Monday, October 18, 2010

Kodak Colorburst Film Compatible

Lawyer Arendt's problems with truth

for the self-proclaimed "investment counsel" Martin Arendt from the Upper Bavarian Forest Green seems an appropriate means to lie if it serves their own dubious purposes, or is likely to fill his wallet. Anyway, he balks in his speech back in court as little as the Internet in its advertising.

Sun he claims, for example, on his website for years possibly against their better knowledge, managed by our house Fund was allegedly caused by damage to parts of the liquidity reserve temporarily as a fixed- and daily allowance in 2003, was created in liquidation BFI Bank.
that this is not the case, but clearly from the fund balances for the relevant years. And that he is aware of these is the fact shows that even these he has presented in several matters as attachments with the court. It is probably safe to assume that only a lawyer submits to the court documents, whose contents he knows. In addition, Mr. Arendt has in each year personally participated in the meetings of shareholders of the Fund, to which was discussed in detail on this subject.
Thus it is demonstrated that for at least 6 years (!) Announced that the fund from the bankruptcy of the bank, not a single cent BFI has arisen to damage because the money had been taken off long before its collapse there.
This does not prevent him having to claim for the purpose of advertising clients on his website to this day the exact opposite . a blatant lie so that only serves the purpose to intimidate investors by these deliberately and against better knowledge alleged possible losses and deceives both the ALPINA management in the vicinity of the wg. Fraud and embezzlement convicted founder of ERI Bank advances, with those responsible our house had not the least to do.

But that's not enough. Not even in court shuns Mr. RA Arendt back from deliberate lies.
In a civil case are in principle required all parties to present accurate. This applies also to the lawyers involved, which are ultimately self-organs of justice. Mr. Arendt's shears the RA but obviously not great.

He has, for example 2007 i n proceedings before the Higher Regional Court of Munich (Ref. 6 U 1851/06), and thus IN WRITTEN record, deliberately and against better knowledge stated that he had in 2000 still does not deal with possible errors in the prospectus prospectuses of our house, although in 2000 one of these brochures, which he allegedly would not have employed him on the alleged prospectus can analyze errors and had had this at that time also provided in writing. With so committed to tell deliberate infringement of the obligation, to court the truth, RA Arendt was not only himself but also his clients a possible prosecution for attempted fraud process out.

Absolutely not unique. He wore such as 2009 in a proceeding before the Regional Court Munich I (Ref. 35 O 25839/09), also IN WRITTEN and thus on record, before, he had all the processes in which one of our fund companies sue, which he represented, defaulting contributors was going on, wins.
Once completely ignoring the fact that this brazen assertion in the face of devastating for Mr. Arendt's overall record of ever deprived of it against our company processes carried out, is a certain comic, is also here once more a outright lie , wie selbstverständlich anhand einer Vielzahl entsprechender Fälle dokumentiert ist. Und auch in diesem Fall setzt er wieder einmal völlig skrupellos die ihm anvertraute Mandantschaft vorsätzlich den strafrechtlichen Konsequenzen eines zumindest versuchten Prozessbetruges aus .

Ein wahrer "Dauerbrenner" im Lügen-Arsenal des Herrn Arendts ist die von ihm seit nunmehr bereits über 10 Jahren gebetsmühlenartig und wider besseren Wissens aufgestellte Behauptung, unsere Fonds wären aufgrund angeblich "hoher Kosten" nicht in der Lage, Gewinne zu erzielen. Eine nachweislich falsche Tatsachenbehauptung , vor der er jedoch nicht zurückschreckte, sie auch schriftsätzlich in introduce almost any legal proceedings in recent years.
Apart from the fact that this claim is so ludicrously already, because our funds have always proven to quote the lowest market include this claim in two independent reports
is disproved. Both reports are shown to Mr. Arendt's known since they were already the subject of legal disputes, in which he was involved. Again, it is therefore deliberate lies and in cases in which he has presented to this court to at least tried to process fraud .


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