Sunday, October 10, 2010

Saw Palmetto For Alopecia Universalis

"Investment Lawyers" - riveting in black robes

lawyers to clients fishing

lawyers are increasingly using consumer protection groups to catch clients that they themselves have initiated.
The self-appointed "Verbraucherschützer" klingeln im Auftrag der Anwälte sogar an der Haustür von Sparern, um sie zu aussichtslosen Prozessen zu drängen.

Die Methoden bei der Jagd nach Mandanten sind vielfältig – und dabei immer häufiger leider auch ungesetzlich. Verstöße gegen das Bundesdatenschutzgesetz, z. B. bei der Beschaffung von Anlegeradressen für Werbeschreiben, unerlaubte Werbeanrufe, sog. " Cold-Calling ", zur Mandantenakquise, unerlaubte bzw. wettbewerbswidrige Werbung oder Verstöße gegen das anwaltliche Werbeverbot – die Liste der unseriösen und teilweise gesetzeswidrigen Praktiken ist lang.

Certain media, especially so-called "Investor Protection Publications" always turn out to clients seeking investment partners as popular prosecutors.
example, cooperated Grünwalder lawyer Martin Arendt years intensively with the late, several relevant sentenced journalist and
self-styled "consumer advocates" Heinz Gerlach ( Wikipedia ), which, if required, one or others complain supporting "advice" provided regularly and as an accompanying measure to the extent the law firm Arendt strenuous action waves reporting on contributing. While Arendt RA was based on his complaints include the reports made by Gerlach, who reported in its online business service activities Arendt diligently over the court. Alternative suppliers to the quasi-reciprocal basis for this lucrative activity.
According to this simple, but by looking for the affected investors is difficult to knit the pair campaigned for example, for over 10 years against the Oberhaching ALPINA Group . An indication that Arendt's attorney, with one exception, all in the last 10 years brought by him against the ALPINA funds and their managers lost processes and it has cost his clients a lot of money, they looked in the statements made by Gerlach in vain.


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