ERP goes China - a new i2s study
Globalization is having a far-reaching impact on the business world. In a business environment marked by globalization, the world seems to shrink, and other businesses halfway around the world can exert as great an impact on a business as one right down the street. SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) are going through a transition phase and are generally restructuring their strategies and capabilities to remain competitive and grow in the emerging world trade environment. Companies have to follow this trend and operate on a global base, e.g. with subsidiaries and factories in China. We have been observing the trend of German-speaking and other European SMEs moving to China for quite a while. One of the main challenges for companies moving abroad is the need to establish an efficient ERP system. The IT department has to provide solutions for the guiding principle “system follows strategy”.
The reasons why enterprises expand to China are mainly:
Resource seeking
Market seeking
Efficiency seeking
For SMEs, two prime areas of the global economy are ripe for picking: selling to new markets and setting up operations abroad. Once the exclusive domain of large manufacturing enterprises, these opportunities are also available to SME manufacturers.
Take for example selling to new markets in developing nations in Asia and the former Soviet-bloc states. While conventional wisdom says that these regions are most likely to be the origin rather than the destination of manufactured products, increasing consumer demand in these markets cannot be met by domestic manufacturers. Foreign supply relationships are the most common forms of internationalization, while exporting is the next, and some establish foreign subsidiaries and branches.
We observe four main obstacles that German speaking companies are facing with their IT / ERP strategy:
- Projects take too long to cope with the fast-changing market conditions in China
Companies in China are growing much faster than in Europe – and management is not used to handling such fast growth
- IT (especially license costs and maintenance) are more expensive than the Chinese employees operating IT
- Cultural differences between a Chinese and a European workforce complicate HR management. Chinese employees are usually well educated but lack experience of Western business behavior.
If German, Austrian, or Swiss (GAS) companies want to globalize their business, the strategy “we do it like home” has to be questioned. In Germany, Austria, or Switzerland (GAS) there seems to be a lack of understanding and knowledge concerning these topics. Large vendors with a long history of international business and production plants outside of Europe typically have that sort of knowledge – yet for common SMEs this information is not very helpful because they usually lack the organizational back-office capacities of large enterprises. Typical Swiss characteristics like perfection and quality might not be the ideal driver for a rapid globalization and a proper alignment of the IT systems.
You can order or download a summary of the study at
Author: Frank Naujoks, i2s
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
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Lawyer Arendt's problems with truth
for the self-proclaimed "investment counsel" Martin Arendt from the Upper Bavarian Forest Green seems an appropriate means to lie if it serves their own dubious purposes, or is likely to fill his wallet. Anyway, he balks in his speech back in court as little as the Internet in its advertising.
Sun he claims, for example, on his website for years possibly against their better knowledge, managed by our house Fund was allegedly caused by damage to parts of the liquidity reserve temporarily as a fixed- and daily allowance in 2003, was created in liquidation BFI Bank.
that this is not the case, but clearly from the fund balances for the relevant years. And that he is aware of these is the fact shows that even these he has presented in several matters as attachments with the court. It is probably safe to assume that only a lawyer submits to the court documents, whose contents he knows. In addition, Mr. Arendt has in each year personally participated in the meetings of shareholders of the Fund, to which was discussed in detail on this subject.
Thus it is demonstrated that for at least 6 years (!) Announced that the fund from the bankruptcy of the bank, not a single cent BFI has arisen to damage because the money had been taken off long before its collapse there.
This does not prevent him having to claim for the purpose of advertising clients on his website to this day the exact opposite . a blatant lie so that only serves the purpose to intimidate investors by these deliberately and against better knowledge alleged possible losses and deceives both the ALPINA management in the vicinity of the wg. Fraud and embezzlement convicted founder of ERI Bank advances, with those responsible our house had not the least to do.
But that's not enough. Not even in court shuns Mr. RA Arendt back from deliberate lies.
In a civil case are in principle required all parties to present accurate. This applies also to the lawyers involved, which are ultimately self-organs of justice. Mr. Arendt's shears the RA but obviously not great.
He has, for example 2007 i n proceedings before the Higher Regional Court of Munich (Ref. 6 U 1851/06), and thus IN WRITTEN record, deliberately and against better knowledge stated that he had in 2000 still does not deal with possible errors in the prospectus prospectuses of our house, although in 2000 one of these brochures, which he allegedly would not have employed him on the alleged prospectus can analyze errors and had had this at that time also provided in writing. With so committed to tell deliberate infringement of the obligation, to court the truth, RA Arendt was not only himself but also his clients a possible prosecution for attempted fraud process out.
Absolutely not unique. He wore such as 2009 in a proceeding before the Regional Court Munich I (Ref. 35 O 25839/09), also IN WRITTEN and thus on record, before, he had all the processes in which one of our fund companies sue, which he represented, defaulting contributors was going on, wins.
Once completely ignoring the fact that this brazen assertion in the face of devastating for Mr. Arendt's overall record of ever deprived of it against our company processes carried out, is a certain comic, is also here once more a outright lie , wie selbstverständlich anhand einer Vielzahl entsprechender Fälle dokumentiert ist. Und auch in diesem Fall setzt er wieder einmal völlig skrupellos die ihm anvertraute Mandantschaft vorsätzlich den strafrechtlichen Konsequenzen eines zumindest versuchten Prozessbetruges aus .
Ein wahrer "Dauerbrenner" im Lügen-Arsenal des Herrn Arendts ist die von ihm seit nunmehr bereits über 10 Jahren gebetsmühlenartig und wider besseren Wissens aufgestellte Behauptung, unsere Fonds wären aufgrund angeblich "hoher Kosten" nicht in der Lage, Gewinne zu erzielen. Eine nachweislich falsche Tatsachenbehauptung , vor der er jedoch nicht zurückschreckte, sie auch schriftsätzlich in introduce almost any legal proceedings in recent years.
Apart from the fact that this claim is so ludicrously already, because our funds have always proven to quote the lowest market include this claim in two independent reports is disproved. Both reports are shown to Mr. Arendt's known since they were already the subject of legal disputes, in which he was involved. Again, it is therefore deliberate lies and in cases in which he has presented to this court to at least tried to process fraud .
Once completely ignoring the fact that this brazen assertion in the face of devastating for Mr. Arendt's overall record of ever deprived of it against our company processes carried out, is a certain comic, is also here once more a outright lie , wie selbstverständlich anhand einer Vielzahl entsprechender Fälle dokumentiert ist. Und auch in diesem Fall setzt er wieder einmal völlig skrupellos die ihm anvertraute Mandantschaft vorsätzlich den strafrechtlichen Konsequenzen eines zumindest versuchten Prozessbetruges aus .
Ein wahrer "Dauerbrenner" im Lügen-Arsenal des Herrn Arendts ist die von ihm seit nunmehr bereits über 10 Jahren gebetsmühlenartig und wider besseren Wissens aufgestellte Behauptung, unsere Fonds wären aufgrund angeblich "hoher Kosten" nicht in der Lage, Gewinne zu erzielen. Eine nachweislich falsche Tatsachenbehauptung , vor der er jedoch nicht zurückschreckte, sie auch schriftsätzlich in introduce almost any legal proceedings in recent years.
Apart from the fact that this claim is so ludicrously already, because our funds have always proven to quote the lowest market include this claim in two independent reports is disproved. Both reports are shown to Mr. Arendt's known since they were already the subject of legal disputes, in which he was involved. Again, it is therefore deliberate lies and in cases in which he has presented to this court to at least tried to process fraud .
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In Sight of "investment lawyers"
Financial Services are often located in the barrage of public criticism. Not infrequently, these are, however, simply about - from self-interest, such as advertising to client-driven - character assassination campaigns.
This dubious advertising practice does, however, often against supreme court, namely a decision of the Federal Constitutional Court, which sees in this dirty negative "reporting" a violation of Article 12 of the Basic Law (BVerfGE, Az 1BvR 193 / 05).
Thus, for example not lawyers advise public to withdraw from an investment, as is often practiced just the internet (LG Hamburg, Az 324/06).
The self-proclaimed "investment counsel" Martin Arendt is a prime example of this type of unfair and infringing advertising by his smear campaigns like multiple fronts, namely, both on their own homepage as well as several of his own hosted blog PR and operating various portals. Even before the targeted " Cold Calling " he shrinks in attracting potential clients supposedly not back.
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sloppiness in the law firm Arendt
not enough, Mr lawyer Martin Arendt his clients by allegedly false or incomplete information about their real process deceives prospects or at least be in the dark and thus in the same sense as a rule unsuccessful , it drives but expensive processes. Not
enough, Mr RA Martin Arendt exposed by intentionally making false statements in court his clients of the prosecution process for attempted fraud.
To all of which characterized Mr. RA Arendt also by a certain "slovenliness", or has simply not in control of his office management. There are already numerous instances in which he alleged claims of his clients due to attorney misconduct rough simply be barred because he lie to it mandates often untreated for years or court dates to appear without just let pass.
It is there are cases - such as this one - which at best will explain rationally not leave and not lack a certain serenity - except of course for the affected clients, the right such a procedure certainly not very cheerful.
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"Investment lawyers" as Barker
As the Süddeutsche Zeitung reported, prohibited the district court Munich I, the improper advertising by clients pseudo "reports" on the Internet.
see in this type of advertising professionals, several serious violations, including violations of trademark rights, standesrechtlich unzuläßige Fischen nach Mandanten, vorsätzliche sittenwidrige Schädigung etc.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
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i2s CRM-Studie: Anwender wollen mehr in CRM investieren
Gute Nachrichten für CRM-Anbieter: 51% der insgesamt 245 in Germany, Austria and Switzerland CRM users surveyed plan in the next 15 months to invest in CRM software. This is much higher than the 39% of respondents who have announced in last year's survey their willingness to invest, is the gratifying for CRM vendors result of the Zurich analyst and consulting company i2s carried out together with the fair CRM-Expo survey.
particular the areas of mobile CRM, order management and marketing automation are among the users high on the priority list. The areas of customer care and customer acquisition are among the companies high on the priority list, which is also reflected in their willingness to spend. Accordingly, companies also define the orientation of their CRM project: The objectives are better data, more sales, opening new markets and new customers. The software will be selected on functionality, followed by price and acceptance in the departments. There
success factors
a downer it to providers. Overall user satisfaction with their CRM software has fallen by a third grade: "Good Minus" is only the result.
order to realize a successful project, 72% of respondents recommended the active involvement of top management. It is highly recommended the inclusion of all affected departments and early Information der gesamten Mitarbeiter.
Verfügbarkeit der Studie
Die Studie ist ab dem 12. Oktober 2010 für 1.750 Euro netto als kommentiertes Powerpoint-pdf bei der i2s bestellbar. Insgesamt umfasst die Untersuchung 102 Slides. Detaillierte Informationen und das Inhaltsverzeichnis sind unter abrufbar.
Autor: Frank Naujoks
Gute Nachrichten für CRM-Anbieter: 51% der insgesamt 245 in Germany, Austria and Switzerland CRM users surveyed plan in the next 15 months to invest in CRM software. This is much higher than the 39% of respondents who have announced in last year's survey their willingness to invest, is the gratifying for CRM vendors result of the Zurich analyst and consulting company i2s carried out together with the fair CRM-Expo survey.
particular the areas of mobile CRM, order management and marketing automation are among the users high on the priority list. The areas of customer care and customer acquisition are among the companies high on the priority list, which is also reflected in their willingness to spend. Accordingly, companies also define the orientation of their CRM project: The objectives are better data, more sales, opening new markets and new customers. The software will be selected on functionality, followed by price and acceptance in the departments. There
success factors
a downer it to providers. Overall user satisfaction with their CRM software has fallen by a third grade: "Good Minus" is only the result.
order to realize a successful project, 72% of respondents recommended the active involvement of top management. It is highly recommended the inclusion of all affected departments and early Information der gesamten Mitarbeiter.
Verfügbarkeit der Studie
Die Studie ist ab dem 12. Oktober 2010 für 1.750 Euro netto als kommentiertes Powerpoint-pdf bei der i2s bestellbar. Insgesamt umfasst die Untersuchung 102 Slides. Detaillierte Informationen und das Inhaltsverzeichnis sind unter abrufbar.
Autor: Frank Naujoks
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Microsoft CRM-Online ante portas
Mehr als 360 Unternehmen in Deutschland haben sich für die seit September verfügbare Online-Version von Microsoft Dynamics CRM bereits registriert. Das Release 5, dass im November zuerst online in 40 Ländern weltweit verfügbar gemacht werden soll, greift vollständig auf das Datenmodell von Outlook zurück. Zwei Monate later, follow the on-premise version.
The success of the online version would not be detrimental to the pricing, accompanied by the launch of Microsoft. In the first year of the price at 31 euros per user per month and will be the partner receives a margin of 40 percent.
Microsoft is very aggressively the CRM online market with the new version.
particular provider like are likely to feel the pressure on prices. But Oracle Siebel installations, particularly in call centers are being targeted by Microsoft to move customers to switch to the solution of the Redmond company. The partners will support the path in the CRM Cloud well, for the average Loss of service days was estimated at only 5 percent on a license sale. Microsoft estimates that the online share will be 50 percent.
customers that have a volume license agreement, benefit from the inclusion of online CRM applications and can easily switch from the online version to the on-premise version. Technologically, both versions are identical and use the Outlook data model, so that even for the online version of an offline operation. Microsoft guarantees an availability of 99.9% and operates the solution for Europe in its own data center in Dublin.
Author: Frank Naujoks
Mehr als 360 Unternehmen in Deutschland haben sich für die seit September verfügbare Online-Version von Microsoft Dynamics CRM bereits registriert. Das Release 5, dass im November zuerst online in 40 Ländern weltweit verfügbar gemacht werden soll, greift vollständig auf das Datenmodell von Outlook zurück. Zwei Monate later, follow the on-premise version.
The success of the online version would not be detrimental to the pricing, accompanied by the launch of Microsoft. In the first year of the price at 31 euros per user per month and will be the partner receives a margin of 40 percent.
Microsoft is very aggressively the CRM online market with the new version.
particular provider like are likely to feel the pressure on prices. But Oracle Siebel installations, particularly in call centers are being targeted by Microsoft to move customers to switch to the solution of the Redmond company. The partners will support the path in the CRM Cloud well, for the average Loss of service days was estimated at only 5 percent on a license sale. Microsoft estimates that the online share will be 50 percent.
customers that have a volume license agreement, benefit from the inclusion of online CRM applications and can easily switch from the online version to the on-premise version. Technologically, both versions are identical and use the Outlook data model, so that even for the online version of an offline operation. Microsoft guarantees an availability of 99.9% and operates the solution for Europe in its own data center in Dublin.
Author: Frank Naujoks
Sunday, October 10, 2010
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The truth about "investment counsel" Martin Arendt
Seit über 10 Jahren wütet der selbsternannte "Anlageanwalt" Martin Arendts aus Grünwald bei München bereits gegen verschiedene Unternehmen der Finanzbranche – insbesondere jedoch gegen die Fonds und Verantwortlichen der Oberhachinger ALPINA-Gruppe. Sonderlich erfolgreich ist er dabei jedoch nicht, denn fast alle Fälle enden vor Gericht mit einem Fiasco for the investors he represents. And in truth it does this "Ehrenberufler" not always very accurate.
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"Investment Lawyers" - riveting in black robes
lawyers to clients fishing
lawyers are increasingly using consumer protection groups to catch clients that they themselves have initiated.
The self-appointed "Verbraucherschützer" klingeln im Auftrag der Anwälte sogar an der Haustür von Sparern, um sie zu aussichtslosen Prozessen zu drängen.
Die Methoden bei der Jagd nach Mandanten sind vielfältig – und dabei immer häufiger leider auch ungesetzlich. Verstöße gegen das Bundesdatenschutzgesetz, z. B. bei der Beschaffung von Anlegeradressen für Werbeschreiben, unerlaubte Werbeanrufe, sog. " Cold-Calling ", zur Mandantenakquise, unerlaubte bzw. wettbewerbswidrige Werbung oder Verstöße gegen das anwaltliche Werbeverbot – die Liste der unseriösen und teilweise gesetzeswidrigen Praktiken ist lang.
Certain media, especially so-called "Investor Protection Publications" always turn out to clients seeking investment partners as popular prosecutors.
example, cooperated Grünwalder lawyer Martin Arendt years intensively with the late, several relevant sentenced journalist and
self-styled "consumer advocates" Heinz Gerlach ( Wikipedia ), which, if required, one or others complain supporting "advice" provided regularly and as an accompanying measure to the extent the law firm Arendt strenuous action waves reporting on contributing. While Arendt RA was based on his complaints include the reports made by Gerlach, who reported in its online business service activities Arendt diligently over the court. Alternative suppliers to the quasi-reciprocal basis for this lucrative activity.
According to this simple, but by looking for the affected investors is difficult to knit the pair campaigned for example, for over 10 years against the Oberhaching ALPINA Group . An indication that Arendt's attorney, with one exception, all in the last 10 years brought by him against the ALPINA funds and their managers lost processes and it has cost his clients a lot of money, they looked in the statements made by Gerlach in vain.
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clients advertising on forbidden "Cold- Calling the action
lawyers is to target advertising to clients prohibited by law (§ 43b BRAO). And reputable law firms have such a thing even simply not necessary .
Those that seem necessary but have often choose the path of a "technical contribution" disguised advertising on the Internet and use it in this connection, also like the fee-based promotional offer from Google Adwords. Once and for so-called "Ehrenberufler" more than questionable business practices.
Some firms, such as that of the self-proclaimed "investment counsel" Martin Arendt in Grünwald near Munich, that's enough but apparently not yet - and so you share in the ongoing hunt for new customers nor any of it, by potential clients with unsolicited phone calls - bother - that illegality "Cold Calling".
In one case documented here an employee of the firm Arendt an investor harassed beaten for 17 minutes on the phone and tried to persuade it to instruct the firm to Arendt's own first and also (!) - Almost acquire more investors for this - as a "Headhunter".
concerned should report immediately in cases of dubious and unlawful advertising clients complaint.
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raged lawyers crowding-out. On the hunt for new clients investors appear to be easy prey.
coming year eight times as many young lawyers from universities such as engineers. A frantic crowding makes clients to drive game. Investors are apparently easy prey - and thus created a very special lawyer-species "Plant lawyers.
always advertise them aggressively to clients. Their advantage is unfortunately seldom so strong as to make the generous promises of the plant believe lawyers - and the complaint is costly.
one wins but always - that the lawyer about his fees, he conceded, of course, even if the practical and often quite a chance 'actions ultimately end up in court with a loss of clients lured with false promises.
The methods of hunting clients are diverse - and more often, unfortunately, abuse of rights. Violations of the federal Privacy Act, for example in raising investor addresses for mail promotions, unlawful telemarketing calls, so-called "cold calling", to the client acquisition, unauthorized or anti-competitive advertising or violations of lawyer advertising ban - the list of dubious and sometimes illegal practices is long.
Some, such as RA Martin Arendt from Grünwald near Munich, initiate, for the purpose of advertising clients even systematic character assassination campaign - mostly on the Internet - and fear neither before nor slander back from deliberate slander.
turns out the bottom line, the power of an "investment counsel" and bringing an expensive action in many cases, own goal for the agitated investors.
why should it be, before the appointment of a lawyer always first seek further information from other sources and not blindly rely on the grandiose promises.
In any case, you should make before the commission, an investment lawyer familiar with his track record. Did the firm already represented investors against the provider? And if so, how these processes are considered?
lawyers are obliged to inform their clients about the process to true prospects. A lawyer who has his clients aware of the process in the dark prospects of this intentionally or even falsch darstellt, kann dafür haftbar gemacht und zu Schadensersatz verpflichtet werden ( OLG Koblenz, Aktenzeichen 12 U 315/05 , BGH, IX ZR 52/02 )
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liable: Dubious "Investment attorneys" to make himself liable for damages
Vor der Beauftragung eines Anlageanwaltes sollte man sich grundsätzlich zunächst mit dessen Erfolgsbilanz vertraut machen. Hat die Kanzlei bereits Anleger gegen den entsprechenden Anbieter (Bank, Fondsinitiator, Versicherungsgesellschaft) vertreten? Und wenn yes, those procedures to the clients were crowned with success?
A lawyer is obliged to inform its clients before legal action to truthfully about his chances. A lawyer who has his clients aware of the process prospects in the dark or even intentionally misrepresents these can be held liable and obliged to pay compensation (see in particular the following judgments).
A lawyer may not allow the clients about the real opportunities and risks in the dark and vast promise of success, when in fact a very substantial risk of loss exists process.
Where a complaint shows no prospect of success, then it is a violation of employment contractual obligations of the lawyer when he tells the client , that the action was overwhelming chances of success.
The lawyer must therefore advise against legal action if the action has virtually no chance of success.
Does he not violated his duties and shall replace any damage arising therefrom.
Is the claim or defense futile against an action, the discourage law clearly because of the cost risk of the complaint.
( BGH, IX ZR 52/02 )
Many lawyers for investment often over the years dozens, even hundreds, of more or less identical case against the same old provider - and produce for their clients often defeats on the assembly line.
So for example "investment counsel" Martin Arendt in Grünwald near Munich over 94 percent of all in the last 10 years against him by the Oberhachinger ALPINA-Gruppe angestrengten Verfahren verloren – was ihn jedoch nicht daran hindert, auch heute noch nahezu gleichlautende Klagen einzureichen, in deren seit Jahren weitgehend identischem Wortlaut lediglich Name und Anschrift der Anleger ausgetauscht werden. Minimaler Aufwand – maximaler Ertrag … für den Anlageanwalt versteht sich, denn dessen Honorar bemißt sich nicht nach dem Erfolg, sondern stets nach dem Streitwert.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
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Arendt-client sentenced to imprisonment
Wer sich auf die Dienste von Rechtsanwalt Martin Arendts aus Grünwald bei München verlässt, könnte u. U. eine böse und vor allem teure Überraschung erleben. So it was certainly in the past more than one client of the firm Arendt.
And not just in the capital markets, where Mr. Arendt for his clients series of court defeats in produced, but also on other areas of law.
Thus boasted lawyer Arendt, according to his own admission, a specialist in Banking and Investment Law, "and for" sports betting and gambling "- a truly adventurous combination - in January 2009, yet full-bodied with being a supposedly watertight approach quite safe house raffles in Germany entwickelt zu haben.
Noch im Herbst vergangenen Jahres gab sich der selbsternannte „Glücksspiel-Spezialist“ siegessicher und brüstete sich in diversen Internet-Foren und Web-Blogs mit diesem angeblich rechtssicheren Konzept.
Allerdings laufen die meisten Google-Fundstellen zu diesem Thema mittlerweile ins Leere – denn Herr Arendts hat seine selbstbeweihräuchernden Werbeinträge zwischenzeitlich fast alle verschämt wieder gelöscht. Warum? Weil sich das vermeintlich so geniale Konzept schlicht als fataler Rohrkrepierer erwiesen hat (siehe unten).
Nur in der Online-Presse wird man noch fündig auf der Suche nach den vollmundigen Promises of "gaming specialist" Arendt - for example, on world online.
for one of his clients, for which he had invented the supposedly "legally sound approach," concluded that "gambling" but finally before the bar of the District Court of Munich I , where he wg. responsible illegal gambling and a commercial fraud in 18 294 cases had and finally to two years imprisonment has been condemned as a. .
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Bauernfängerei of "investment lawyers"
In recent years, as more dubious methods of lawyers in getting investors to watch as clients. Journalists describe the practices of these so-called "investment lawyers" in part as "farmer catches rhymes Thoden.
violations of the federal Privacy Act in the procurement of investors addresses, Cold-calling clients for acquisition, violations of lawyer advertising and prohibition of deliberate character assassination - the List of unscrupulous and sometimes illegal practices is long.
Oliver Renner , himself a lawyer and board member of the ' Rights Forum Financial Services Association ', Hamburg, capital markets specialist and longtime connoisseur of the industry, has made it his mission to provide education and to clean one's profession of those black sheep.
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quantity instead of quality
Greedy 'investor advocates "pushing thousands of the financial crisis battered investors to complaints, the dubious prospects of success. The 'Business Week' ruthlessly revealing how these lawyers are working angle.
Questionable newsletters, partnerships with alleged "investor protection", action waves, despite the poor prospects of success - in light of such questionable law practice is for investors: If you are contacted unbidden, it is by law firms themselves or so-called "investor protection associations," is distrust announced, especially when the author said akuten Handlungsbedarf vorgibt.
Einige Kanzleien, wie z.B. die des selbsternannten "Anlageanwaltes" Martin Arendts aus Grünwald bei München, scheuen dabei sogar vor übelsten Drückermethoden nicht zurück und belästigen potenzielle Mandanten mit ungebetenen Telefonanrufen – betreiben also gesetzeswidriges "Cold-Calling" zur Mandanten-Akquise.
Betroffene sollten in solchen Fällen auf jeden Fall zunächst weitere Informationen einholen und sich keinesfalls blind auf großspurige Versprechungen verlassen.
In Fällen, in denen sich die "Anlageanwälte" und "Schutzvereine" bei der Mandanten-Werbung ungesetzlicher Methoden bedienen (z. B. Verstößen gegen das Bundesdatenschutzgesetz zur Adressgewinnung für Werbeschreiben oder gar Cold-Calling) empfiehlt es sich darüber hinaus, umgehend Anzeige zu erstatten.
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