raged lawyers crowding-out. On the hunt for new clients investors appear to be easy prey.
coming year eight times as many young lawyers from universities such as engineers. A frantic crowding makes clients to drive game. Investors are apparently easy prey - and thus created a very special lawyer-species "Plant lawyers.
always advertise them aggressively to clients. Their advantage is unfortunately seldom so strong as to make the generous promises of the plant believe lawyers - and the complaint is costly.
one wins but always - that the lawyer about his fees, he conceded, of course, even if the practical and often quite a chance 'actions ultimately end up in court with a loss of clients lured with false promises.
The methods of hunting clients are diverse - and more often, unfortunately, abuse of rights. Violations of the federal Privacy Act, for example in raising investor addresses for mail promotions, unlawful telemarketing calls, so-called "cold calling", to the client acquisition, unauthorized or anti-competitive advertising or violations of lawyer advertising ban - the list of dubious and sometimes illegal practices is long.
Some, such as RA Martin Arendt from Grünwald near Munich, initiate, for the purpose of advertising clients even systematic character assassination campaign - mostly on the Internet - and fear neither before nor slander back from deliberate slander.
turns out the bottom line, the power of an "investment counsel" and bringing an expensive action in many cases, own goal for the agitated investors.
why should it be, before the appointment of a lawyer always first seek further information from other sources and not blindly rely on the grandiose promises.
In any case, you should make before the commission, an investment lawyer familiar with his track record. Did the firm already represented investors against the provider? And if so, how these processes are considered?
lawyers are obliged to inform their clients about the process to true prospects. A lawyer who has his clients aware of the process in the dark prospects of this intentionally or even falsch darstellt, kann dafür haftbar gemacht und zu Schadensersatz verpflichtet werden ( OLG Koblenz, Aktenzeichen 12 U 315/05 , BGH, IX ZR 52/02 )
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