world of the father manages. He differed in race and history between "cold cultures" such as mechanical clocks, and "hot cultures that work thermodynamically as steam engines." When designating the cold, in which are torn from the young in a rigid ritual of traumatic hardness of the world of the mothers so that they can enter the contrasting world of men. The story of the mother is thereby extinguished in a dramatic way ". Relationships with adult women are therefore largely later than ritualized gender roles defined.
In the hot cultures of our time, the reverse is true. Everything is liquefied, and parents make the change in contradictory unity of the Son to the Father. Here women welcome according to their family culture, their sense of life and its narcissistic libidinal needs, such as the turn of the Son to the Father. Not only because it relieves them and deepens the parents, but because they are happy about it. Just as they may simultaneously mourn the fact that the son they no longer alone "heard". However, many women seem
this change to experience very differently or interpret. They then show similarities with that type of single mothers , which is allowed by everyone in the lurch feel

Could it be that they are? When discussing the entire fatherless upbringing is not one single word is said about the occurrence of the partner-less mothers living alone with the children after the "partner" from the next, and the woman is left without money. The fact that so many discovered following a violent relationship for themselves that they live without one man in the house in peace with the children, anyone who wants to blame the women 'But Amendt not ask about the conditions of the frequently presented by women divorces? Could have perhaps the reasons that das hehre Vaterbild verunzieren würden?

Im Gegensatz zu Witwen erleben viele alleinerziehende Mütter die Desidentifikation des Sohnes als erhebliche narzißtische Kränkung, denn das Väterliche gilt ihnen als eindringender Fremdkörper. ...

Wie wenn es das auch wäre? Z.B. bei gewalttätigen Vätern

Sie können nur schwer den Übergang von einer symbiotischen Identifizierung zu einer reiferen selektiven mit dem Sohn ertragen. Zumal in ihrem lebensgeschichtlichen Hintergrund nicht selten ein feindseliges Bild von Männern schwebt, das auf Enttäuschungen mit dem ersten Mann in ihrem Leben, dem eigenen Vater, hinweist.

Hat to develop even after abuse might affectionate feelings for the fathers as perpetrators?

So it's not just the fantasies of the son's loss of the paradise of union with the mother, making his way into the adult masculinity waiver rich. Rather, it is the mother's behavior, it is their daily activities and feelings that determine how and whether any can give up the little son, the primary identification: namely, abrupt, gradual or not, as a fraction or extension, in parental competition or community, including maternal or paternal unavailability or disappointment in joyful expectation, the relationship the mother or in addition to limiting or even identify with her life and so persevering the femininity as the object of sexual desire, miss. The first
immediacy with the mother only remember, but can not see is the price to be paid, and is also used by some men to researchers mourning as a sullen experienced too high for the world open passage to the Father. Therefore, they subject themselves then feminism.

Alas, subject the women-friendly men, because they miss the mother - not from any insight or decency or humanity, they are loyal woman! The expert therefore presupposes that a normal man is not on women hört, schon gar nicht auf Feministinnen, das wäre ja Unterwerfung

Denn »um Mann zu werden, soll der Heranwachsende plötzlich verleugnen, was er an Liebe, Vergnügen, Körpernähe und Geborgenheit mit der Mutter positiv verbindet«, schreibt Walter Hollstein.9
Das aber muß er in heißen Kulturen gerade nicht.

Hollstein ist auch schwerstens frauengeschädigt, seine Frau hat ihn verlassen wie er selber klagte. Worauf das wehleidige Babyface er sich zum Apostel der Männlichkeit mauserte und einer Frau wie der Dichterin Christa Wolf vorwarf, dass sie den Helden Achill verunglimpfe als „Achill das Vieh.“ Mit dieser kleinstkarierten bornierten Schulmeisterei for a modern literary interpretation of the Iliad is waiting only on this side of the Bubi Primanerreife. "Achilles the brute" dragged the Hector (!), Is also to be revered by women as a conquest hero. Hollstein not even understand the ridiculousness of his hero worship on the wrong object. As we can imagine but other heroes in this poor Leitmeritz male. Hollstein mercy.

How mothers and fathers make the transition in hot cultures, education in the theoretical debates of the eighties has been closely monitored. Historical power of women has been recognized also that they influence the development of their sons immediately. The damning Feminism did not have that true. He would have then have to admit that femininity of family cultures, ethnicity, social class and is formed mainly by the subjectivity of each individual woman. The understanding of gender arrangements as a friend or foe binarity would have stood in the way. It would be rather as a complementary arrangement have appeared in which each has a sphere of control, leading to mutual consensual same time as conflictual dependency.

amicably As for a marriage is a function of man for woman without their own Money? Has the women's movement against consensual relationships and not rather directed against violence situation? This lack of any notion of power relations that have been defined by feminists and sufficient evidence. Back in the awkward marriage of the 50 world, when marital rape was perfectly legal, but abortion illegal?
How are gender relations without mutual consent elementary rights such as birth control and women's own money?

includes ensuring that each of the other's sphere of
is followed and that the special area is perceived as the more powerful, give up the difficult, even if the given balance should be changed to their advantage.

The power sector in the refuge? This is the place, could study at the Amendt the balance of power, but not interest him. Or how many men have to flee into the shelter?
Here is the male power and violence area, which opposed the women's movement, in a woman's sphere redefined, even where the woman needs to escape from this "field" of their power. It is true that the 68ers left wanted to destroy the family as "bourgeois" relic that was overcome by the "new man", mainly the men flags helped in the municipalities, while women with the children and remained pregnant. The relief of the 68 fathers in the WGs on the individual family man responsible was not merely feminist project, but a left for the macho customized "revolutionary" idea of \u200b\u200bthe involvement of the left Macker and "sex educator" à la Amendt diligently, with the "bourgeois "the same family found the fathers responsibility and eliminated as Sexaufklärer for little girls into a new area. And now connect these children leaders and deceivers again mentally senile rotten Frauenbelehrer and say what's what after the divorce. After the mothers the children was alienated because motherhood is cooking, now coming back again and fathers complain that the women want to keep the children after the divorce with him.

change in gender organization modifies this balance under considerable friction.

balance of powers?

In contrast to the "totalizing gestures of
feminism (Judith Butler) - women as universal victims - early authors have perceived the sexualisation mother in her particularity still sharp. They saw how they complicate the ofidentifying, not just the son gradually to a more female-sexual because maternal-tender Against world shut away and so it may alienate the father.

Women are already so offenders when they are tender and motherly and not violent, but they understand or handle the Nazis to blame - by too much or too little tenderness? arguing

The victim-perpetrator dichotomy, writes Ulrike Schmauch: Can "By Unterdrücktsein in the love of women mix so much hostility against the son, as representatives of the male sex, and passive contempt for his Schwachsein as much as submissive admiration inducing delights in secretly kept private room with him and other emotions "10

a patriarchal volleys of gunshot residue of malignant fantasies that are hurled against the chronically sleep-deprived mothers without further evidence of the allegations made here ... Was this woman Schmauch or where these are lessons which can the imagination to assume the malice of the mothers all woman Schmauch think so everything straight. Here, best known as more of a self-loathing misogyny is projected into the mothers assumed from the outset the most evil machinations. Evidence? It's as if you rely on them as the film Jud Süss Evidence for evil Jewish properties.

also Volker Pilgrim Summoned in the eighties, the female contribution to the lack of disidentification. In mother's sons, he spoke of "bound men," who in the bonds of maternal love entanglement helpless. his "Revenge of the excluded women was not perfect: And he concluded ominous. "With sadistic appreciatively, he stopped in front of women that they produce the horror itself, as the victims they are. Victim is to be neither passive nor peace, nor historically ineffective, but downright destructive for Pilgrim, not to liberate themselves, but raise the sons to take revenge.

The classic mother-hater is mobilized - Up to Hitler's mother extends the logic of historical experts. Did the Jews have used their own Nazis? Because they hang in on the Germans? And could not solve in time from them?

So it seems the failure of disidentification for the sons seem to have many facets. You must put aside their own interests to mothers as "avenger of the unpopular men to serve.

Oh watch at times, why give the men as reason for revenge? Do the women perhaps due to feminism?
Or are the violent men only their invention? Do the feminists they violent gemacht, indem sie sich an die Söhne klammerten? Aber wenn es vor den von den Frauen verdorbenen Söhnen doch keine gefährlichen Männer gab? Wieso sollten die Frauen sich dann durch ihre Söhne an ihnen rächen? Logik über Logik!

Das begründet teilweise den unbewußten Zorn auf Frauen, weil sie später ihrer Mutter die verlorengegangene Unbefangenheit ihrer Kindheit und den erschwerten Gang in die vorbildhafte Männlichkeit des Vaters nicht nachsehen können.

Wahrscheinlich sind die Frauen auch schuld daran, dass die Söhne überhaupt wachsen und erwachsen werden. Und die eigentliche Ursache des Feminismus waren demnach die Mütter...Nur irrtümlich meinten the feminists, if they were men of whom women sold, raped, beaten.

They are not only aggressive because they had to give up early paradise with her, they are also angry that the father does not like it, but despised.

has perhaps the reasons? Loves the son of a father beating? the oedipal defense of the father through the Son Could something to do with a certain paternal behavior are widespread, which required the shelters are overcrowded? Could it be that young children prefer to stay with the mother than with a violent father?

Ideological feminism has not it may have, that children remain with their mothers still continue to identify with love. However, the identification with her boys, according to Wolfgang "Mertens much more easily and maintained without shame ... if the son is a good relationship with his father and the father because of his emotional presence of his son as a model for identification and internalization has "11 to turn to the father, not only promotes the Son, but deepens the parents. Can the father of the mother discouraged, however, it complicates the separation. After all, it was Anna Freud Normality and Pathology in Childhood noted, "a part of the motivation to identify with the father, comes from the love and respect of the mother" for the father. It helps that his son "not as" son or mother as her "secret confidant" ends and they live long unconscious fears and hates.

Strange, there should also be woman-haters from intact parental relationships, the male culture is enough models ready for what must be after Amendt but only from the mother.

The ideological feminism did not want to accept psychological or anthropological considerations as moderating factors of disidentification.
Vielen war der Hinweis auf den unbewußten Hass nur allzu recht, denn daraus meinten sie umstandslos Ungleichheiten und Gewalttätigkeit von Männern als Element jeder Männlichkeit ableiten zu können. Das war möglich, weil sie unbewußten Hass zu einer bewußten Verschwörung von Männern gegen Frauen erklärten, was die Besonderheit des Unbewußten allerdings verkennt. Das reichte ihnen, um Söhne von ihren Vätern fernhalten zu wollen.

Welche Feministinnen behaupten denn wo bitte, alle Männer seien gewalttätig? Kommt uns vor wie angeblich alle generalverdächtigten Moslems, denen zuliebe niemand von islamischem Terror sprechen darf.

So forderten 1995 Employees of the German Youth Institute in Munich, one of Family Ministry-funded institute that disidentification a new course must be given. Because the only way to eliminate the "hatred of women" with its devastating consequences. The departure of the mother that is downright harmful to the culture and world peace,

Is not vulnerable? And maybe by women?

sons because the destructive properties of the "patriarchal fathers would take over." Therefore, children should at least until puberty remain under maternal effect - a direct admission of female Education authority.

fact that women in general are still somewhere and have children, will have them charged as a power - without the male sphere of power is compared in detail with the female! The female end that is usually the male, if it is serious, not vice versa, laws to govern men in the female body and not vice versa.

Puberty as the limit of the contact ban was DJI employees on the grounds that no later then the points were made and the boy's empathy to their mothers permanently taken "would have. 12
remote from that claimed besonderen weiblichen Empathie wird damit die feministische Phantasie der Ausgrenzung vom Vater als Wunscherfüllung auf die Söhne projiziert.

Hier wird überhaupt nicht nach Gründen für die Distanz zum Vater gefragt, Väter sind nach Amendt per se gut für den Sohn, auch wenn die Frau mitsamt Kind ins Frauenhaus flüchten muss, aber daran ist sie wohl selber schuld, weil sie dem Vater das Kind nicht gönnt.
Wir erinnern uns noch an eine unsägliche Radiosendung für Frauen, in der ein mannsfrommes Schmeichelweiblein einer ratsuchenden Mutter, die klagte, dass der Vater sich nicht um die Tochter kümmere, unbesehen prompt der ihr unbekannten Mutter die Schuld gab, sie gönne wohl dem Father not being together with her daughter! Of which there was no question, the female slapped his father's side. That was many years ago, the trend is stopped and now it break out.

The desire to fatherlessness, for both sons and daughters for, acts as unrestrained destruction of tradition.

feminism is therefore unrestrained, especially when directed against paternal authority. The man asks a single word to his father's behavior that may be with his unbridled Bewalt the reason for the desire for distance. Should the divorce be banned? Or look for women only the distance from the "partner"?

Es war dann nur zu schlüssig, daß Anita Heiliger vaterloses Erziehen als »Chance weiblicher Selbstbefreiung« feministischer Frauenpolitik empfahl.13

Warum soll das keine Chance sein für vaterbedrohte Frauen und Kinder? Von eheflüchtigen Partnern wurde diese Situation der Alleinerziehenden Mütter noch nicht beklagt, ehe die Frauen selber sich das recht nahmen auch zu gehen. Vielleicht machten die Frauen auch aus der Not eine Tugend, da Männer sich vor der Scheidung nicht gerade um die Kinderpflege reissen und auch die Ernährerrolle in Misskredit geraten ist, aber nicht durch die Frauenbewegung verursacht. Was hier völlig ausgeblendet wird, ist die Zerstörung der ach so heilen Familienwelt durch industrialization are added, two world wars, which made an end of the middle class and so many families destroyed and shattered as they were not resolved by women. The 68ers gave the basically already ailing families nor the ideological death blow "to break something that destroys you." With their puerile slogans of the new man and maybe you want the "deserving 68s sex-Enlightenment" Amendt the women back to the families of the 50's Send in the Adenauer had eight children (he alone?), who knows what the sex of the Enlightenment envisioned so everything Frauenbevormundung stale. It is the action men very welcome, their anger at the women who run away from them, can not hide.

War for Greenson the unresolved identification with the mother, a possible way to misguided sexual identity and life-mother bond is demanded by feminist family policy insolubility of the parent compound as King's better to "masculinity and stylized same even for the salvation of mankind. 14
These scholars believe that progress presupposes fatherlessness was in 2004 by the educationalist Ute Rabe-Kleberg, the opinion "the feminization of education of children" for the "Twelfth child and youth report of the federal government" as educational policy Kern beschrieben: Das schwedische Mutter-Kind-Modell stehe dafür, daß Väterlichkeit mit Mütterlichkeit identisch sei - oder es Väterlichkeit nicht geben dürfe.

Es ist doch eher umgekehrt, dass es Mütterlichkeit nicht geben durfte für den ideologischen Linksfeminismuis. Mutterschaft war doch „Biologismus“ und Nazi-Mutterkult, oder haben wir da etwas übersehen?

Wurde die unbewußt agierende sexuell verführerische Mutter von der Frauenbewegung noch kritisch gesehen, so erklären ideologische Feministinnen wie Anita Heiliger, Ute Rabe-Kleberg, Margarete Mitscherlich, Constance Engelfried und viele andere dies als Tor zur lichten Zukunft. Die Ausschließung The fathers also characterized most feminist counseling centers that were without scientific peer group review and the professional associations by established in the seventies and eighties due to political initiatives.

Perhaps with good reason?

This drew sons and fathers a pathologizing and gender polarization in feminist counseling centers.

The pathologizing male violence moved into the family.

In the tradition of women moving responsibility ethics does not attempt to explain the pathologizing. So it is with Ulrike Schmauch: "It is not the identification with the mother is the main problem of the boy;. is not that his primary object female, but that it is suppressed, the difficulty created "
Just because women are oppressed, it would therefore to seduction. Women would not be suppressed, their sons would not be tempted. Therefore not justified, the libidinal or narcissistic desires of women "still
Indemnification her son at their sexualization, but the" male-dominated society.

there's the not? Where the man live? In a world dominated by women? Well, when Nazism was female, then this is the case be.

She is the real problem of the sons. Not that the mother makes her son to her secret confidant, inhibiting its development, but that his "bad father, his mother," unseemly act of driving.

That the woman has reason to distance himself from his father, Amendt avoids this idea very carefully, so that the mother appears as the source of the evil that brought the public into Frauenbwewegung Bewusstrsein.

ensure that the narcissistic-abusive parent is acting only their victim status. Sexualizing her son was turning to a faint action.

is powerlessness of women's at Amendt not because there is only "historically significant" mothers. After the crazy nature of Rainer Paris with Mercury is the historical power of the women of Amendt.
(A brief nocturne and a dreamless sleep, as Durant in the introduction to his cultural history. He understood a little more about history of power and its actors as Amendt, who has blossomed from the left sex scouts for the House ideologues of the small German patriarchy Muffels, the exact same coat with how the "verdeinstvolle reconnaissance" of 68th)

The idea of feminist revenge-motivated experienced in 1993 in the U.S., a world premiere, as the twenty-three Lorena Bobbit her twenty-six Husband John Wayne Bobbitt severing the penis while he slept with a kitchen knife.
you drove the car away and threw the penis through the car window onto the field. The act justifying them, that her husband was selfish and did not give orgasm.

This had to come now! A case of such a vengeance in the face of millions to billions of unpunished rape. This drops the woman hater its scientific form. Millions of mutilation and brutal sexual crimes do not bring this Gemütsmorchel from the rest, but a woman only woman who picks up the knife against her rapist, the whole lot of upset. The gentlemen Amendt and consorts want but the law of the Lord impunity marital rape can not disclose, as she was entitled to have the woman not to fight back! For there was a rapist, by all accounts we know that this crude umstilisiert trickster to a poor man who could not satisfy the greedy woman. This is probably the new theory of the new father rape law. Lorena Bobbit
was indicted for assault, but because of the "irresistible impulse to hurt her husband," not guilty. Castration have quite a few feminists agreed joyfully. This explains the journalist Alice Schwarzer in 1994 in their magazine Emma, Lorena Bobbit habe ihren Mann »entwaffnet«: »Eine hat es getan. Jetzt könnte es jede tun. Der Damm ist gebrochen, Gewalt ist für Frauen kein Tabu mehr. Es kann zurückgeschlagen werden. Oder gestochen. Amerikanische Hausfrauen denken beim Anblick eines Küchenmessers nicht mehr nur ans Petersilie-Hacken.«
Einen weiteren Hinweis auf die Wiederkehr der Rache liefern Erörterungen zum Gattenmord. So wird von der Sozialpädagogin Barbara Kiesling in einem Beitrag für Psychologie Heute (Nr. 7, 2004) die Frage aufgeworfen: »Ist eine jahrelang mißhandelte Frau, die ihren Partner tötet, eine Mörderin? Oder muß die Tat als ein Akt der Notwehr gewertet werden?

Hier spricht die alte linke Protection perpetrators Guard. Amendt is careful not to mention the right physician Trube-Becker, which would be the first source for comparison of female delinquency with the male, which sets the pattern witch hunt open. When women kill their husbands, it is usually a background of many years of abuse. The only country in the world where the husband murders of female side often are, is Iran - that is, a country where Sharia-terror against women is so unbearable that the woman is often only by killing its owner from hell can deliver. This is the reality, of which a Amendt not want to know know yet. He was immediately on the part of the male Muslim House police.
There should be no extenuating circumstances for a time Abused! It is the cry of the Lord's right-wing ideologues for vengeance against the feminists, the women who defend themselves and want justice for women. Did they want revenge, then saw the somewhat different. Or he wants to compare the female with the male death rate?

the purposes of the offender-victim ideology Kiessling says:
"Psychologically, these people can no doubt a victim status be granted," Kiesling suggests that women who kill, to alleviate unbearable experienced internal stress states "be forced to do so. "because they were just victims.

Gewaltopfer sind für Amendt Ideologie!
Man muss sich nur vorstellen was diesem Typus so alles einfiele zur Entlastung von männlichen Mördern, wenn die jahrelang zuvor terrorisiert worden wären. Es genügt ja schon für mildernde Umstände für einen Prostituiertenmörder, zu sagen, die Hure habe ihn gedemütigt. Und für den sog. „Ehrenmörder“ reicht es schon aus, dass die Tochter oder Schwester ohne Erlaubnis aus dem haus gegangen ist. Angesichts dieser Gewaltverhältnisse, die auch bei uns um sich greifen, ist das Gebarme von Amendt und ähnlich bescheuerten Männerrechtlern um die verlorene ehre der Väter blanker Zynismus wenn nicht reiner Puerilismus und Selbstmitleid. Teilt er das Schicksal von Hollstein? Hat er den Artikel zum trost von Hollstein geschreiben, den seine Frau verlassen hat? Und nun muss es sich am Feminismus, den es doch gar nicht mehr gibt, rächen?

Da die eschatologische Stilisierung der Frauen als Träger einer besseren Zukunft - nicht nur in den Schriften von Margarete Mitscherlich - weibliche Aggressionen und Tötungshandlungen nicht zuläßt, können entsprechende Handlungen nur den von »Männern verursachten Zuständen« zugeschrieben werden.

Es gibt keine weiblichen Lustmörder, das geht nicht in die Bumsköppe rein.

So kommt es bei Mitscherlich, Kiesbug und Schwarzer zu childbirth of women from the burden of cultural requirements, which certifies them a limited capacity for civilization.

What? Culture of violence is ability? The male violence is a fact that is against the female is not removed as a public danger, women do not threaten the existence of mankind.

go Ultimately such visions of a better society authenticity of a "precultural sphere of femininity from" pleads against Judith Butler and the Subversion of Gender, "that this return is proving to an original or true womanhood as a nostalgic narrow-minded ideal that the current demand refuses to represent the gender identity as a complex cultural construction. "

After Butler femininity is a cultural construct women are violent lusting after the same as the rapists and mass murderers and just as bellicose

One can see in the implicit exemption of women from vengeance and killing ban a particular way of women's self-stylization, namely "a model of smooth adjustment to policy needs in the proud consciousness, ultimately," but to have as the secret rulers decisive influence on the man and history. 15

Here, if a self-styled then It is the Vaterrechtler who can not even admit that male violence against women and children, let alone allow the women to defend themselves against it.

For this purpose, subject to the human rights of a particular application and thus deprived of its universality.

a perverse conclusion. The statement of facts as the male violence that far exceeds that of women is not a limitation of human rights. Weak sense of the malignant variety. For the next ideological Männerrechtler human rights there seems to be that man again has the unrestricted right to rape women sich als Ehefrauen nicht wehren dürfen und nicht weggehen dürfen. Das wäre ja Gewalt gegenüber den Söhnen!! Wenn sie sich gar rächen wollten, schränkten die Herrenmenschenrechte unzulässig ein... Es darf auch nicht von Gewalttätern die rede sein in der linken Justiz, nur von Opfern der Gesellschaft. Inzwischen sind sie alle Opfer der Frauen. Linke Denke, die immer von Klassen sprach, aber nichts vom »universellen weiblichen Opferstatus« hält, wie der Aufklärer ihn bei M. Mitscherlich ausfindig macht. Ja was ist davon zu halten, dass Frauen nicht so gewalttätig sein sollen wie Männer?

... von der zukunftsweisenden Friedfertigkeit der Frauen? Margarete Mitscherlich „Die Future is female, or they are not "- has psychoanalytically arguing attempted to exclude women from less than characterological from quasi-biological reasons, from the long practice of anti-Semitism as the crimes against the Jews.

women have not built the camps, they have not hatched the plan to exterminate the Jews and carried out, will tell what the sex Enlightenment? Are the Jews of women have been destroyed? There were female death squads, which they were deported and gassed and shot? The female were plans that were executed in accordance with rules of men by women? If the death squads in the world female? The madness has method. Particularly zu einer Zeit, in der Gewalt von männlichen „Jugendlichen“ an den Schulen kriminelle Formen angenommen hat, wirkt das wie die Ideologie zur Tollwut der eskalierenden Männergewalt..

Sie veröffentlichte in der Zeitschrift Psyche (Nr. 1, 1983) einen Beitrag unter dem Titel „Antisemitismus - eine Männerkrankheit?“: »Ich glaube feststellen zu können, - daß es einen >männlichen < Antisemitismus und einen > weiblichen < Antiz~-nitismus gibt bzw. daß der Antisemitismus der Frauen eher über die Anpassung an männliche Vorurteile zustande kommt, als daß er aus der geschlechtsspezifischen Entwicklung resultierte …. Unterwerfung und Anpassung bringen sie dazu, die Vorurteilskrankheiten der männlichen Gesellschaft zu teilen.“

Sollen Frauen denn nicht die politischen Ansichten der Männer teilen? Wehe sie tun es nicht. Dann sind sie streitsüchtig, nicht wahr und zerstören den Familienfrieden.
Die Genocide aller Welt sind übrigens manmade.

Accordingly, it should be love was for their oppressors, the women on identification had had to be anti-Semitic - not their enthusiasm for National Socialism, their prejudices and destruction requirements, which contributed to the fact that Jews were excluded and liquidated.

No, Manikin, the concentration camps were not invented by women, designed and built, but only for men, barracks and barracks education are men work.

Ultimately Mitscherlich formulated a logic according to which women were not anti-Semitic if it were not the men than the beloved role models.
was Amazingly, Mitscherlich thesis Anti-Semitism as a disease of men hardly challenged psychoanalysts (with the notable exception of
Elisabeth Brainin, Vera Ligeti and Samy Teicher) 16

are laudable for the small left Herrenemenschenambitionen Pasha with the ever-ready anti-feminists love serving the men's opinions.

other hand, could Mitscherlich not deny that women had participated in the National Socialism jubilantly.

booted when he was already there ready-made - they have not invented that! And also for choosing not majority! The Maziwahl was a man's choice!

with an argumentative turn frees them from this disorder, which makes their salvation-historical vision of peace-loving women in question, by being in the future female said, "that it was just the law and the mindset of a man's world, driven by the Nazis on their perverse climax.

's right, the Nazis were organized in societies and men have no women asked what they should do.

"I am well aware that women have identified with this ruling power, that racial prejudice and the persecution complex. Only originally comes from violence and paranoia of men and women have been subjected to. "

The man with the witches hammer method would of course say that National Socialism ran out of women!

here is equal to twice deny women historically significant

The idiocy is method and fascist perfidy. As powerful as the historical-patriotic Jews were involved in Nazism?

Thus the argument of "women as victims is not" will be damaged by the participation of National Socialism, has tried to take Margarete Mitscherlich this process makes its political dimension.

The Nazi-male societies are a fact, not invented by Mitscherlich, it's male history, stupid.

This has certainly reduced the fear of many feminists from responsibility, especially for the new-found freedoms and, above all, for several decades, denied participation in maternal and grandparent generation on National Socialism.

Was not the so-called "officer" of the women's movement, black, in the Emma always get rid of using Communists as Badinter and Thalmann to the mothers, by their very of these anti-feminists vilified "role" of housewives and mothers were Nazi suspect ? Here one would obscure the male society-violence cult of the Nazis. Still so many anti-feminists were left off a great anti-Semites.

Also, the evident involvement "in the madness of men obsessed with Nazi-era ..." 11

no delusions about men?

as the dialectics of gender arrangements are not in question: women had fallen from a function in the identification and the bad company of the Nazis.

they were about independent? The Nazis had destroyed all women's leagues. Too bad you could not live Amendt experience this time against women in action. We can vividly imagine what has to respond to the type of the German master race so all women. The left-fascism as a successor, allied with Islamofascism can not, zu wünschen übrig.

Man mag das Bystander heißen - jedenfalls sollten Frauen nicht nach Herrschaft und Macht suchend daran beteiligt gewesen sein. Womit aber jene Frauen diskriminiert werden, die sich gegen das Naziregime im Widerstand befanden.

Dann sind auch alle Nichtnazis an der Naziherrschaft beteilgt, die sich nicht im Widerstand befanden? Da müsste man mal den Amendt erlebnt haben!

Geradezu exemplarisch hat Margarethe von Trotta in ihrem Film Rosenstraße den Nachweis beseitigt, daß deutsche Frauen sich gegen das grauenhafte System durchaus erfolgreich wehren konnten:
Diese Frauen wollten 1943 ihre jüdischen Männer aus der Haft befreien, und they succeeded. In the film, instead, the political power of women by demonstrating a "beautiful woman" is endorsed, for the interested Goebbels, when he has had this ", the men released.

What shows that women are not just had the Geshichtsmächtigkeit to contact the men's history, not the organized power, the men could have kept at bay, as the grace of the Lord fuchtbaren people. What was dared by those executed are still resisting? Did they prove their consciousness or their historical power of the anti-Nazi? The female war enthusiasm was shown to be very limited.

That the film sparked outrage, especially among women do not, shows the deep founding refusal of the political rhetoric of freedom, the ability of individual responsibility - if only in identification with the few resistant women willing - to follow. Rather, the identification with the "own mothers" in Fascism and their descendants, the rubble women, preferred to female political capabilities denounce

This is the right lawyer for the women's political capabilities - in a brothel, or where? This is the finest logic dt brothel customers. (You all free! You can do but all we want.)

and to the victims undisturbed narcissism summon and hold on to the purity of the generations of mothers especially during National Socialism can.
parallel to the drying up of differentiated gender discourse can be traced before the turn of the century, such as malignant move stereotypes about masculinity in everyday life, pop culture, politics and science.

The crudeness of the Gewaltrealitätsverdrehers is a true model of sophistication!

In 2001, with the poster campaign "More respect for children" of the Socialist Federal Family Minister Christine Bergmann. She did announce:
"Who blows pocketing, will dish out beatings. " Accordingly
are boys who are beaten, as fathers also hand out beatings. That mothers beat their children as often as fathers and sons and daughters from making any difference, is omitted in the Mysandrie 18 as the corresponding side of the victim myth. Why
to be beaten daughters not to impact mothers remains a mystery, although the empirical evidence was already in the seventies. It seems as if only boys suffered violence forced to repeat this.
Where the repetition compulsion is not destiny, but only predicts a statistical probability. But in any case likely to consist not of this penalty for girls.

is a matter that can be whipped girls beat later used frequently because they are not better and have no rights to the first best partners provide

This is so amazing, just because of ideological feminism gives the example of how parental violence is repeated.
it is particularly evident where feminists want boys forcibly separated from their fathers so that they can acquire from their mothers and their alleged empathy and peacefulness forcibly: In the name of goodness, their own violence denied and hailed as a political virtue.

Toll. Women who raise their children alone, and keep an unsuitable father want are so violent - is distancing itself from the man's violence! Still missing that explain this ideological father right cohorts a divorce or marriage refusal as violence. If the woman wants not what the man wants, that's violent!

The discourse on the gender arrangement in Germany is also a stage for the failure to be discourse about the role of German women during National Socialism. And it shows, "how much the perception of the reality today of revenge and reprisal fears is clouded. These fears are not likely to bring ideology to disappear. On the contrary, ideologies have a soothing and provide security ... The women's movement succeeded, caught in the struggle against the "patriarch < der Studentenbewegung, das reine Bild der Mütter im Nationalsozialismus zu bewahren«, heißt es in „Vom Gedanken zur Tat“.

sum up the views of: Feminism is directed only against alleged men of violence to divert attention from the violence of women as the true culprits in the National Socialism, in fact, a woman works had the effect of violent mothers who took away their innocent sons of men maliciously and thus their power lust satisfied, to be sent to the trenches. To this end, they have the male Invented violence and women's shelters opened as a distraction from the women set up and run concentration camps. So that's that. As the patriarchal crusty old men frustrated with cheer from all the German trenches Männerversklavung.

The price that must be for the 'fetish of female purity "to be paid is extremely high. Because there is a repeated biologisation of sexual difference.
's not so?

It is caused ultimately denied the power of the history of women and their flip side, the omnipotence fantasy of masculinity, so the binary idea of a natural way of evil and nature-like good sex.

Oh dear goodness. The evil nature-like. Mass murderers and mass rapists, although not just pure nature, but also men of violence to culture, but still no female. Bad for a real run-down link fascists only the mothers, who are violent and verbderben the good sons. Therefore, the violence in the world of men. We have always suspected. The new Hammer of Witches has new authors.

But the soixante and wanted to escape, especially the women's movement now. So we are faced with the paradox that the old has already returned, though all were going the opposite.

There are two directions of feminism, of which only is a political claim from the left, namely the equality ideology for the gender differences
biologism, it is an extremely hostile toward mother, - and a less hostile mother who knows the difference between sexes. But the two do not know Amendt, and he covered up his Qellen and mixed the feminist directions. The worst of what makes the Vaterrechtler, the mere thought to the "mother law" that no longer is possible. In the modern patriarchy, it is totally wiped out under the dictates of gender equality that takes such senseless forms as in the EU, which wants to eradicate the feminine form of the language. A matching program which aims at the elimination of femininity. The next step would be to ban the word mother. With reference to the Nazis.

As before, we have "the essentialization gender difference in the form of" male and female nature.
The parent is right that father rights activists still scarier than the modern patriarchy again tailored equality ideology that would eliminate the mother-child relationship, it is a nuisance for the new flexible mutually interchangeable people. The mothers not to be so totally compatible patriarchal nature as the much more popular world-compatible male prostitutes is therefore all the hatred and anger Vaterrechtler of the modern "gender neutral" Patriarchy and its ideological whores on the Vaterrechtler can invoke at any time as his Kronzeuginnen against the MILF.

The reasons are numerous. A major is anchored in feminist desire women "pure" to hold. can "The ideology of" pure woman and mother in the unconscious are not given up well.

The Puffbrüder desperately want the women all have abgereichtet to prostitutes, it should be no difference between the widely available prostitute and the woman, the whore packs prefers the protection of children and distanced himself from the man if necessary, and it is often necessary as possible, worldwide.

(1 For an early critique of the sacrificial myth, see Jean Bethke Elshtain, Power Trips and Other Journeys (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1990): feminists' oppressed women describe as so uniformly and universally humiliated, infantilised and compelled that men . suppress invincible and their power and intent, both individually and collectively appeared shockingly
(2 See Steven Pinker, The Blank Slate New York.. Viking Press, 2002
3 See Paul-Hermann Gruner / Eckhard Kuhlen (eds .) liberation movement for men casting.. Psychosozial 2009
4 See Gerhard Amendt, father longing Bremen.. Ikaru 1999
5 Stephen Wangh, Revenge and Forgiveness in Laramie, Wyoining. In: Psychoanalytic Dialogces, January 2005)
(6 See Margarete Mitscherlich, The peaceful Frans Frankfurt.. Fischer 1987)
(7 Gerhard Amendt, men in pin-be Christmas trees.. World, December 23, 2004 8) In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1968, p. 370-374).

(9 Walter Hollstein / Michael Matzner (eds.), Social work with boys and men, Munich, Reinhardt 2007)
(10 In: Sonja Düring / Margret Hauch (Eds.), heterosexual relations casting. Psychosozial
1995. 11 In: Walter Erhart / Britta Herrmann (Eds.), When the man is a man Stuttgart, Metzler 1997)
?.. (12 Anita St. / Constance Engelfried, Sexual Violence: Male socialization and potential perpetrator Frankfurt.. 1995 Campus
13) Anita Heiliger single parents, as a liberation. Oxford: C. Taurus 1991st
14) Frank Damm, The inner world of experience of children of single mothers. Frankfurt, Brandes & apple, 2000)
(15 Benz (Ed.), Women in National Socialism in Munich... Beck 1997
16) Elisabeth Brainin / Vera Ligeti / Samy Teicher, From thought to action. To psychoanalysis of anti-Semitism, Frankfurt. Apsel Brandes & 1993)
(17 Margarete Mitscherlich, over the plight of the emancipation of Frankfurt.. Fischer 1990)
(18, Books Spreading Misandry (2001) and Legalizing Misandriy (2006) by Paul Nathanson and Katherine K. Young, published by McGill Queens University Press, Montreal)

In summary, one might say. This is a rehash of the old left coffee from the victims as offenders - only the anti-feminist version of it: women are the perpetrators of crimes against men women and children to sexual and domestic violence, mass murders and wars, torture and human trafficking. Left logic, the new fascism, a familiar face. He says: I am the father right.




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