lawyers is to target advertising to clients prohibited by law (§ 43b BRAO). And reputable law firms have such a thing even simply not necessary .
Those that seem necessary but have often choose the path of a "technical contribution" disguised advertising on the Internet and use it in this connection, also like the fee-based promotional offer from Google Adwords. Once and for so-called "Ehrenberufler" more than questionable business practices.
Some firms, such as that of the self-proclaimed "investment counsel" Martin Arendt in Grünwald near Munich, that's enough but apparently not yet - and so you share in the ongoing hunt for new customers nor any of it, by potential clients with unsolicited phone calls - bother - that illegality "Cold Calling".
In one case documented here an employee of the firm Arendt an investor harassed beaten for 17 minutes on the phone and tried to persuade it to instruct the firm to Arendt's own first and also (!) - Almost acquire more investors for this - as a "Headhunter".
concerned should report immediately in cases of dubious and unlawful advertising clients complaint.
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